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Everything posted by BirdDogICT

  1. OT-private rant

    von Bauer, I can understand the pain of losing your father from COPD...I've been a registered respiratory therapist since the mid 70's and deal with families' pain every day. I'm sorry for your loss. Aside from trashing your lungs, cigarettes cause severe damage to major blood vessels throughout your body. I currently work in a heart hospital, and virtually all of my patients are there because of poor choices. Sad to say, many see themselves as victims and blame everyone but themselves for the shape they are in. Even when their life is on the line, they refuse to quit smoking. Quitting is extremely difficult...nicotine is much more addictive than heroin, meth, or oxycodone. Few quit successfully without structured group or family support. .
  2. OT My Favourite War Film

    I found Warhorse to be completely uninteresting & emotionally empty. Sorta like "My Friend Flicka" but with more explosions.
  3. OT My Favourite War Film

    I liked the book and movie, as well. By coincidence, one of my patients and I were talking yesterday, and he was a platoon leader in the 1st Cav, and thought the movie was pretty darn realistic. 16 guys in his platoon went in, 6 made it through the war.
  4. Favorite Non War Aviation Film

    Hear, Hear! Or is it Harumph, Harumph!?
  5. Favorite Non War Aviation Film

    Why didn't I think of that? My dad worked on the Saturn 5 project and I spend my early years Down South at different assembly plants & rocket testing sites. I am still blown away by family pictures of those huge rocket engines laid out on the factory floor. Great movie!! Does an excellent job of capturing the feeling of the era: that we were accomplishing something truly great. What about Apollo 13?
  6. ASUS motherboards usually have a green power indicator light on the mobo. If it isn't lit, it's indicates either a PSU or mobo failure. Voltage regulation on cheaper boards can be the weak link in the system when thinks go wrong. I recently had a hard drive failure that fried the PSU, but thanks to good voltage protection on my ASUS, nothing else was harmed. I've done a lot of builds with ASUS boards, as they offer great heat dissipation designs. Very few have failed, but like all electronics, they eventually fail due to heat and power surges at startup.
  7. Favorite Non War Aviation Film

    Tough to come up with any decent non-combat flight movies. Top Gun had nothing to do with combat, but is one of my least favorite movies. The Aviator with Leonardo Di Caprio was darn near unwatchable. The Terminal with Tom Hanks was a decent chick flick. What about old TV series like "Sky King" or "Whirlybirds" Am I dating myself a little here?
  8. OT....New CFS3 mod released

    Olham, Pacific Fighters was a stand-alone simulation published by Ubisoft. It was designed to be installed independently or linked to IL-2. I have a copy that's just collecting dust. It's yours, if you're interested. PM me your address. Pacific Fighters was also included in the IL-2 1946 collection. There many IL-2 mods that use landscapes and planes from the pacific theater..
  9. CH joysticks never get old. More expensive, but I've been using the same Flightstick, Pro Throttle, and Rudder Pedals for 10 years and they still work like brand new. HOTAS is overkill for BHaH, but it's nice to never have to use the keyboard.
  10. Joystick insensitivity

    The developers spent many hours trying to get the Camel flight characteristics right (most sims do an awful job of it). The Camel took me a while to get used to, but is now my favorite plane to fly. Actually pretty well behaved unless you stall while nose up-tail down...then it's a beast to fly, and good rudder pedals (or rudder input) are mandatory. If anything, the developers have overdone the tendency of the plane to stall. Lots of discussions here about the Camel: http://combatace.com...__1#entry340390 http://combatace.com...top-in-a-camel/ http://combatace.com...__1#entry312638 http://combatace.com...__1#entry276155 Maybe it's not your joystick at all.
  11. Does P4 get it's own name?

    Over Flanders Fields: Two Weeks
  12. Head bob please

    Sounds familiar...similar discussion in an other forum I've been frequenting lately for Falcon 4 BMS 4.32. The latest mod for Falcon lacks the gaming sound effects that many users are accustomed to, and some users have compained that the BMS mod is "not realistic." However, if you compare it to actual RL footage from F-16 flights, it seems to be spot on. Too bad we don't have video footage from WW1 to compare. But I would imagine that in-flight explosions closely matches Bullethead's RL experience.
  13. OT Beautiful Comeback

    I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed man.
  14. OT Interview with a Rorkes Drift Soldier

