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Everything posted by Red-Dog

  1. Plane choice & skins

    Sorry Olham i forgot about that.I always start at the earlist date possible.
  2. Some nice shots of the terrain detail within the game.This is over Corcieux the french sector.
  3. Custom skins.

    Hi, Your whole sqd will get any skin you download.
  4. Plane choice & skins

    Hi Beerthrity, i belive you can only fly the plane that your sqd had in campaing,you will get the chance to fly their other aircraft if you last long enough. You can down load skins from the skining link if you won't to. If you fly QC then you can try any aircraft from your side just about.
  5. I think the off claim board must be involved.I had 3 claims and none got confirmed?
  6. Captured Camel

    Nice one mate.we might start a new trend.
  7. Italian built Nieuport 11 (originally Ni.1615) captured by the Austro-Hungarians and repaired. The new fabric on this machine was transluscent. All the crosses except those under the lower wings have white backgrounds, and there are no crosses under the upper wings
  8. Just been looking at a web site that had a nuieport 11 in German markings.This got me thinking,what if i skin a nuieport and save it as a 'Albatros' for example would i be able to fly it as a jasta aircraft.
  9. Captured nuieport

    Thanks chaps,i wont be try that then? in campaign anyway.i'll post a pic when i've done the skin.
  10. OFF Review - on Motors TV

    I don't know what happens to the proceeds from the game,but you better get a bigger bucket ready after this.
  11. Another outstanding job.This sim just gets better.Thanks
  12. Uber Flak

    Hi sgha, i'am with olham,what i try to do is aim for the last flak burst which will have you zig-zaging anyway.
  13. While on a routen mission today at 10,000ft,i found myself going into some heavy cloud.Now expecting to get tossed about and end up in a red haze like all the other times i've entered these white monsters i held my breath? but instead of going into a downard spin the aircraft went spining upwards.This is the first time this as happend,i gained 1000ft before getting it under control.As this happened to anyone else?
  14. Hi all, once again on a ballooon busting mission i got shot to bits before i got 800yards in at the target....Just wondered if anyones found the ideal method for destroying them yet.
  15. Hi Krasny, it will be the best money you've ever spent.Cheep at twice the price. I must of spent £200-300 on flight sims over the years that i play for a month or two then get bored, with this i havent even cracked the surface yet and i've been playing every day for the last 2 months..
  16. Thanks guy's i've been doing the level run in,i will try the dive and zoom tactic next time.
  17. Thanks mate. I'am starting to get the hang of it now.
  18. Well done Louvert, Siggi if you read this.Are we using your kill board again?
  19. Thanks Olham, not bad for a first try.This will be great fun.My little boy thinks its my Great granddad.
  20. I got my wingman does that count.......

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