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Everything posted by Hellshade

  1. WOFF overpriced. Is it just me?

    No debate about it. Both sims have some great features in them and I recommend folks own both if they can. I'm just saying if you want to have the ability to fly as many planes as WOFF offers, $60 is a very good deal.
  2. WOFF overpriced. Is it just me?

    I can't speak for anyone else because "overpriced" really depends on a persons personal budget. I will say that flight sims in general are a niche market and WWI flight sims in specific are a small niche within that niche market. This isn't the 90s. WWI flight sims aren't exactly pouring into the market these days, so that means that there are going to be precious few buyers to compensate the devs for their time. That isn't an excuse to support just any old thing labeled a "WWI flight sim". I do believe in supporting quality products though and WOFF has quality in spades. The single player campaign is second to none and I don't hear anyone complaining that there isn't enough immersion or that the dogfights are stale. Cap that off with fantastic scenery, 55 flyable planes and most importantly, strong, active support from developers who are passionate about their product and you have a very good over-all product worth purchasing, IMHO. If you want to talk pure dollar per plane value, you get 55 planes in WOFF for $60. Another WWI sim gives the game away for free but you need to buy each plane that you wish to fly. That's fine. Not complaining, it's how their business model works. Most of their planes are between $7 and $15 but lets assume you could buy 55 planes from them all on sale at just $5 per plane. 55 planes x $5 = $275. The real price is easily double that and you don't get the awesome WOFF AI or the amazing single player campaign, though they do have a very nice 3rd party SP campaign which I think is well done. So I have to say if WOFF is "overpriced" at $60, your other choices are definitely not less expensive to try to replicate all that you get in WOFF. For myself, I find WOFF to be an excellent value and not overpriced at all. And for the record, I own almost all of the planes in the other sim and as corsair has pointed out it, it can be a lot of fun multiplayer.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8sr9h8IrbI&feature=youtu.be There are a few more Wings Over Flanders Fields preview videos over in the new WOFF forum. I hope you enjoy them. Hellshade
  4. Don't be ridiculous! (That's in the expansion pack)
  5. The requirements thread

    I presume he means 2TB, :)
  6. WOFF Website is up!

    Yes, the AI looks awesome. AI pilots that fly planes with the same exact Flight Model as the players planes, including fuel and ammo weights, etc...who scan the skies to search for enemies. If they see an enemy flight, they assess the situation including the status of their own aircraft, how much ammo they have, how many enemy planes verses how many friendly, how fatigued they may be from combat, etc and then decide if they are going to engage, fly on or make a run for home. Best of all it looks like a continual evaluation. If they engage in a dogfight, they are constantly reassessing their chances of getting home alive. If the risk looks too great, they try to disengage. I love the part where 2 seater morale is raised by fighter escort, lowered by the lack of it and evidently the fighter escorts actually make defending the 2 seaters a priority. Not just a shared flight path. Not sure how the hell they programmed all of that but it certainly sounds fantastic.
  7. It's going to be a Merry Christmas indeed. It's all I want for Christmas...well, and maybe a 780 GTX ti card, but I think that's going to have to wait a bit. That raises a new question. Who wins the contest for closest pick date of release? Somebody is getting a FREE COPY of WOFF, yes?
  8. More Digital 'Art'

    New desktop wallpaper! Thanks Dej. Great work. :)
  9. There is a demo with the link Widowmaker. Try before you buy sir. :)
  10. Going out on a limb...

    Tough call. If after downloading it WOFF is everything I hope it is, I'll probably buy the DVD version as well both as insurance for myself and to say "thank you" to the Devs for sticking with the development of WOFF despite the naysayers and the personal challenges. I'm not suggesting or even recommending anyone else do that. It's just a personal choice I've decided to make if WOFF turns out to be all that I hope it will be.
  11. Going out on a limb...

