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Files posted by Grinseed

  1. Ojcar's Armchair Aces 1915 1.1 for FE1

    Acting on Ojcar's invitation and personal encouragement, I have modified his Armchair Aces 1915 1.1 for use with FE1.
    Installation is the same as his original readme, but I have included my own readme explaining how the mod was achieved.
    I have almost completed the 1916.1 version and have started looking over the 1917 version.
    As mentioned in my readme, I will provide the stock FE2 aircraft variants not already included with FE1, i.e. the Alb DIII and DV5 variants etc that are required for 1917 and 1918. Sinbad has kindly given permission to modify his Strutters for 1916 1.1.
    I have not had any problems with this modification and have been enjoying the campaigns immensely.
    Thanks again to Ojcar. And special thanks to Canadair for his Unicode->Ansi batch converter and to Sinbad.
    Cheers and Happy Landings


       (2 reviews)



  2. Ojcar's Armchair Aces 1916 1.3 for FE1

    Ojcar's Armchair Aces 1916 1.2 for FE1
    The second in Ojcar's Armchair Aces Series modified for use with First Eagles 1.
    Instalation is straightforward with only one difference in the preparation of the Strutters. Read both readmes to learn how to add three new aircraft to your hangar collection. You will need the practice for the forthcoming 1917 version.
    Reverential hat tip to TK. Gratitude to Canadair for the batch file converter (see readme). Many thanks to Sinbad for permission to use and modify his Strutters. Salute to Ojcar for a great series.
    Any problems, contact me via the forum. This download wont harm your computer, but it just might devour all your free time as you fly and die in 1916.
    Cheers and Happy Landings
    21 April 2012 I have uploaded the correct FE1 version to replace the FE2 version originally uploaded in error.
    Version 1.3 Corrects airfield names to allow enlistment as Belgian pilot as per Ojcar's edit of orginal version.


       (1 review)



  3. Ojcar's Armchair Aces 1918 for FE1

    This is the FE1 version of Ojcar's last instalment of his great Armchair Aces series.
    I add my thanks to all those Ojcar has named as contributors in his readme, to Canadair for his batch converter and to Ojcar himself for his work and dedication in providing such a detailed and comprehensive WW1 campaign for First Eagles.
    Nothing complicated about this download which only involved a straightforward conversion of all the ini files from Unicode to Ansi, but read the readmes, both mine and Ojcar's.
    In future, I will do my best to maintain FE1 versions of any FE2 updates from Ojcar.
    Cheers Grinseed


       (1 review)



  4. Ojcar's Armchair Aces 1917 1.2 for FE1

    The third in Ojcar's great Armchair Aces series.
    Included are four new variants of the Albatros D series fighters as found in the FE2 stock aircraft.
    You will need Armchair Aces 1915 1.1 and 1916 1.2 already loaded.
    Read the readmes.
    Cheers and Happy Landings
    Version 1.2 Corrections to airfield names to allow enlistment as Belgian pilot as per Ojcar's edit to the original.


       (0 reviews)




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