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Everything posted by Red-Dog

  1. Boy's boy's boy's, Don't complain about the AI it's you against a computer and even though the computer can think quicker it will never live up to a human player apart from it being a better shot from 1000yards! So if you want better immersion the only option is MP,and then you can see just how good this sim is when your up against another pilot who thinks like you....
  2. Test mission

    Hi chaps, knocked up a mission with some of the new crates in, Now i'am on nights so will be on TS at about 0600 GMT for a test, if any one's around i'll be flying.

    Hi chaps, just tried to host a game with Von Baur and Av8er, they both came up miss-match? I have the 'Hat in the ring' installed they both don't so hang fire before you install.It could be i've done something wrong but we tried with just the camel selected and still the same result.? Thinking about tomorrow with Vasco so beware.....
  4. Expansion Patch

    Hi boy's, just downloaded new add on ' Hat in the ring' one question,if i install will we all miss match on sunday?
  5. New to the game

    Hi Speedy welcome aboard, if you go back a couple of page's there's a topic on veiwing skins.
  6. Don't know what it was but it's sorted it's self out.It was taking a age just to get to my desk top.Tried restore and that came up with the message' Failed'. Thought i give it another go tonight and bingo it's as if nothing had happend?it's working at full speed again.
  7. Buy not available

    I've added it to my start up menu, also making my family do shifts at the pc so i don't miss anything........is this to much do you think.?
  8. I'll be hosting a session at 1900hrs Gmt on 7.12.09. It will be just for fun and to get you started with MP,come on give it a go.
  9. European mp Monday 1900hrs GMT

    Boy's bad news, my computers gone mad, can't get it working.it started playing up last night during the sunday mission,i'am on my Mr's notebook at the moment.If one of you could host it would be great until i can sort it out.It's done this before so i hope it's not termernal....will be in touch A.S.A.P.....
  10. European mp Monday 1900hrs GMT

    Cheers Src , the first of many i hope.
  11. Racing with SpadXIII

    How cool is that, another winner there Duck.

    I'am having my ground crew ready the crate as we speak.
  13. European mp Monday 1900hrs GMT

    Yes Grump, we do it the right way over here....... day/month/year...
  14. I know where your coming from Duke, i deleted every game off my computer and since May have only had Bh&h installed.Is this Sad? or just devotion?
  15. Hi chap's, i can now host MP games so if you've been thinking about trying it i'am on GMT so if you don't do late nights it will be spot on for us this side of the pond.PM me and we can give it a go, you will love it.
  16. Red-Dog can now host

    Hi Olham. we can do what you want, we don't fly against each other in the missions so it's all about team work,But if you prefer every man for himself then we can do that too.You can make your own missions and we can fly them.You could even have the DiD Krauts v crumpets with all of you flying in one mission against each other.
  17. Just took the HD1 up for a spin, it looks beautiful but there is a little problem when the prop spins.....
  18. We have a little problem Stump

    Stump took the HD1 up again and the props fine now?
  19. Another one you get to fly in MP thanks to Stump yet again... HD1
  20. Very cool WW1 video

    Excellent video, the quality is second to none the best i've seen.Thanks
  21. Help hosting

    Well thanks to Sitting duck i am now able to host, we sorted it out last night and it worked so any of the euro boy's that want to fly MP give me a shout.
  22. Help hosting

    Hi Von Baur, i'am the same as you mate,wireless the thing i'am affraid of is if i port foward will it mess the other 3 computers up that use it.?
  23. Viewing Skins

    That just goe's to show how much work goe's in to just 1 aircraft, credit to the devs for the months/years of work so we get our shiney new planes....
  24. Map idea

    Grid map mk2: Each of the main boxes within the grid contain 9 smaller one's 1 2 3 , so by calling the letter and number you could i.d your location to within 8nm. 4 5 6 7 8 9 This is the 1917+6 map we are currently flying.Ready to use if we want.

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