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Everything posted by Red-Dog

  1. Just down loaded the latist Nvidia driver for the 9 series, it's up'd my Frps by 20 so take a look. http://www.nvidia.co.uk/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-uk Thanks Loopy....
  2. Done some more work, i'am i going about this in the right way? I've used a cones and boxes so far to get the basic shape is this correct or will i run into trouble later.
  3. Great start

    A big thanks to Winston for hosting the todays campaign missions.I'am sure i speak for everyone when i say how well organised it was and with all aids on you could chose at what level you wanted to fly. Even the newbies enjoyed it.....
  4. Come on boy's and Girl's we need more MP flyers on this side of the pond? Up to yet on a average we get 4 US flyers to 1 european? So whats the problem? Just think about your wingman being another humam and being able to attack as a unit this is what we all dream of, flying in a WW1 sqd and this is what MP's all about 6/8/10/12 aircraft all working together. I was in to SP big time until i started MP and once youv'e given it a go you won't want to go back, so PM me if you want to try it one on one i will be glad to help.
  5. Updated map

    This is winstons map with some added roads etc,take a look and use if you want. There is no front line.If you like it let me know and i will carry on adding to it. alt_low.zip
  6. Winston's Saturday MP sessions

    You can count me in mate, i need the practice.
  7. Thanks Hairyspin,i did give up but since see the excellent work by Conrad i deciced to keep at it.
  8. Started a Fokker DII,at least this one is starting to look like a crate...
  9. Thanks for all who took part,another fantastic session.
  10. Fair point Ax, we will call it a good day's training then...
  11. Yes Stump, they went well. Are the results to count in the campaign?
  12. Great pic's Olham, nice to have you back.
  13. Enhaced reality settings

    Worked a treat Von Baur thanks mate.
  14. 24 Sqn RFC Online Campaign

    Now thats what you call a good trip.
  15. Well after all the talk about the campaign it got off to the perfect start.With 11 pilots showing up.So a big thanks to Vasco and his volunteers for making it work. No need to retire just yet even if you do spend most of the flight asleep in the back of the crate.
  16. Help

    What would make this happen? can't get it back to original size.......TAC as big as a football
  17. Help

    Thanks boy's i must of messed something up when trying to change the label settings? Doh
  18. Enhaced reality settings

    Hi Von Baur, just tried my new labels and they haven't changed, any idea's? I used "0x1FCCCCCC"
  19. Enhaced reality settings

    Cracking idea Von Baur, It's a good mix , i'am changing my labels as we speak.
  20. 24 Sqn RFC Online Campaign

    Come on girl's , i'am not very good with out labels and way points but if you want to fly arcade get a play station .........
  21. Nice one Winston. It's loaded and ready to roll.
  22. Grid Map

    File Name: Grid Map File Submitter: Red-Dog File Submitted: 19 Dec 2009 File Category: Maps, Missions, and Campaigns This is a grid map for MP mainly use it if you want... Click here to download this file
  23. sopwith strutter 1 1/2 mp version

    Just been up in Stumps Strutter and they were great.Thanks mate.
  24. Grid Map

    Hi Winston, yes you will need the correct map so i'll be doing another if enough of us are going to use it.

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