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Everything posted by BirdDogICT

  1. Reason for screen name....

    I was about 5 when the Everly Brothers issued one of their big hits "Bird Dog". For some now obscure reason, when people asked me my name back then, I would reply Bird Dog. So when I started flying flight sims and needed a callsign, I discovered that Bird Dog was already claimed by other pilots, so added the ICT (FAA Location ID for Wichita Mid-Continent Airport in Kansas).
  2. OFF BH&H

    Wantufly, Here is a brief discussion of CFS3 addon games: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?t=8080 Installation of these addons is clunky to say the least, but they work fine on my XP dual core machine. Direct links are below: 1. European Theater of Operations and PTO Solomons http://aussiex.org/forum/index.php?autocom...&showcat=10 2. Mediterranean Air War http://www.medairwar.com/ (This link is no longer working...most of the devs have moved on to other propjects. If you are interested, PM me and I can send you a CD.) 3. Korean Skies http://www.koreanskies.com/ 3. Warbirds Download Library http://www.combatfs.com/index.php?loc=page...=downloads_cfs3 You just bought the absolutely best addon of the bunch...the others are just games...OFF BHaH is LIFE ITSELF. Best regards, BirdDogICT

    Actually, you don't have to hold down scroll-lock to pan views. Pushing scroll-lock once turns on panning, push it again to turn it off. While panning is on, you can scroll around with the hat switch, although it's a little slow. Here's how to speed it up. http://www.polovski.com/OFFFAQ.htm#Q.__Can...crease_joystick The views are clunky, but you'll get used to them. Better yet, buy a TrackIR. Makes ALL the difference in your enjoyment of and success with BHaH. Cheers
  4. Controls locking up in flight

    Vasco, Glad you got it sorted it out...it's not the first time I've heard of someone with problems with a powered hub and multiple USB controllers. CH controllers are overkill for a WWI sim, but I've never had to replace pots, springs, hats, and buttons like I have with other brands. Cheers
  5. Controls locking up in flight

    Vasco, If you download Bonz's profile into the CH Control Manager, you'll notice that the profile uses Mapped Mode, mapping all of your devices into one. BHaH easily recognizes one controller, and Bonz's profile automatically assigns axes and joystick buttons. There is no need to open the BHaH controller interface at all (at least this was true for me). The only problem I've had with my setup is related to how Windows handles USB devices...on several occasions, I've unplugged a CH controller and Windows wouldn't recognize the device again. I had to go through the ritual of uninstalling all CH drivers and the CM software and reinstall everything, paying VERY close attention to CH's installation instructions. I've found that downloading profiles from the CH site significantly reduces the amount of time you have to devote to programming. I also find that assigning axes and keys within CM to be much easier than assigning them within the game, but to each his own. If you're using BOTH methods, it's easy to create conflicting assignments. Let me know if you can't get this sorted out...I'd be glad to help. Good luck.
  6. Controls locking up in flight

    Vasco, I'm also running a CH FSPTPP rig, with TrackIR, CH Control Manager 4.51, Bonz's OFF Profile http://www.ch-hangar.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6204, and default Mine.xca but in XP SP3. Not experiencing any problems here. I'm somewhat of a noob with CH programming, but not having problems creating/modifying simple profiles. Bonz's profile is designed specifically for BHaH and TrackIR and is pretty straightforward. Have you tried the CH forums (e.g.; Hardware Help http://www.ch-hangar.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=14) for advice? Several of their administrators (like Revvin, Bob Church) are fans of OFF and CFS3. I'd start there. Good luck.
  7. SGCSG1, Yep, you now have a firm grasp of the obvious....the viewing system inherited from Microsoft is clunky. Takes some getting used to. The views become less of an issue with TrackIR and by mapping views to your joystick buttons. With TrackIR, I find that only a handful of different views are necessary. Good luck
  8. Help with target padlock toggle

    Barkhorn1x, Homeboy's profile is a good starting point, but has to be adjusted to suit your own tastes and distance from the monitor, lighting, etc. I went back and loaded RB3D to practice at first...made TIR4 a lot easier to get used to with less background detail. I also switched padlock on and off until I got used to the TIR4...not because of the unbearable shame of letting my fellow forum members down by cheating, but found that I didn't need the padlock after a few weeks. Cheers
  9. shredward, Sorry, didn't realize that it was a potential legal issue for OBD. Cheers
  10. Have to smile .....

