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Everything posted by Creaghorn

  1. German voice acting

    usually one couldn't hear in a two seater what the other mate was yelling, so to hear somebody scream in another aicraft is impossible anyway. maybe it was some abience sound at german airfields or maybe in the briefing room, which wasn't used in the final version of BHAH.
  2. German voice acting

    sorry, didn't hear that. neither the allied pilots because they are so terrified to see me on their rear, they usually bail out a split second before i open fire
  3. Awesome Dr.1 in air video ...

    hi womenfly, nice to see you back again. awesome vid. i love this engine sound and doppler effect. could listen to it all day long. it's a shame it's not possible to implement it to BHAH. not yet at least. creaghorn
  4. cool video, from 0:30 on the following couple seconds of the song reminded me of something very familiar from my childhood. something i tried to remember for hours what it is. then it came back to my mind. the knight rider!
  5. it's just an idea, IMHO AI has too sharp eyes. whenever AI is flightleader, he gives the sign to attack enemy aircraft which are not even a pixel yet. he is able to see enemies, before even a black dot appears. maybe they are visible on radar, but definitely not as specks. that's the reason why i chose to always be the flight leader. because then i only attack when i actually see a formation (don't use radar). it's more realistic because i miss a lot of enemies. but the enemy AI still does, so i got often attacked by enemies who have seen me miles before i see them. and if i see an enemy formation it's alomst never a surprise attack. i can live with that. but what would be if the AI sight could be reduced to a distance a real average human (without bionic man eyes) can see? there would be less dogfights, because everybody would pass each other unseen. if there is a dogfight, mostly the combatants get seperated into own smaller dogfights. How often happens one human player loses visual contact to own squadronmates or left enemies and heads for home or continues his sortie (without radar)? the same should be for the AI. but it's not. if their super eyes would be reduced to average human eyes, they would also leave the scenerie and go their way because they simply don't find the enemy automatically. it happened so often i got stalked deep into firendly territory by enemies who could see me and i could not see them. with eyes much reduced they would head home. 1. less enemy contact (as it was in real) 2. more indecisive action and no more fights till the last enemy is destroyed.
  6. Flying in the warm sun...

    really? is there hospital in BHAH? never experienced it, though cool, of course i'll keep then my DiD.
  7. Flying in the warm sun...

    for me flying without anything is the way to go. it's so cool and immersive to search the skies and bend your neck all the time, searching the area below you and above you. beeing concentrated all the time. it's a completely different feeling when spotting a formation by yourself than seeing a white dot in radar. also getting surprised is very cool because very realistic. no labels, no radar, no anything. if i can add some skins or markings or signs into my claimreport, than because i have seen them from my cockpit, never using outsideviews or something like that. i am thinking to go back from DiD to diceroll mode. reason is, on dead is dead you have never a chance to go to hospital. you're dead, or you are alive like nothing has happened. on diceroll mode, when braking apart in midair, and still surviving, hospital or not, i consider my pilot as dead and start a new one. when crashing whilst landing and he's dead, it's ok. but he also has a chance to go to hospital. as long as i know there is no hospital in DiD.
  8. 24 RFC gets a new recruit

    welcome to the show, prophead. you'll love the sim. you'll get addicted... and say a big hello from me to major hawker!
  9. A question about MvR

    one thing what MvR said: "it's never about what type of aircraft one is flying. it's about who is sitting inside." it's the approach someone has when going into a fight. he said, at the beginnning he was just curious what's going to happen now. then, after the 2nd or third kill he had the attitude, this fellow MUST fall, at any circumstances. that's completely different. this attitude, combined with a great sense of SA made him have his kills, even against superior scouts. that's what he taught his squadron mates. to be present. to be aggressive and always put the enemy under pressure. he himself enjoyed the thrill of combat. but most pilots didn't. at some point it became obsessive. not a kill was relevant, this fellow had to burn all the way down. quite understandable IMHO. there are more and more formations, always in superior numbers. at the beginning he spared the lifes of his victims. you find out they tried to shoot at you, still from the ground. no more. you got wounded and now you want to make sure, if one falls he is out of action. no tricks, no another day for the victim. when he goes down, you make sure he's not going up tomorrow. only way to be sure is to make him burn. quite understandable. the approach is the difference. the difference of going at bat with "I know his fastball, I'll smack it right back into his face", or "I have to make sure not to miss..."
  10. very beautiful. you should add to the main page of the new site a big warning. this sim is very addictive, very realistic, makes you leave your dinner cold on the table untouched, makes losing friends, makes you getting problems with you job, makes you looking for specks outside... no, that's no joke. some banner or something with warnings like that makes things more interesting and more curious.
  11. Idea for more indecisive action

