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Everything posted by Creaghorn

  1. maybe farmans for early war. maybe also barrage balloons.
  2. OT USB Hassle

    . would never happen to me
  3. most important IMO, twoseaters. especially early two seaters for all sides. the primary reason why there was airfight at all. reason why there was airfighting is to prevent reconoissance the other side. they were the primary target. IMO aircraft who are tough to handle and maybe not so popular also belong to the campaign as the more popular ones. if you have a career in a squadron the question was not what somebody wants to fly, but what they got equipped with, and the pilot had to handle with it. if he liked it or not. so tough AC are a hughe part of immersion beeing in a campaign.
  4. Over Flanders Fields - Between Heaven and Hell

    falls es jemand möchte, die zeitungen die in BHAH auftauchen waren zuvor eher spärlich und auf englisch. etwa 20 pro jahr. ich habe 1916/17/18 modifiziert und originale heeresberichte aus der zeit mit eingefügt. auf deutsch und genau an den tagen, wie es damals auch in echt die öffentlichkeit zu sehen bekommen hat. ansprachen des kaisers, wichtige ereignisse, fortschritte der flieger und vieles mehr. von etwa 50 artikeln erscheinen in meinem mod jetzt über 300 artikel. auf deutsch natürlich. habe da auch noch einige andere mods, wie z.B. realistischere effekte aus der distanz, über 1500 deutsche nachnamen für die virtuellen geschwaderkollegen (so kommt es selten zu mehreren piloten gleichen namens). ich kann jedem diesen sim nur empfehlen. den besten computergegner den man derzeit finden kann, und zwar ohne dass man ihm irgendwelche vorteile gibt die man selbst nicht hat, sondern der ist einfach verdammt gut. einer der dir wirklich das fürchten lehrt, und nicht wie meistens, berechenbar und einfach ist. als BHAH herauskam wurde sogar bei den videos vorgeworfen es handele sich um eine aufnahme von einem multiplayer bei der menschen gegen menschen geflogen wären. der realismus ist einfach unglaublich. vor allem seit dem neuen HitR addon bei der jetzt auch windturbulenzen usw. mit eingebaut sind. trackir sind ein absolutes muss. grüsse aus den wolken creaghorn
  5. Am I getting old?

    i agree that dubbed movies are often not as good as the original. but i must say that german dubbing is one of the best and most professional in the world. so good that i sometimes even like more the original voices. i can't imagine watching robert deniro without his german voice, the same for bruce willis. a lot of movies only had such hughe success because of german dubbing, like all bud spencer and terence hill movies. in original they were much less funny and with vewer verbal jokes. same for the series The Persuaders. since it was a flop in most countries, it had a hughe success in germany, because the dubbing put it into another level with it's jokes.
  6. Some Ideas ...