    Which Christmas? 2013 or 2014? hehe j/k I hope you are right and it is very reassuring to know that WOFF is in but don't forget a lot depends on the distribution model as well. If they go with a DVD format, once the sim is finished we don't know how long it might take to get all those discs made along with all the packaging. If it's a purely download format well that might be a different story.
  12. If you are looking for a little WWI multiplayer trench warfare fun, Verdun the game is in beta and can be downloaded for around $14.00 from Steam (possibly from elsewhere for those who's head explodes at the thought of using Steam for anything other than ironing clothes). Sorry, no planes here. Just trench warfare. http://www.verdungame.com/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxSibobp23A
  13. I am very, very happy that OBD has announced they are finally in beta, however I still don't really expect WOFF anytime soon. I think when they finally release the full Features List, then we'll be getting close to getting our hands on the new sim. Of course my opinion really doesn't mean crap. I have no inside knowledge at all, but my guess is that when they let us know what the full feature list is, that will drive the hype up through the roof and release will be imminent. The beta announcement is a very good step in that direction though. Pol did state that beta ment they had finalized (internally) what all of the features will be. So figuratively speaking, they at least have all the edges of the puzzle. Now it's all about refining those features until it meets their standards and they have some pretty high standards. Might still be awhile.
  14. Each to their own...

    Resisting the urge to be sensible and avoid commenting at all on competing WWI flight sims, I will speak only of the video used to "showcase" RoF on steam and not of the sim itself. My guess is that it's purpose was to show exactly what it did show...action, excitement, "Call of Duty-esque" setpeices of high emotion. It was a promotional video designed to get people who might think of WWI flight sims as being slow or boring as actually being able to deliver very intense, thrilling white knuckle experiences. I am making no comment at all on what the sim does or does not deliver. Folks can decide all of that for themselves. I'm merely saying that the purpose of the video was to attract attention and get people excited enough about what the product may be able to deliver to give it a try. Generally speaking, the two things that always seem to garner interest in advertising are sex and violence. Appealing to baser motives just works. That perhaps says something more about people than the products they presume to represent. A bit suprised nobody tried to paint a naked lady on the side of a plane for maximum effect. (Just kidding) As for myself, I've often found that what I have gotten out of a game usually has as much to do with how much I am willing to put into it as it has to do with what it's actually capable of...modded or un-modded. I'm having fun in a few games these days, but after having briefly played TESO in a beta, WOFF has moved firmly to the top of my list of most anticipated releases. Until then, I can't wait for the next WOFF preview video. Between the incredible music and amazing scenery, it really does look like it's going to turn my computer into a time machine that lets me experience the air war of WWI. I hope the wait is over soon.
  15. WWI Mod for IL-2 '46?

    One of the Preview videos for WOFF showed a Manager screen where one of the options listed was "Host Multiplayer". I'm certainly not making any promises because I'm not a Dev and they haven't listed the WOFF feature set yet, however the indication is that you will be able to finally fly on-line with your friends on WOFF. If that turns out to be the case, I'm quite certain it will be a very popular feature of the sim.
  16. WWI Mod for IL-2 '46?

    Meh...I've tried it and it just doesn't do it for me, personally. Maybe if there's a mod for IL-2 1946 that lets me fly F-86s during the korean war, that might be fun, but the 1916 mod...as hard as it tries...just doesn't hook me. Kudos to the modders who have obviously put a lot of time into DBW 1916 though. I hope they keep working on it. There certainly is potential, but for now my hopes for a truly great WWI single player campaign with great AI will continue to rest on WOFF. When did they say that release date was again...?
  17. WWI Mod for IL-2 '46?

    I am downloading it now. The mod appears to be free and IL-2 1946 is only $9.99 on Steam. It's something to help pass the time until WOFF releases and hey...it's a free total conversion mod for an outdated WWII flight sim. You never know when those things might turn out to be a diamond in the rough. Hellshade
  18. Dear oh Dear... We Need WOFF

    I'd join the TESO guild. Did you see the most recent leaked gameplay footage? Looks very action oriented. No tab target locking. Hopefully it will be somewhere near as fun as Skyrim.
  19. Dear oh Dear... We Need WOFF

    I'm with you Rickitycrate. Can't wait for TESO. I was bummed they pushed it back to 2014 to allow for next gen consoles to run it, but I was hoping that would give WOFF time to release first. Time will tell.
  20. Dear oh Dear... We Need WOFF

