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Everything posted by Red-Dog

  1. All the best Olham hope it all goes well back home.
  2. Hi Hughesyman, is it only with the 94th or as it happend with other sqds?
  3. Your country needs you. Join Vasco's campaign and you could be the pilot with this in your trophy cabinet. This is a actual RAF tankard from No 8 Sqd based at R.A.F Scampton which was aquired from the officers mess in the 1970's if you would like this for your collection then join up for the Sunday MP campaign. If you are thinking of joining up for a 3 month campaign then please post here so we get a rough idea of the numbers. Campaign date will be 1916, flying for the RFC. Start date 10.1.10 / time 1900 GMT
  4. File Name: Spad V11 Belgium File Submitter: Red-Dog File Submitted: 28 Dec 2009 File Category: Aircraft Skins Thanks to OBD for the original skin. Click here to download this file
  5. Spad V11 Belgium



    Thanks to OBD for the original skin.
  6. Prize for next MP campaign

    Hi Parky, we use the same campaign missions you have just with our own aircraft in.
  7. Hi Jim, i'am not sure if you can order him,what i do is hit the F8 key and take control of the gun while the pilot flies the plane.
  8. Very good Lou, once i've finished touching the ones i've done up a bit i'll post em in the downloads forum.
  9. RFC uniform on a budget!

    Hi Stiffy it's looking good, by the way you look like a fun guy to be around.
  10. Hi ritrahan , i think i know what your on about, if you read the Belgium post on the next page there's a HD1 with twin guns that Stump did so you can do it. Mind you looking at Pols post stump might of made 3rd party model himself.
  11. Fokker DII and DIII

    Hi Vschoell Great pictures mate, i don't know about another model yet just after the patch, but whats good is that more and more pilots are joining the OFF experiance so the more that buy the sim the more the dev's can do and one day we could have the whole lot..
  12. Pedals

    Hi chap's i'am thinking of getting some pedels, just wondered if the benifits out weigh the costs?
  13. Train in my airfield!

    You didn't opt for a Training Mission?
  14. Belgium

    Another name to add to the list, Red-Dog/Roter Hund/Chien Rouge just hope the chinese don't join in....
  15. Belgium

    SPAD VII flown by S/Lt Edmond Thieffry, with the Belgian 5e Escadrille de Chasse, November 1917.Soon to be flying over Belgium fields.
  16. Just working on a Belgium spad and had to take a picture of this sky, it looked amazing.
  17. Merry Crhistmas!

    Cheers Tango and the same to you and your loved ones.See you in the skies soon i hope................

    Your the man Stump.
  19. Belgium

    Here's a quicky. we will soon have a Belgium air force.
  20. Belgium

    I'll try to do the 6th sqd BE2.
  21. Belgium

    Lou i want that book,
  22. Belgium

    Sounds like we need to get skining again chap's
  23. Belgium

    Boy's we already have Belgium nieuport 11's in the skins folder?
  24. planes....

    Hi Duck, i know i'am the other side of the pond" SORRY THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE POND" but i can fly at some doggy hours due to being on shifts so would be more than willing to help you out.

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