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Everything posted by cptroyce

  1. Tracer bullets

    If I'm not mistaken, wasn't incindiary rounds considered a violation of the Hague Convention on Warfare? Then as the war progressed and became what war really is, they were utilized by both sides? Royce
  2. OT: My Great War Library

    Lou- Clearly, you are going to be the "go to guy", when it comes to research ;>) Royce
  3. another new player to OFF

    phoenixhawk 13 - Welcome to OFF! ..from your post, I will predict, that you will be a valued participant in this small, yet growing WW1 sim community. Regards, Royce
  4. Six Five's anyone?

    Same here..tried running all 5's and saw no real difference at all from my current set up of 54453. As for FPS rate I am getting between 45-50-75 currently. I have pointed out before that at least for me, changing the resolution from 1024x768 which I normally always have it set on, to 1440x1920(?) as recommended by someone weeks ago on the forum, increased frame rates by like 15-20fps. More then anything I had ever seen before..works in other sims/games as well. Regards, Royce
  5. Wonderful tutorial Dej. Thanks Royce
  6. I don't know, perhaps it's just me, but the narrative reads just like a report would be from one of our sim pilots. No British colloquialisms, straight forward..would have imagined something else I guess.. Royce
  7. Just a Little Thing, But So Cool

    Didn't know that either..very nice touch by the devs! Royce
  8. For those interested in the story, life and exploits of US Ace Frank Luke Jr.. http://www.indysquadron.com/thestandfrankluke/id3.html Looks like an amazing endevour. Regards, Royce
  9. Mr D- I always thought that Luke's story would make agreat film based on the general facts of his short life and exploits; surprised no one had ever picked up on it. In anycase I'm going to purchase that book myself and see what historically may have actually occured. Regards, Royce
  10. Modding Pilot Name Files

    Inter- Follow this path: C:\OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\campaigns\CampaignData\Pilots and then choose "Pilotdossier2" notepad file. About 3/4 down the file page are the AI squad mates..edit the names as you wish. Easy takes a second. Regards, Royce
  11. OT anyone over 40 remember this?

    Lou- Yeah..those really were the "good ole days"..although, I do love my high tech stuff! Royce
  12. Widowmaker- Thanks for the heads up on Youtube. I think I get BBC TV on my cable..is this a current show or one that has been off the air for awhile? Royce
  13. OT anyone over 40 remember this?

    Uncleal- Geeze, the next thing you'll be posting is "Capt.Midnite" , "The Andy Devine Show", or "Ray Forrest's Childrens Theater". I used to sit in front of our newly marketed TV set and watch the test pattern at 5:30AM until the "Farmers Almanac" came on at 6:00AM! And here we are up to our eyes in Nvidia cards, CPU's and 60" flat screens.... :>) Regards, Royce
  14. RB3D or OFF3

    Ronbo- Just an opinion..I played RB for years (it was my first real PC sim/game foray and I loved it). But if I can make a personal analogy..RB=the great days of high school and OFF = graduate school. If you purchase OFF and even upgrade your rig..take the cost and amoritize it over 5 years..perhaps then it may not look as daunting. Whatever you decide, you wil absolutely love OFF. It concentrates on historical "realism" and hence unpredictable and challenging..what else do we hope for from a WW1 flight sim? ;>) Regards, Royce
  15. Olham- I enjoy that "wacky" Brit humour..what series is that? Is it a BBC TV show? Looks like Benny Hill/Monte Python join the RFC 56th.. Royce
  16. Marvelous---and a few questions

    WonderW- Read the STICKY Tips & Cheats..it a must for new flyers and answers most every question.
  17. You found the right place here Homeboy..you'll love OFF! Your post about the old RB days brought back forgotten memories. LE_Photo(deadly as I recall) LE_Spinny and the others. Also was part of the LE_Albert very moving memorial flyby. Was with the US_95th at the time. 1998-99 if IIRC. As Widowmaker says, >> ...until one day he just slips away into the night..leaving just fond memories! << Regards, Royce
  18. I mentioned this in another thread but perhaps it is appropo here also. If you want to try and add realism and the "element of 1 life survival" to the sim, try the following: Make a promise to yourself that you won't and don't break (need some self control here), that if your pilot gets shot down/killed you will not fly OFF again for a fixed period of time; two-three days a week, whatever will make you "unhappy". Stick to your agreement with yourself. I did this back in my heavy flying Campaign days of RB. If you know that you can't fly your favorite sim for a penalty time period, your flying tactics, approach to the Campaign and enjoyment of the sim, take on a whole new level IMO. This may be too drastic for most, but for those that really like the realism factor..this sort of adds a missing element. Regards, Royce
  19. Small but beautiful things

    I agree as well. The detail of the a/c and beauty of the environment are terrific. Like the pilots of WW1, their descriptions of flying and the sky around them, are as stirring as the fights they encoutered. This is easily duplicated in OFF P3! As the old saying goes: "The devil is in the detail.." and this is after all is, BH& "Hell" Royce
  20. V1.28a will be up tonight...

    Absolutely first rate support!! "Hip, Hip, from all at the mess.." Regards, Royce
  21. Nieuport 28?

    Just to through some historical persprctive on the N28..it wasn't really operational for very long; perhaps 4 or 5 months. When there were enough Spads produced to fulfill the French needs, the continued production were sent to the "Yanks". And as posted above, they did have that "production flaw". Regards, Royce
  22. Well at least I'm not alone! I NEVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER get too many kills..ever. Now with DiD all spiffed up..clearly I'll be D (ead) i (nflight) D (ogfighter)! Royce
  23. It seems that every mission I fly in Campaign has overcast/raining/or snowy weather depending on the month. I never get clear or light clouds. Is there some setting I am missing? I have it on Historical and Dynamic currently. But surely there were clear sunny skies at some point? Any suggestions? Regards, Royce
  24. Weather Settings Problem..?

    WM- Thanks..clear skies on AI Weather Gen..also had the Days lock on off..So thanks all's good now. Regards, Royce

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