    in my "news" mod you have something similar like this. there are about 100 news for each year. lot of them mentioning what pilot had what success... for example: Heeresbericht Großes Hauptquartier, 25. März. 1917 Westlicher Kriegsschauplatz: Bei klarem Wetter war an der flandrischen und Artois-Front die Artillerietätigkeit lebhaft.Südöstlich von Ypern führten unsere Minenwerfer ein Wirkungsschießen durch; im Anschluß daran vordringende Erkunder fanden die Gräben völlig zerstört und vom Feinde geräumt vor. Bei Beaumetz, Roisel und östlich des Crozat-Kanals trafen feindliche Vorstöße auf unsere Sicherungen, die nach Schädigung des Gegners ihren Weisungen entsprechend auswichen; in einem Gefecht bei Vregny (nordöstlich von Soissons) wurden französische Bataillone verlustreich zurückgeschlagen. Bei Soupir und bei Cerny auf dem Nordufer der Aisne brachen in kraftvollem Sturm unsere Stoßtrupps nach wirksamer Feuervorbereitung in die französischen Linien und kehrten mit 60 Gefangenen zurück. Zwischen Meer und Mosel waren die Angriffe unserer Flieger gegen feindliche Flugzeuge und Erdziele zahlreich. In Luftkämpfen verloren die Engländer und Franzosen 17 Flugzeuge; Oberleutnant Freiherr v. Richthofen brachte den 30., Leutnant Voß seinen 16. und 17. Gegner zum Absturz. or Heeresbericht 28.5.1917 Der Erfolg der roten Geschwader Unsere Kampfflieger hielten reiche Ernte und boten den übrigen Waffen tagtäglich das herzstärkende Schauspiel siegreicher Luftkämpfe. Mochten die feindlichen Flieger den unsrigen an Zahl überlegen sein, an Kühnheit des Angriffs und an Erfolg standen sie weit hinter ihnen zurück. Für immer waren die Zeiten dahin, da der Gegner, wie an der Somme, sich zuweilen gar nicht erst die Mühe nahm, seine Batterien vor dem Angriff auf unsere Linien einzuschießen, sondern sie im Angriff selbst durch zahllose Flieger und Fesselballone, die eine ungehemmte Betriebsamkeit entfalteten, auf unsere sich regende Infanterie oder Sperrfeuer abgebende Artillerie zu lenken wußte. Wie im Jahre 1916 der Name Boelcke diesem ganzen Treiben ein rasches Ende bereitete, so bewiesen diesmal Freiherr von Richthofen und seine Getreuen dem Gegner, daß es mit seinem brutal anmutenden Massenaufgebot nicht getan ist, sondern daß auch im Kriege noch die Qualität ihre Stellung behauptet, die ihr kleinmütige Seelen schon aberkennen wollten. Die moralische Wirkung dieser siegreichen Luftkämpfe, die sich auf dem Hintergrund des lichtdurchfluteten Himmelsgewölbes allen Augen und Herzen zugänglich abspielten, übte auf die Truppe einen sich stets erneuernden begeisternden Einfluß aus. Jeder feindliche Flieger, der abgeschossen wie ein Schmetterling die farbigen Flügel zusammenklappte und als lichterloh brennender Rauchfetzen aus dem Raume, wo er stand, zu Boden fuhr, oder wie in Trunkenheit führerlos durch die Luft zur Erde torkelte, war für Infanterie und Kanonier eine Quelle der Genugtuung, die ihn tröstete: "Nun kämpfst du zum mindesten unter gleichen Bedingungen." Ein Glück, daß unsere Artillerie und unsere Flieger - bei diesen der ebenso bescheidene, wie ritterlich tapfere Rittmeister Frhr. v. Richthofen mit seinem gefürchteten roten Geschwader - mehr und mehr die Oberhand gewinnen: sonst wäre die Lage verzweifelt. but you are right, some kind of killboard, similar to the killboard in your squad. but realistically it should only show the country you are flying for, since the enemy didn't have those informations besides of the very best enemy pilots.
  7. Nitpicks

    therefore you must totally exit OFF completely utterly absolutely, i.e. no OFF running at all, OFF gone to meet it's maker, pushing up daisies, it is an EX-OFF.
  8. Happy Birthday OVS

    what a curse to have x-mas and birthday so close . happy birthday OvS. all the best for you
  9. no convergence option. an option where you can set the spread of the bulletstream. less accurate means the guns are spraying more. normal is quite parallel with some spray, and accurate is as alined like laserbeams.
  10. IMHO this DM is just right. if you hit the right sports, you can down him easily, if not, you can waste lot of ammo (especially in my homebrew without distant impact clues). LvR once wrote that his brother in average needs about 20 hits to down an enemy (talking about hits, not the wasted ammo of course), and he also said that this is rather the hughe exception. from the stats in this DM I need about between 30, 40+ hits to get somebody down, which is realistic IMO. and we all are not MvR or Fonck. i agree that broken wings should more occure because of stressing a damaged wing when out of control, instead of shooting it off. but shooting off wings also happened now and then so i'm ok with that. i like the current DM as it is. it has enough variation. things which IMHO are missing are. -if you have a hole in your petroltank. there should be the danger of igniting or explosion after some time, because very hot petrol is leaking and spraying on a very hot engine. that's why they shut down the engine and glided earthwards. they did not fly with a punctured petroltank. - instant flamers. sometimes a lucky single bullet at the right spot could ignite your engine at once. that's how lufbery died. - if you are burning, you simply shut down your engine and the fire is gone. that's probably a glitch or maybe coded. - if you hit somebody with a melonshot, the out of control-behaviour could be improved, though obviously more a FM thing. - maybe a little more inaccurate AI shooting. the setting in WS say from wich distance they start to shoot, but little more inaccuracy (i don't mean the bulletspread) would be nice. of course no wishlist and P3 is done. just mentioning what might be improved in P4 otherwise i'm completely happy as it is now. very good balanced forgot to mention, a little less accurate shooting of AI would emulate missing buffeting etc. in his FM.
  11. great job with adding options, so everyone can choose the AI he likes. absolutely awesome, devs. i'm your disciple i'm confused a bit about the historical mode. so if i have a campaign from 1916 onwards AI is more like BHAH? you said there is some randomeness. does that mean it can happen that you sometimes run into enemies like BHAH and sometimes like HitR? if so, you also said it's a session thing. does that mean in historical mode, when i start flying a session for some missions i will always run into BHAH AI, and if i start again a session with loading OFF again it might happen in that session i will run into HitR AI as a random thing? or is it that i can in the SAME session run sometimes into BHAH AI and the next mission into HitR AI?
  12. Grounded until further Notice