    nothing spectacular. 2,2 amd quad core nvidia 260 gtx 3,5 gig ram 22" lg screen my settings are overall: ? (doesn't matter anyway) aicraft txt: 5 terrain: 3 scenery: 3 effects: 5 clouds: 5 fps between 60 and 30 (depends on what's happening) my screen doesn't allow more then 60 fps i think
  12. A question about MvR

    i've red flying fury. mccudden talks about moving back because germans were approaching at times when he still was a mechanic. it was quite early in the war and the frontlines didn't freeze, yet. also when he talked about the morane saulnier and other "old" aircraft, it was at times where they were quite new. it was at times when the eindecker was the new german aicraft. what i mean is from about mid 1917. the longer the war went, the tougher it was for the germans to keep their supplies fluid. i've seen pictures of german aicraft with white tires because of some rubber shortage. there are stories when german mechanics had to dismantle all necessary things off allied wreckages. when german pilots complaint about seeing allied wreckages with brand new, shining, gauges in every single aircraft, whilst they had to use quite spartanic cockpits. there were even times when they were short of paint, so they had to mix the paint they had left somehow to the colours they wanted. however, it's hard to tell who would have been the best of the best. all you can have is given stats. i red somewhere MvR claimed all in all at least 125 aircraft. but so did fonck and others too. but the biggest difference is in the german system you had to prove you had the kill. in early times a kill in enemy territory didn't count at all. you had to show wreckage, witnesses, crashsites, sometimes alltogether because sometimes there were multiple claims and only one can get it. it's known the germans had overall the best recorded and researchable files, so it's proven that the 80 kills of MavR are almost all confirmed by evidence, while the allied way was very much harder really to confirm. so often youd had to beleave what a bishop or others had to say. it's only strange other pilots around him had all the suspicions. a guy, flying in formation with hardly a kill, when going out alone, fighting against jasta's coming back with two or three kills regurlary with no evidence or witnesses. however. fonck, bishop, MvR, udet, guynemer, ball, all of them were great pilots in a league of their own. maybe the best of the best would have been boelcke anyway.
  13. OT Your top 3 aircraft of all time?

    1. albatros dIII 2. tie fighter 3. wonderwoman's invisible aircraft
  14. Idea for more indecisive action

    one thing what reduces eyesight of AI and wich makes less enemy contact and more fights without decision. set your cloud slider to 5. it has not the slightest impact to fps. lot of people here think it's eating up recources. it is definitely not. it looks much better and there are more clouds, more haze and everything. it looks by far more realistic and AI can not see through clouds. i'm doing it for days and it works pretty well.
  15. A close shave for Manfred

    even more often. he said how he on some days found holes in his flying jacket. once even through both of his boots.
  16. A question about MvR

    i think, wether he would have been prisoner of war when he had to land his albatros due to a hit engine, or he would have by far more kills then 80. german claim rules were by far more hard. one pilot one kill, no shared victories. the need of numerous witnesses or wreckage. no "out of control", but evidence of wreckage. for every aircraft he put one hole into to help out, and wolff or LvR or anybody else had the main kill, it would have been shared victories. another thing. the allies never had the problem of shortages, of wingstrut problems, beeing forced to use older parts to repair aircraft, moving around in tents to concentrate the forces because there were so many more allied pilots spread at the front. the allies mostly had the advantage of quantity. always the better scouts (at least since both sides had interrupter gear). the alb dIII, dV have been always inferior to the camels, se5's, pup's, triplanes. only advantage for a period was the two guns of the german scouts. IMHO he would have many more victories.
  17. 91 yrs ago today

