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Everything posted by GaryR

  1. mp?

    If you are going to do Co-Op campaign missions let me know, I may give it a go (again)..
  2. Just before I enter a Campaign mission I get a small pop-up with "Unit Data Model name "60sq_gotha" already used!". I click it and the mission loads and all is well. Any idea what is causing this? Thanks!
  3. Haven't Received OFF yet!

    What is the OFF Pilot's Map? Is it viewable?
  4. Winston's Early Birds canceled

    I stepped back a while ago because the net code simply sucks and dogfighting (humans) is a joke. Add to this the "Falcon 4 syndrome", an anomoly i've seen before where there are 200 different versions of a sim causing nothing but grief to internet multiplayer. When Falcon 4 Allied Force came out it was a godsend, ONE version of a sim, everyone on the same page. While it's great OFF is open to modification it isn't great for multiplayer. Even on an untouched, original install I had to spend an hour with Duck downloading and copying his files just to play, yet a week earlier (with no mods or updates added) we were fine! Regardless, all the whining in the world won't change the fact that unless the source code of CFS3 is released AND a super-coder is around that can re-write the connection code this is as good as it's ever going to be. You want real internet multiplayer, gotta look elsewhere...
  5. Can this series be played in Multiplayer?
  6. 26 July, Sunday's Early Birds session

    What time Sunday (US EST)?
  7. LAN Lag

    Yep, I understand that part Ax, he actually sent me the steps to save the missions and use them.
  8. LAN Lag

    It's my understanding that the OFF team has no access to the MP code and can do nothing to re-write it and what it is it will always be. Is this incorrect? After flying sims like Aces High, Falcon 4, IL2, etc. etc. the bad positional data problem just kills the online experience for me. Mig Alley had the same problem, loved the sim but hated it online... It's the Campaign that keeps me flying BHaH, absolutely love it. Now if the MP could be fixed and you could fly a Campaign online I most likely would fly nothing else!
  9. 28 June Sunday Early Birds success!

    Thanks Vasco, that looks like a tutorial to me!
  10. 28 June Sunday Early Birds success!

    Is there a tutorial/instructions anywhere for saving a campaign mission as a MP mission to be played later? Thanks!
  11. Flak guns

    Was pretty wild wasn't it!!
  12. mp game sun 2 edt

    Just hooked up my TIR, not working in game... fine on desktop.. ideas?
  13. Verdun map

    Odd, just went to download it and got a "You have exceeded the maximum amount of downloads allotted to you by the administrator for the day" though I haven't downloaded anything today...
  14. mp mission, sat 7ish edt

    No kidding, took 3 of us with rockets to kill it! Was fun though, thanks Duck..
  15. mp mission, tuesday 830ish edt

    Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been around, been busy with work and now good and sick. Hope to hook up and join you soon!
  16. I saw the new mission post also, hopefully they will be up soon. I have an old utility that does ping, polling, and traceroutes to an IP address called "UOTrace", it was created for the original Ultima Online series of games. Be glad to email it to anyone (only 88K) that wants it, may find it with Google also. The number of Hops to an IP is very telling and the avg. ping showing any dropped packets is important.
  17. Is there a repository of P3 MP (co-op) missions somewhere? Also, i'm a bit lost as to how the whole add-on missions thing works... is there any type of tutorial/walkthrough in getting set up with existing or building new ones? I looked at the builder and quickly exited.
  18. off dog fight competion trial

    I'll add that I laugh my butt off the whole time we do dogfights so don't think for one second I don't have a great time!! I just think, due to the net code in this game and the internet, that a ladder is going to be less than accurate to show who is flying the best.. Too bad the old Aces High "Dawn of Aces" isn't available. Used to be able to do up to 8 plane dogfights free of charge and the netcode was the best in existence... Not the same as P3 but fun and would be an accurate ladder format.
  19. off dog fight competion trial

    Aussie, I think you are pretty accurate with your statement. If all conditions are perfect and everyone is >50ms a dogfight can go well. As soon ast the numbers start to vary all heck breaks loose. I think everyone here knows and has seen the results as you describe them. It's the net code and it's a shame. It was exactly the same with Mig Alley (a game I loved due to the era of jets). You would be on a Mig's butt in a MP dogfight and then you would see orange golf balls (his cannon rounds) flying by you from behind with no one there! I think both games were designed to run on a 10 mbps network back then and the internet, with up to 30 hops between machines, just introduces too many variables. It's too bad the coders from Warbirds and Aces High didn't write the code back then... those sims have some amazing code for mega plane mp online. I'll add that because of the state of affairs a MP dogfight is just fun but you can't draw any conclusions from it. I would rather, on the whole, fly 6-10 human co-op missions with a purpose that last a while. A well written mission is an absolute blast online. Just my $.02
  20. off dog fight competion trial

    I'm in as long as everyone else flies the Alb and I fly the Newport lewis with no labels...
  21. Dog Fight contest

    Can I fly the Newport Lewis?
  22. Doves & Hawks Insignia

    Looks great, exemplifies the class of our group...
  23. how do I do it?

    Hey griphos! Was a blast fighting with you and Duck the other night. laughed my butt off! Was even better when I jumped in the Newport Lewis and you couldn't see me!
  24. Patched to the very latest..... what? 1.28 or some of your files?

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