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Everything posted by DonL

  1. Very good story, thanks for posting it! Looks like he has a book, it might be out of print. http://www.amazon.com/Up-em-Harold-Evans-Hartney/dp/B000KD7BBS
  2. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/08/28/world-war-i-wills-soldiers-_n_3830420.html Probably old news to some of you but for those that haven't seen it.A real shame that most of the recipients are almost all gone and will never get to see the last words of their loved ones.
  3. 15 White bunny, 5 Ipad, 0 mountain bike. Just guessing I doubt many 5 year olds want a mountain bike.
  4. OT Year to Forget

    Glad to hear that you are on the mend and don't require surgery.
  5. OT Year to Forget

    Any landing that you can walk away from is a good one. I am glad that you walked away with just a little bit of Camel face. How did it go with the facial surgeon? I hope the swmbo is doing well. What does swmbo mean? It has been a rough 2 years around my place and I am hoping that 2013 will be a great year for all! Please keep us posted on your condition. I hope all continues to be well.
  6. Wife admits to a mistake? Is this a joke?
  7. I'll be 59 on Monday 12/17/2012 maybe they will release woff as a birthday present.
  8. "Black Maria"

    Very good! I like it a lot.
  9. A Prolonged Absence

    Just checking in, how are things going Capt? I hope you are feeling better. von Baur I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I hope your son is home with no more deployments in his near future!
  10. A Prolonged Absence

    So sorry to hear of your troubles but welcome back.
  11. Thank you for posting this. It is only about an 8 hour drive. I'm putting it on my list of places to visit. Thanks
  12. Thanks HD, no fun sitting in the cold and dark but thankfully the wife thought to charge all our portable devices before the storm hit. I sat it out reading about George Guynemer on my Ipad. My power was only out for a day there are still people near us without power. We were listening to talk radio on a little am/fm and callers were relating how they saw convoys of power company trucks heading towards the east coast from all over the country. That made us feel good. Disasters tend to bring out the best in people.
  13. Our power just came back on. The lights went out about 9:00 pm last night. We did not get much rain but the winds were ferocious! New Jersey and New York City were clobbered.
  14. I am in the Philadelphia suburbs and at 7:00am it is calm with light rain and wind. It is predicted to get worse by lunch time today.
  15. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-10-18/hidden-spitfires-to-be-excavated-in-burma/4321436 After almost 70 years underground I can't believe that they are in as good a shape as they are saying. However, maybe there will be enough usable pieces to build a few. Lets hope so!
  16. http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b55001765d.r=bleriot.langEN What an amazing site! Now I have to learn French. There is all kinds of neat stuff to be found here. Want to build a Bleriot? Thanks for posting this.
  17. Okay were is everybody ?

    Willy Wacker? That all most sounds, well kinda of wierd. Calvin and Hobbs was my favorite! I used to love reading them to my kids (When they were kids, all grown up now) However I am still here, anxiously awaiting WOFF. Any week now, right? Rats, I meant almost sounds kinda wierd.
  18. I finally got a chance to try this and it is much better than my current profile. Thanks so much!
  19. http://photoblog.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/09/01/13612930-melting-glacier-reveals-world-war-i-ammunition?lite
  20. Waterloo Skeleton

    Thank you for posting I find battlefield archeology interesting.
  21. I agree, you have to love the sound of the Merlin engine.
  22. OT: First Flight!

    It's a blast isn't it! Helps to provide perspective to OFF. Going to do anymore?
  23. Have you seen this? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/defence/9203822/Spitfires-buried-in-Burma-during-war-to-be-returned-to-UK.html How neat is this?
  24. On further reflection I am thinking that these will be like the lost squadron under the ice in Greenland severly damaged and or corroded. Hopefully they will get several airworthy examples.
  25. Oh please not some cruel April fools joke.

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