    Hellshade, The ROF crowd has really turned me off with all of their trash talk, enough that I am not at all interested in buying ROF. Totally lacking in honesty and respect... Although this may sound really silly, I still remember getting flamed by some jerk on a Flying Corps board years ago when I asked for advice on updating to a graphics card that would support VESA graphics. That one thoughtless reply to a noob (me) completely turned me off to being involved online. Cheers
  11. You're right about having to just restart the mission. I've strung a lot of code myself, and understand the need to be paid for all of the hard work. But I find copyright protection schemes to be annoying, especially since I've upheld MY end of the bargain by paying for the software. I can often get around the requirement of having the CD in the drive by mounting ISOs. The debate about this subject rages daily here: http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/foru...Digital_Ri.html To each his own... Best regards
  12. Bullethead, BTW, I've enjoyed reading your philosophy of war posts. I'm currently reading John Keegan's "A History of Warfare" which describes the development of early warfare in the Middle East and elsewhere. Found a lot there that agrees with your sentiments. BirdDogICT
  13. Sopwith Tripe & TG Tripe

    To quote from a similar discussion in http://www.theaerodrome.com/forum/18695-post3.html: "The Tripe being underpowered is a relative statement. Compare it to other Sopwith a/c: Pup: 80-100 hp to move 850 lbs Camel: 110-150 hp to move 890 lbs Tripe: 110-130 hp to move 1,100 lbs However, later a/c like the Dolphin and Snipe were comparative slugs, weighing hundreds of pounds more. Even other planes of the era like the SPAD VII and Alb DIII far outweighed the Tripe. So it was underpowered, but it was also relatively underweight. That's why although they built 5 of them experimentally, the twin Vickers Tripe never made it. The extra weight was just too much and the plane became sluggish. As long as you kept the weight off, it was a zippy little plane that could fill its role."
  14. Can you believe the news reports that AVSIM was taken out a few hours ago by malicious hackers? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/8049780.stm I don't use AVSIM, but as a sim enthusiast, I feel threatened. THIS MEANS WAR!!
  15. OFF BH&H Comments/Questions

    Barkhorn1x, I vote with uncleal: Ditch padlock...buy a TrackIR. I've been flying with TrackIR for a month, after struggling to dogfight with the padlock view and not auger into the ground. Once you get the hang of it, you'll want to fly completely without TAC or bales, either. Have fun.
  16. Hemorad, Have you tried to seek help at the CH site? http://www.ch-hangar.com/forum/forumdispla...prune=&f=14 I've been using CH products for several years, but still consider myself a noob. God luck
  17. Hellshade, Ever try one of the dead pixel fixer upper utilities? Maybe this would work... http://www.jscreenfix.com/basic.php Cheers
  18. You guys just cost me $1400 US!

