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Everything posted by Red-Dog

  1. Rate Multiplayer Online

    MP then & now. Use to fly CFs2 7 years ago so it's a bit unfair now we've got super fast internet etc, NOW ] i use to be a SP man myself and wouldn't have a word said about it, but since playing MP i have not flown a single SP mission so i guess i'am hooked. Online glitches. ( 7 ) The only thing that spoils the sessions is the freeze up's now and again, but overall no concerns. Ease of joining MP games. ( 10 ) Not had any problems apart from my stupidity Online hosts. (10) The best Types of MP missions being flown. ( 10x 10 ) The sunday missions with Vasco are striaght out of the OFF campaign, so you get the same missions but with human pilots flying along side you.Also most of the time we all fly for the same side so there's no show off's trying to knock you out of the sky every minute.Then you've got Stump,Duck,Ax, and the others that provide us with home made missions which are outstanding and you get to try all sorts of stuff thats not in the standard mission packs. Attitude and behavior of online players. ( 10 x10 ) Every one i've been on MP with are the sort of people you would want if this were real.More of a family than a community. Best of all you get to have your own Ace skin if you make it to 5 kills. If only i could have one of these.
  2. Map idea

    Yes Stump all the maps would need doing.I've got the grid scale down to about 7nm. anyway off to work now so have a good one.
  3. Map idea

    Thats the spirt chap's, if we all have a go then we are taking a step in the right direction so keep your idea's coming.
  4. Map idea

    Cheers boy's, i'll work on it some more. First thing i change is the scale like Mack say's, i'll go for 7 miles sq, this way the Tac should cover the whole grid area.
  5. Olham this site as some good paintings.http://www.first-world-war.com/ww1_british_aviation_print_list.htm
  6. more naval fun

    Very nice Stump, But i hope the barrels are from the latrine and not the mess, i will be needing a stiff drink after taking this one up..... ps. i'am on Ts now.
  7. working on an alternate map

    Hi just overlaid the new map will feed back later but so far so good.
  8. OT - Band of Brothers on Sale!

    My Mrs as just brought me The Blue Max / Ace's High / Fly boys / and the best of all Wings the BBC box set for crimbo and won't let me watch them till then.
  9. ts message

    I tried it yesterday and it worked....
  10. Jasta 4 Online Campaign

    Want to test new Ts channel if so i'll be on in 25mins 1700hrs Gmt
  11. Jasta 4 Online Campaign

    Hi chap's, i think Mac is in DVa.
  12. gotha nite

    Here's a couple of picks from the mission...
  13. MP Sunday

    Nice one Mac, keep up the good work boy's.....
  14. OT Wet Weekend

    Global warming as been happening since time began,we might slow it down but lets face facts climate change is part of the planets life.
  15. On a dark wet winters night what could be more fun than a OFF pylon race....
  16. Spot on Stump yet again.Can't wait to give it a go tonight.
  17. Nice one Kurtz this will come in handy.
  18. Snap rolls?

    I can snap roll most of the crates, first i bank hard then go into a spin and my wings regularly snap off.
  19. Snap rolls?

    Nice video Lou, you handled the crate like a pro.
  20. Cracking post Olham, it's nice to see someones catering for the ww1 modlers out there.
  21. gotha nite

    Hi stump, i'll be able to make friday just give me a time....
  22. Pilots Notes

    Hi chap's just been doing some practice in SP with my Pflaz DIIIa to get to know her a bit better and thought wouldn't it be a good idea to share info on the aircraft we fly. These figure's are not set in stone but this is what i was getting from her. Flying level and at full throttle from 4000ft: Max speed :106mph Stall speed at 10'd of pitch :44mph 20'd :48mph 25'd :58mph Rate of climb 10'd of pitch :932 fpm at a average speed of 92mph 20'd :1492 fpm at a average speed of 73mph 25'd : 1510 fpm at a average speed of 64mph I add to the post as i get more info.
  23. Great stuff fellas!

    Hi Stump i missed you last night had no one to follow? Work comes first it pays the bills, I'am on night shift for two weeks now so i dought if you will see me till friday so keep up the good work..
  24. Great stuff fellas!

    Cheer's Mack, it was a cracking session and like you said very wll organised by the flight leaders.This is the way to go working as a team well done to everyone and roll o next sunday....
  25. RFC uniform on a budget!

    It would suit me fine then because thats what the wife calls me al the time.

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