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Everything posted by Red-Dog

  1. Who knows why ?

    I'll post the answer tomorrow.
  2. Some of you might find this a good site. http://albertball.homestead.com/Aircraftflown.html Enjoy....
  3. P3 is by far the best sim i've ever flown,and to the dev team you should all get some sort of award for your work over the years. to quote the man himself"never as so much been owed by so many to so few"
  4. Albert ball

    I've done quite alot of reading up on ball since i was a kid, i only live about a mile away from where he was born so he was my hero. I know from what i've read that he loved his nieuport and was none to happy when he was posted to 56sqd with the SE5.

    I've put it onto one of the joystick buttons,it's alot easier to snap that kodak moment.......
  6. I had the same concern in a scramble, but like Olham says you don't need the map...
  7. I've just changed sides after my latest pilot got killed.Gone all french this time with Capitain ( Jac-Lalad ) who's flying with N3 esc in 1916. Flown 6 missions and haven't seen hair or tail of a enemy aircraft ? I don't think it's v1.28 because i've been using it for my last man. As any one else had this happen?, I'am not to bothered because my new mans stats are looking good for flying time...... 17/1/1916 8h22 Marne Breuil-le-Sec Scramble Flying: Nieuport 11 Bebe Flying time 54 mins R:100 17/1/1916 12h37 Marne Breuil-le-Sec Reconnaisance Flying: Nieuport 11 Bebe Flying time 60 mins R:100 18/1/1916 8h59 Marne Breuil-le-Sec Patrol Behind Friendly Front Lines Flying: Nieuport 11 Bebe Flying time 48 mins R:100 18/1/1916 13h21 Marne Breuil-le-Sec Patrol Enemy Front Lines Flying: Nieuport 11 Bebe Flying time 50 mins R:100 19/1/1916 8h33 Marne Breuil-le-Sec Airfield Defense Flying: Nieuport 11 Bebe Flying time 45 mins R:100 19/1/1916 12h42 Marne Breuil-le-Sec Artillery spotting Flying: Nieuport 11 Bebe Flying time 122 mins R:100
  8. Thanks mate.... I will get some more flying time in before i'am put to the test.
  9. Must of posted by mistake sorry every one.
  10. 17/1/1916 8h22 Marne Breuil-le-Sec Scramble Flying: Nieuport 11 Bebe Flying time 54 mins R:100 17/1/1916 12h37 Marne Breuil-le-Sec Reconnaisance Flying: Nieuport 11 Bebe Flying time 60 mins R:100 18/1/1916 8h59 Marne Breuil-le-Sec Patrol Behind Friendly Front Lines Flying: Nieuport 11 Bebe Flying time 48 mins R:100 18/1/1916 13h21 Marne Breuil-le-Sec Patrol Enemy Front Lines Flying: Nieuport 11 Bebe Flying time 50 mins R:100 19/1/1916 8h33 Marne Breuil-le-Sec Airfield Defense Flying: Nieuport 11 Bebe Flying time 45 mins R:100 19/1/1916 12h42 Marne Breuil-le-Sec Artillery spotting Flying: Nieuport 11 Bebe Flying time 122 mins R:100 As anyone else been flying with N3 Esc 1916 and had this happen.it makes my pilot look good with reguards to his log book though...... It's
  11. Any Germams about ?

    Great video uncleal i fly without labels but do use tac
  12. Killboard reports.

    Cheers Siggi.
  13. Logging missions.

    Hi Schlissefahrt, You could always post your log in the "Reports from the front" section of the forum...
  14. Fritz Fryers had his chips.....R.I.P this is his last action.
  15. Patch 1.26 observations and comments

    This sim is just getting better, i'am flying a SE5a and have had nothing but perfect missions,the SE5 flies like a dream,the wing men follow me every where,the enemy shoot me up, i shoot them up, bits coming off all over the place,it's gaming heaven. Well done to all concerned for making the best flight sim ever........
  16. Got my first two Kills today with V1.26, What a difference now, before i would lace a enemy A/C with a full drum and he would just fly on. Not any more as soon i start hitting him bits started flying off the it's great.
  17. I think youv'e got it spot on now, Before v1.26 i couldn't tell if was damaging the enemy a/c or not?,but as soon as i got hit bits flew off all over the place. Now he gets what i was getting so a big thumbs up from me.
  18. Lt Fritz Fryers 1st and 2nd kills (DiD)t
  19. DiD players.

    Great Siggi, My pc won't let me send you a e-mail via the link so i will send it by my aol account....
  20. 1.26

    It just gets better,Thanks to every ones hard work to make our lives a little bit better.
  21. Great stuff mate, this just gets better, thanks to every one who develops this sim......

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