    Slick Wilhelm, If you go with XP 32-bit, BHaH will only be able to address about 2.75MB memory (best case) after your 1MB video card and onboard sound are mapped to memory, but 2.75 is more than enough. I'm getting great performance with an old Socket 939 Opteron 185 overclocked to 3.0 GHz, 2Mb DDR550 memory and a 512MB 4870. You can always upgrade to Windows7 later. Definitely dust off your CH HOTAS. "Bonz" at the CH Hangar http://www.ch-hangar.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6204 has posted an OFF profile for TrackIR that I use. Spend the money and get TrackIR if you don't have it...almost as important as your CH gear. I could never stay alive for long in RB3D since I didn't have TrackIR, but now that I have it, I can't imagine flying any of my sims without it. Cheers
  19. Winder, That's great news. I've enjoyed your efforts and being part of this forum. What other publisher would encourage the wild speculation from users about where your product should go next and how best to get there? That's part of what makes the OFF experience so special, especially since some of us have enjoyed the developers' efforts over many years and have had an opportunity to watch your work evolve. Capitalizing on your brand loyalty is, I think, the most cost effective way for you to proceed. Although the sales may be small, you will be capitalizing on a loyal core of followers who can provide repeat business (I've yet to see a business that can survive long on trial alone, but what do I know? I've only practiced and taught marketing research for 20+ years). Without knowing your business plans, I'm shooting in the dark here, but wish you success, and I'll buy any optional add-ons. Cheers
  20. OvS, Looks like Amazon posted my edited review and kept it as the first review to popup under Combat Flight Simulator 3 reviews. The revised copy: I bought this for the sole purpose of playing Over Flanders Fields: Between Heaven and Hell, a World War I add-on for CFS3 available at http://www.overflandersfields.com/info.htm. Despite some known glitches like incompatibility with virus software and jittering with dual core processors (fixed with an AMD dual processor patch) CFS3 was easy to install. CFS3 is good looking and fun to fly, but due to the limitations of the flight modeling it won't completely satisfy hard core sim pilots looking for the ultimate in WWII realism. For those wanting to add-on WWII planes, scenery, airfields, etc, there are numerous mods for CFS3 available at fan sites like www.combatfs.com (you might try Mediterranean Air War or Eastern Theatre of Operations). The Over Flanders Field: Between Heaven and Hell add-on is a fantastic addition to the game, and one of the few ways to engage in WWI era flight. The last great WWI flight sim was RedBaron3D, which never reached it's potential while Sierra/Dynamix was behind it. But over the years, a number of mods (Full Canvas Jacket, Western Front, Hell's Angels) made RB3D playable and more historically accurate. The authors of those mods have now taken CFS3 to unbelievable heights through OFF:BHAH, with high resolution scenery, 39 flyable aircraft, 3200+ historically accurate aircraft skins, the best campaign manager I've ever seen, etc., etc. The experience of flying a campaign in the OFF:BHAH world is simply incredible. As realistic as it gets. I have played dozens of flight sims and FPS games over the years, and have to say OFF:BHAH IS THE BEST MONEY I HAVE EVER SPENT ON A GAME!!! Hope this helps your sales. At least stimulate trial.
  21. First time i've seen this

    Sitting Duck, Been around since January (when I installed BHaH). I've only noticed it around some airfields...haven't tried them all yet. I enjoy scenic flying almost as much as dogfighting. A DH2 or Eindekker are great for sightseeing. Cheers
  22. My Grassroots effort today was to update my review of CFS3 on Amazon.com, where I mentioned that I bought CFS3 solely for the purpose of flying OFF. Some of my original comments (wrote the review sometime last year) were only relevant to Phase 2, so I've updated them. This should appear on Amazon within 48 hours, I hope. It used to be the first review listed under CFS3, so hope it still will be. Cheers
  23. ATI 9.4 drivers

    Sitting Duck, I seem to have forgotten that after the last couple of driver releases I was able to bump up my graphics settings. I am now getting 32 FPS in furrballs over the field with sliders at 453354, 4XAA Edge Filter and 8XAF. And on a 3.0GHz Socket 939 machine with a 4870 and AlacrityPC running. Now if I could just solve my most recent problem....every time I shoot down an EA and take the celebratory swig of beer, my TrackIR view goes way up and I get disoriented. Cheers
  24. Guide to Configuring FSAutoStart

    Sitting Duck, Try here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=40014 Cheers
  25. Jerky all of a sudden

    Sitting Duck & Wels, Thanks for the above link. Much better than the combatfs tweak guide. Looks like the site http://www.combatfs.com/index.php?loc=tweak&page=index may be down, anyway. Cheers

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