    in the documentation where norman franks and some other scientists and a sharpshooter analized the last flight with help of programmers and witnesses and so on, they talked to the guy who was the first person who arrived the crashsite. he was over 100 years old when he got interviewed and he said, he only was able to say "kaputt" and passed away. one must know that nowadays in germany kaputt means only broken related to things, like cars or devices or tv's and stuff like this. but in those days it was also used for living beeings when dead or mortally wounded. i think MvR realized he was about to die and said kaputt, translated into english with the meaning "i am done".
  18. you all supported this game in about 3 month more than others in 10 years. best support i've ever seen yet. there are other games where some communities grow, but they have to hang out alone. not here. someone finds a bug or has improvements, it's fixed. sometimes the very same day. very impressive. personally i don't think one can jugde good or bad sales numbers in 3 month. especially when there was not much advertising yet. it's a thing wich is going to grow slowly and become more interesting, the more time passes. it's going to become cult status as rb3d became. think of paolo coelho and his book The Alchemist. first sales went quite bad. but more and more people talked and heared about it and its salesnumbers increased a year later to record figures.
  19. 91 yrs ago today

    91 years ago the master met his end. not yet. in 39 minutes (11:50 gmt) 91 years ago. he said his final words, lying on the ground fataly wounded. "kaputt". rip mvr
  20. hallo sir, IMHO 4,3 is very very far vision for a WW1 pilot with all his interfering things he has to handle with (dirty googles, vibration, 3 dimensions, wind, coldness...). apart from that you won't change it, but it would be quite perfect between 2 to max 4 (ace 4, average 3, rookie 2, something like that). it's not a matter of when one can see a speck or a pixel. it's a matter of when deciding to attack. with 4 NM one in the air might be able to see specks or not, depends of lot of things. but when he sees it, he has to get close enough to see if friend or foe (ca 2NM), and THEN deciding to attack or to run if two seater. a hughe difference. so at least my opinion ist 4,3 nm is much too good vision. the difference is, you can maybe with a little luck see specks at 4 nm, but you have to get close to at least 2nm to see shapes of aircraft and tell if friend or foe, without seeing any markings. and that's no limitation of hardware. it's quite realistic. but AI knows from 4,3 you're an enemy. that's the problem. the perfect way IMHO was in rb3d. you sometimes could see specks and they sometimes could see you. but only after getting closer there was an attack. i think the different classes had difference sights so better squadrons surprised you more often because they have seen you earlier.
  21. look at the thread Idea for more indecisive action on page 2. that difference would turn a very very good sim into perfect sim from the realism point of view. but as long as i understood it seems to be a difficult tweak or coding.
  22. Any better maps available?

    hi, take a glance at the OFF download section in this forum. there are pretty good maps available with all information you need. creaghorn
  23. that's exactly my philosophy of playing this sim. i try to play it like it's about my life. though it's never going to be that real, but i try all i can to simulate it. my best pilot had more than 60h with 5 kills on DiD because i try to choose when to fight, when to run (toghether with wingmates), as long as i am not forced into a fight. he died because in a dogfight he simply collieded with a wingmate. i don't know how long he would last if the accident did not happen. but that philosophy reflects the real life pilots the most.
  24. Idea for more indecisive action

    totally agree. right now you have about 80% enemy contact when on a sortie because friendly and enemy AI sees everything. that's why you can wrap up 10 kills in 5 flying hours. even the best months of the best aces they never had such kill per hour ratio. i agree with 2-4 NM sight the most. aces will have rather 4 and average and rookies less. might be more boring for some people, but definitely 100% more realistic. and the sim is mostly about realism as much as it can be. on offensives and days where you go up to 3 times a day for hours each sortie, and there was overall much more airtraffic, of course the chance of running into enemies is bigger. that's why aces had some month where they had doublefigure kill numbers, and month with only a handful the most. the more often you are up, the greater the chance to run into enemies, depending on weather and airactivity. that's how it was in real.
  25. OFF P3 is.....

    i chose OK. perfect for me, as it can be, besides AI's bionic eyes and maybe a bit more unreliable guns. great support as always from the dev's. you are the best!

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