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Everything posted by Red-Dog

  1. Comic strip Bhah

    Cheers boy's i've flown my first mission and took about 30 screen shots so give me a couple of days and the first installment will be ready.
  2. Hi all, Just wondered when playing 'DiD' rules how do you know who your witnesses are when filling in the claims form? I've nearly always had my claims rejected due to lack of witness confirmation which got me to thinking who is the witness? I've always put my wingman down as i thought he would be the one near by to see the action, but after getting 70% of my claims rejected i decided to pause the action and put the labels on to see who was best placed to see my kill and in most case's it's not your wingman!
  3. Aaaargh!

    I've given up skining because i am coming out in rashers? it could be swine flu so i have been on the phone for 2 hours trying to get the help line, but all i seem to get is Crackling.....
  4. Aaaargh!

    I did the same mate with my Von Hippel Albatros,i thought i had checked every skin but must of missed it.
  5. Who's the witness?

    Cheers mate,now i know why so many of my claims get rejected.
  6. Who's the witness?

    Can you put more than one name in the witness box olham?
  7. Beautiful jammer,you did the man justice.
  8. Hey Skinners...ever noticed?

    How cools that mate,i will start to take more notice when i'am parking up from now.
  9. Just getting started

    Welcome aboard Black Night
  10. It's a reached blighty :yes:
  11. Claim Form Info.

    Hi Barkhorn, i found that you also need to make sure that one of your buddies are close by, if you break off and go out of sight like i've been doing most of your claims will get rejected.
  12. After 25 missions,14 claims,6 confirmed kills,1 medal and 16.5 hours of flying 'Did' my lateist and best pilot to date died in a take off accident.I'am gutted after nursing my Nieuport babe around the sky like it was part of my family for 2 weeks then for this to happen,it's like losing a best friend. Life's a bitch. Better get a new friend.
  13. File Name: Flying billboard File Submitter: Red-Dog File Submitted: 28 Apr 2009 File Updated: 20 Oct 2009 File Category: Aircraft Skins zip.file.Original art work by OBD Click here to download this file
  14. Flying billboard



    zip.file.Original art work by OBD
  15. A bad day at black rock...

    Hi Siggi, Yes just after i was confirmed dead at the scene by the ground crew, my letter came saying 6 kills had been confirmed,and heres a medal.
  16. A bad day at black rock...

    A classic Uncleal.
  17. A ture British dish Olham is Doner kabab after a night out on the town with Stella.......
  18. A bad day at black rock...

    I was getting on great with it ,the only thing was the take offs,always seemed to dip a wing and this time it caught me out... My new mans in a 16 so we will see if it runs in the family.
  19. A bad day at black rock...

    Cheer's Olham, it just proves you need to have your wit's about you at all times. New pilot on his way from the station as we speak. Just got airborne and the port wing tip hit the ground.
  20. File Name: Dragon Albatros jasta 5 Ltn Joachim Von Hippel File Submitter: Red-Dog File Submitted: 26 Apr 2009 File Updated: 20 Oct 2009 File Category: Aircraft Skins zip file. Original art work by OBD Click here to download this file
  21. Version


    zip file. Original art work by OBD
  22. Here's a German dragon. Ltn Joachim Von Hippel Jasta 5...

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