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Everything posted by Hellshade

  1. Well not quite true. I think the Damage Modeling that WOFF shows is utterly fantastic. In fact the main reason I want to get the DM to do fewer total structural failures is because when it does do that (which is now very often indeed), you can't see all the rest of the great damage effects that have happened to the plane. They get blown up. I'm hoping somehow to restore it to where those excellent DM effects are apparent for much longer because the planes go down in flames, or trailing smoke, or just with the prop stopping and gliding down without power, etc...all the damage on the wings and fuselage still readily apparent. I look forward to hearing your impressions of WOFF when you are able to join us on it, sir. I think like the rest of us, you will be very pleased indeed. OFF still has a lot to offer. With WOFF, they somehow managed to up the ante even more. So by the way, do you have any ideas what directories and files I should (or probably shouldn't!) be poking around in to mess with the DM? Send me a PM if you don't feel like making that information public, please.
  2. I will try this when I get home Andy. Always looking for something to make the sim fly smoother than ever. :) Thanks for your non-stop diligence on this!
  3. Thanks Pol. I know Winder and crew have worked miracles under the hood and that means the complexities of what they have done are increased dramatically over what the DM was in OFF. I expect to be hopelessly lost and pretty much break everything while I peek around under the hood of the DM. My theory is this, though. The wings didn't use to suffer total structural failure nearly so often when WOFF first came out - as I recall. (Maybe it did and I have a poor memory. We shall see). So I plan on re-installing WOFF without any patches and then start flying and fighting. If I see that the DM behaves different than it does now in terms of total structural failure, I'll load up the next patch (I believe I have almost all of them saved) and try that. Once I find the patch that appears to have affected the likelihood of total structural failure, I'll look at the change log and that will (possibly) give me some kind of a clue where to look. Given how complicated and integrated everything is, its possible it may not help much either. I imagine the change was not intentional and was probably an unintended consequence of something else that got improved or added. At any rate, then I roll up my sleeves and see if I can figure out what exactly happened, which is a long shot at best given how complex WOFF is and how limited (read: Non-existent) my programing skills are. Thanks for the info!
  4. He would. The man is a genius with what he has done with OFF. Sadly, I don't think he got WOFF. I'm not sure he meets the system requirements. A genuine loss to the community. :(
  5. Thank you, Olham. Hopefully someone pops up with some information.
  6. Over 160 views and not a single post on where to look? That's encouraging.
  7. CA-WW1 - Wind in the Wires

    Awesome stuff LIMA. You can tell a lot of work has gone into this. Really great stuff. Looking forward to more sir.
  8. Try "AI Always Engages" option in the Workshop. I'm not sure how realistic it is, but it certainly makes for more fights and longer ones as well.
  9. Bombing in WoFF

    They certainly did. When they jumped out of their burning plane to avoid being cooked alive, they briefly had an External View. Pretty sure it didn't do anything for their combat effectiveness though.
  10. 4500 + skins? Absolutely. Really adds to the immersion up there when you see so many different squadron and individual Ace skins.
  11. WOFF FM Thread

    My DV mod for less weight and more HP does include the OBDWW1 Over Flanders Fields folder. It is JSGME friendly. https://www.dropbox.com/s/bwvth6nyzegod5e/Alb%20DV%20Less%20Weight%20and%20HP.zip
  12. WOFF FM Thread

    I'd be interested if there's any way to add the more "bumpy" feel of flying into WOFF that exists in RoF. Is that possible?
  13. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    Great screenshot Corsaire!
  14. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    RFC 54 Campaign engagement. Just showing AnKors amazing self shadow mod. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAiyTmI9hPs&feature=youtu.be
  15. The rules were as listed below. Near as I can tell, Adger got 1st place with a "148 day" guess that puts him somewhere in November but where are the official results, please? 3rd Prize: (1) one copy of WOFF plus a one month subscription plan to CA 2nd Prize: (1) one copy of WOFF plus a six month subscription plan to CA Grand Prize (1) one copy of WOFF plus a one year subscription plan to CA ================================================================= Contest: Starting from today's date guess how many days will lapse until WOFF will be released to the public. Rules: You may only enter once, and you must enter before the end of June. Participation will close sometime during the day on June 30, 2013. The three closet people to the date (over or under) will be eligible and decided by your post time on your entry, earliest correct entry dates will win. All ties will be decided by CombatACE. Have fun!
  16. I know I did not win and I'm okay with that. I would just like whoever did win to be appropriately rewarded. Thank you for looking into this.
  17. It was Erik, site owner. The Devs were absolutely not involved, He created the contest right after making a big deal about how he wanted OBD to move back and make this the official forum for W/OFF again.
  18. No answer over a month and a half after WOFF shipped? I guess that that answers that question. It was all a hoax. No intention of awarding anything to anyone. Just a way to try and drum up business. I think the folks who still haunt this forum even after OBD changed to another deserved better. The best thing I can say is that I am deeply disappointed.
  19. WOFF Installation

    I'd delete the patch, download it again and re-install. If that doesn't work, I'd uninstall WOFF and start fresh. Must be a corrupt file in there somewhere sir. It's worth the effort. WOFF running like a champ on both low and high end systems alike since 1.11.
  20. WOFF Installation

    Installs easy. Since patch 1.11, lots of people reporting better performance too. Take the leap sir!
  21. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    Campaign mission that starts off nice and simple. Just transfer to a new airfield. Well...never get too comfortable in WOFF! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jp3N6xJ6s9s&feature=c4-overview&list=UU93XMlFKHkjNpGBNGZR7QUA Great screenshots guys. Keep posting please! Hellshade
  22. Is WOFF strictly solo flying?

    I was joking about the complaints of how long WOFF was already taking. If they put MP in, it might have to have been finished by their great grand children. :)
  23. Is WOFF strictly solo flying?

    I know the Devs didn't want MP to just be a WW1 "Deathmatch" experience. They wanted something more historically accurate and they were working on it but decided they needed to release the sim before the 200th anniversary of WWI. For now it is SP only, but with enough sales, anything is possible.
  24. Here's a link to the official WOFF forum user screen shots thread. A few pics of SE5a in there sir. http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/3876800/1/Screenshots
  25. What mods do you have planned?

    There is a very nice cloud mod by ArisFuser. I plan to download and try it when I get home. Download link on page 2 of the post. http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/3887454/Thanks_so_MUCH_and_a_mod#Post3887454

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