    Funny...I was thinking the same thing after I viewed the videos. I've read and re-read the Flashman series. they usually inspire me to read the real history that they are based on. I think the only Frasier book I couldn't get interested in was The Pyrates.
  15. OT Interview with a Rorkes Drift Soldier

    Great stuff!. Two of my favorite movies are Zulu! and Zulu Dawn. Much more historicaly accurate than Flyboys or The Red Baron.
  16. OT Job starts on Monday

    Best of luck. This may be included in your training, but thought I'd include here it just in case. Romance Novel—2011 Edition... He grasped me firmly but gently just above my elbow & guided me into a room, his room. He quietly shut the door and we were alone. He approached me from behind, & spoke in a low, reassuring voice, "Just relax." Without warning he reached down; I felt his strong hands start at my ankles, moving upward along my calves slowly but steadily. My breath caught in my throat. I knew I should be afraid, but somehow I didn't care. His touch was so experienced, so sure. When his hands moved up onto my thighs, I gave a slight shudder. My pulse was pounding. I felt his knowing fingers caress my abdomen, my ribcage. And then, as he cupped my breasts, I inhaled sharply. Probing, searching, knowing what he wanted, he brought his hands to my shoulders, slid them down my tingling spine. Although I knew nothing about this man, I felt oddly trusting and expectant. This is a man, I thought, used to taking charge. A man not used to taking `no' for an answer. A man who would look into my soul and say ........... "Okay, ma'am, You can board your flight now."
  17. OT - New HD Setup

    At the risk of sounding snarky, it sure is nice to see some intelligent discussion about technical issues from Parky, von Paulus, & Almccoyjr without UncleAl chiming in. Sorry, couldn't resist.
  18. Ati 5870 woes

    Makes sense...although I have a single GPU, I've noticed some mild artefacting when using the Super-Sample AA that Crossfire requires. Most likely a driver problem.
  19. Ati 5870 woes

    I have found the same thing with ATI cards over the years, and have had a few fail due to heat. I didn't have any problems with my 5770 overheating until I started playing Crysis 2...determined that my automatic fan speed was barely 40%. Manually setting it to 70% solved the problem. I used to automatically rip off the stock cooler and add an aftermarket cooler whenever I bought a new ATI card. What the heck, they usually only lasted a year with stock cooling, and failed about the time that the warranty ran out, so it didn't matter if I voided the warranty...they wouldn't honor it anyway. But now that the warranty is usually two years, I just monitor the temp a lot more closely.
  20. Ati 5870 woes

    UncleAl, The gains can be pretty substantial with some ATI driver releases (like recent releases that included OpenGL support for IL-2 or allowed new DirectX11 tweaks for older Series 5000 cards). Catalyst 10.3 was a recent release that increased BHaH performance a good 20% for me, so was worth the effort. But most releases include only minor changes that don't mean squat for most users, they are designed to improve the performance of the very latest cards.. Usually a waste of time for older cards.
  21. Ati 5870 woes

    Parky, I'm thinking of upgrading...don't care which brand I buy as long as the price point is reasonable and the drivers work. How do you like your GTX590?
  22. Like watching a slide-show...

    Dual Pass Render is a FPS hog for some, especially with older ATI cards. Uncle Al is spot on: exiting CFS3Config using anything other than File, Exit wil void any changes you made to graphics config. Also note that if setting AA from cfs3config, it won't dsplay the true level of AA you set. These are known glitches from CFS3 and are detailed in the FAQ.
  23. Like watching a slide-show...

    40-60 is excellent for your rig. The object is to get all the eye candy with a frame rate above 30 and no stuttering. As long as FPS doesn't drop below 30 you won't even notice the difference, since you're gonna spend most of your time at altitude on long boring flights where nothing much happens.
  24. Like watching a slide-show...

    Are you running 4870X2 in Crossfire? If so, you're most likely using Supersample AA, which I found to be a real FPS killer with BHaH. That's why I suggested using in-game AA and using Morphological AA (a type of post process AA that puts few demands on your GPU). That would limit you to one GPU (if in Crossfire), but one 4870 is enough. Olham's settings work for most older cards, although some have found that FullScreen Swap Effect crashes the game if set to D3DSWAPEFFECT_COPY_VSYNC. It should be set to FLIP or DISCARD. Something is seriously goofy with your setup. Hope we can help you sort it out.
  25. Like watching a slide-show...

    UncleAl, Catalyst Control Center is the ATI equivalent of the nVidia Control Panel. They now refer to it as the AMD Vision Engine Control Center, FWIW.

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