    i once had a sortie on 24th or 25th of dec.1916. i was stalking a BE2 alone over nomandsland. as i closed in i was sitting at his 6 and could not open fire. i turned away and let him go. it was x-mas. no time for killing. even if it was only virtual date. is this weird? do i need a doctor?
  13. Grounded until further Notice

    so we are urbi et orbi-ing all now. cool
  14. Promotions

    i just got promoted in my twoseater-roland-campaign. started as flieger and got promoted to gefreiter. nothing of interest, BUT it happened after roughly 30h. so it seems the devs tweaked a little and added also a bit more realism to promotions . i'm wondering if they bet among themselves if we'll ever stay long enough alive to find out
  15. Grounded until further Notice

    Sretan Bozic svima!
  16. probably she is the girl, but is it vice versa? typical conversation. she: i have to tell you what happened at work... me: ah, ok (wow, yesterday i almost lost my campaign pilot because of the new buffeting in this dull weather...), tell me. she:...and then i went down the street and... me:aha (this rolands are tough beasts to land, but finally i'm experienced enough so my gunner doesn't have to feel unhappy anymore...), go on. she:...and my mom told me yesterday that... me:...ah, have to visit your parents soon, by the way (i hope i'll survive long enough to fall so i can change to a fightersquad) she:...blah blah blah... me: ah ok. (the recon jobs are getting tougher from week to week. especially deep in enemy territory. and this white flak is great). yes, of course i like your mother! she: what are you talking about? i asked you how your shoulder is doing!!! me: oh, ahem. yes... sorry
  17. Historical AI question...

    maybe they overlooked your post, maybe they don't know for sure, maybe they won't tell because it would kill immersion. at least i wouldn't like to know when what percentage of which AI it would be. would be the same like telling keywords or other hints how to write claimreports. why don't simply taking it as it comes? just don't forget to run BHAH again after every mission or every now and then.
  18. of course everbody has different tastes, otherwise there wouldn't be so many different pizzas. here some more pics with the difference. mostly i like the scenerie with this mod because it was really a masterpiece and beautyful before, and now it looks a bit more real . at least for me
  19. in this pics posted by dimus the clouds are too glowing and "the fog" like. i tweaked it to look perfect on my rig. if anybody wants to try it, i can send the settings i made. also take a look onto the ground colors. would post more pics to show the difference but my amount of bytes is full.
  20. Questions regarding historical AI

    thank you for answering but sorry, in things like that i have an understanding like a 5 year old child. does "quit the manager" mean to leave and enter again the campaign or restart BHAH completely? if i understood correctly i have to restart BHAH completely.
  21. glad you made it safely, OvS. just drove the two days ago threw a snowstorm like this. was visiting with my girlfriend some friends in a small village. when we arrived the way was already quite slippery and snowy, but when we left sometime during night, it was sheer horror. snow was falling for hours and fresh snow was falling on already wet frozen streets. trucks who put salt on the streets werent there yet, vision bad, windows dirty and i had to plan my steers several meters before, like in a motorboat. and additionally my stupid vagination, ahem navigation system sent me to a highway. no lanes visible. just driving through instinct. my girlfriend was telling stories etc. and i didn't have a clou what she was talking about. too concentrated to stay on the thing where i imagined should be the highway, and listen. i totally understand your need for a whiskey after that

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