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Everything posted by DonL

  1. 20 of them!! New in shipping crates!
  2. Computer help needed!

    Great! Glad to hear that you are up and running. Typhoon, I hope things get better for you and your wife. Sorry to hear about your pet, It's the same as losing a family member.
  3. Ouch...OUCH!

    Oh no back pain! Take it easy, get lots of rest, and some alcoholic beverages are the best remedy. Get well soon, give your dog some steak, he deserves it.
  4. Computer help needed!

    Good luck! I found this article on the web hope it helps. http://pcsupport.about.com/od/findbyerrormessage/a/stop0x0000007b.htm
  5. The Military Channel is advertising a 6 part series entitiled WW1 in color. Starts Monday night at 10pm eastern.
  6. Dam don't I know that most of my pilots are lost due to collisions!
  7. How sad to survive a world war only to be killed by ones own countrymen afterwards. Yes Widowmaker even some of us yanks know of these men. I think that it is our love of history and perhaps this flight sim that has contributed to our knowledge. Lord knows that it wasn't my school system. As I recall all that they taught of WW1 was Wilsons peace plan. Quite an interesting and thought provoking post Olham.
  8. That has happened to me a few times. I don't know why or how to fix it.
  9. Computer help needed!

    HPW, I have an Asus A8N-SLI premium motherboard. I sent you a message about it but I received a weird response. If you are interested send me a message by pm.
  10. Good for you! This is really neat please post more about it. A ppo is sort of like a ceramic bricket that comes with a modern gas grill?
  11. Great map! Thanks for your effort and posting it for us. I plan to fly a mission after work tonight and I will definetly use it.
  12. The Sensitive man

    Thats funny!
  13. Queen Live @ Wembley '86 full concert

    Very enjoyable! Queen is one of my favorites. Up there with the Beatles and the Stones. Freddie was quite the showman. Thanks for posting
  14. theaerodrome hacked?

    Pizza eating nerds! Whats wrong with pizza? I love pizza
  15. US history would have been much different had the south won at Gettysburg. Philadelphia only a day or twos march, New York another day or two. General Lee could have created havoc! In 1963 I lived in northern Virginia for a bit. There are many cw battlefields there!! I remember visiting the battle of the crater? Not sure if that is its name but the Union dug a tunnel under the confederate lines (much like mines in WW1) Maybe the siege of Petersburg or Richmond not sure which but it left a huge impression on me. Union soldiers poured into the crater instead of around it and were slaugtered. Hope I am not hijacking this thread.
  16. Like I said it has been many years since I last visited Gettysburg but Devils Den, Little Round Top, and the Wheat field still send shivers up and down my spine. Glad i did not have to go through that. I am almost old enough The wife and I are looking for somewhere to vacation this year this may be a choice.
  17. Maybe I didn't get it but it almost sounded like southern tanks versus union muskets?? Maybe you can verify this for me didn't General Custer with a small force of calvary stop JEB Stuart from attacking the union rear? Gettysburg is a really neat place. I haven't been there in years but it is only about an hour from my place.
  18. OFF 2 Fighting Fund

    Funny that this should come up. The other day I was looking for the donate button (Didn't there used to be one?) and couldn't find it. I would kick in a case of beer for the developers considering all of the money that I have saved flying OFF instead of hanging out in bars.
  19. The "pending release" of P4...

    I have it on good authority that it wil be released on April 1st.
  20. What's in Your Local Museum?

    Not local but here are a few from Udvar-Hazy.
  21. OT: iPhone Goodness

    Nothing serious I hope. Get well soon. The smart phones are pretty neat they really come in handy cheating on the crossword puzzles.
  22. Off Subject

    I thought I was the only one who did not believe in conspiracys. I know people who believe that President Roosevelt knew in advance about the attack on Pearl Harbor and let it happen. As for the oil companies they are only out to make a buck. They will screw us all over to do it and use any excuse to do it. As for aliens I believe that there is intelligent life in the cosmos I just don't believe that they visit here. They are intelligent after all!
  23. Off Subject

    Britain has bad politicians? I thought the US had a monopoly on them, Republicans, Democrats, Independents they all suck.
  24. Off Subject

    I live in Horsham which is about 10 miles northeast of Philadelphia, PA is about $3.70 per gallon and going up.
  25. Totally OT...My New Petfood Store

    Congratulations and best of luck with your business venture!

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