    I check in pretty much every day. I don't check in expecting to see anything new though. The Devs had been kindly posting new pics and the occassional video now and then, but it seems that I guess for some people that irritated them more than anything else, so they stopped posting them. Poor Devs can't win for losing. Until such time as they are able to release WOFF, I just occupy myself with other pursuits. Rift, Guild Wars 2, Skyrim, RoF, WoP, writing, whatever. I figure when WOFF releases I won't have time for any of my other pursuits, so I might as well get as many of them in as I possibly can before that happens. Then I won't feel guilty like I am neglecting them when I'm able to spend endless hours flying WOFF.
  21. The Great War itself was 4 years, if I remember correctly. I'm begining to wonder if it's going to take longer to re-create the war than it did to actually fight it. :) Hopefully we will hear something in the next few months.
  22. Release Summary This is the launch driver for the newly released GeForce GTX 760. GeForce 320.49 drivers include several fixes for issues reported with 320.18 drivers. Refer to the release notes for a full list of fixed issues. New in GeForce R320 Drivers Performance Boost – Increases performance by up to 20% for GeForce 400/500/600 series GPUs in several PC games vs. GeForce 314.22 WHQL-certified drivers. Results will vary depending on your GPU and system configuration. Here is one example of measured gains: GeForce GTX 660:Up to 20% in Dirt: Showdown Up to 18% in Tomb Raider Up to 10% in Metro: Last Light Up to 10% in Sleeping Dogs Up to 8% in StarCraft II Up to 6% in Sniper Elite V2 Up to 6% in Metro 2033 Up to 6% in Far Cry 3 Up to 6% in Deus Ex: Human Revolution Up to 5% in F1 2012 GeForce GTX 660 SLI:Up to 17% in Dirt: Showdown Up to 18% in Tomb Raider Up to 9% in Metro: Last Light Up to 9% in Assassin’s Creed III Up to 7% in StarCraft II Up to 6% in Far Cry 3 Up to 6% in Deus Ex: Human Revolution Up to 6% in Battlefield 3 Up to 5% in BioShock: Infinite Up to 5% in F1 2012 SLI Technology Added SLI profile for Alien Fear Added SLI profile for Call of Juarez: Gunslinger Added SLI profile for Dead Island: Riptide Added SLI profile for Dragon Sword Added SLI profile for Neverwinter Added SLI profile for Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon Added SLI profile for GRID 2 Added SLI profile for Human Head 2 Added SLI profile for Remember Me Added SLI profile for The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct Updated SLI profile for Natural Selection 2 Updated SLI profile for Resident Evil 6 Updated SLI profile for Trackmania 2: Canyon Additional Details Installs PhysX System Software 9.13.0604. Installs HD Audio v1.3.24.2 Includes support for applications built using CUDA 5.5 or earlier version of the CUDA Toolkit. More information at http://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-toolkit Supports OpenGL 4.3 for GeForce 400-series and later GPUs. Supports DisplayPort 1.2 for GeForce GTX 600 series GPUs. Supports multiple languages and APIs for GPU computing: CUDA C, CUDA C++, CUDA Fortran, OpenCL, DirectCompute, and Microsoft C++ AMP. Supports single GPU and NVIDIA SLI technology on DirectX 9, DirectX 10, DirectX 11, and OpenGL, including 3-way SLI, Quad SLI, and SLI support on SLI-certified Intel and AMD motherboards.
  23. Summer Update?

    Been mostly playing Rift (since it went Free to Play), Skyrim and some RoF lately. Waiting on WOFF to jump back into the OFF world. For Rift I have been experimenting with various Warrior souls to create a good solo dps character with strong survivability skills. So far Paragon/Warlord/Champion combo seems to mop stuff up pretty good. Champion/Paladin/Warlord is great for harder boss fights. For Skyrim I'm running a Bosmer (Wood elf) Stealthy Archer Assassin type. Nothing like seeing an arrow sticking out of an eyesocket to know you made a good shot! RoF is just the occasional quick mission and once in awhile I run PWCG, which does a pretty good job.
  24. OFF and SuperFetch.

    It's all my fault sir. I'd like to thank those who corrected me to let me know that when I said "A", I really said "Z" which is the exact opposite of "A". And when I clarified in no uncertain terms "A", they doubled down on how I really said "Z" despite quotes from me proving I said "A" and then for letting me know how wrong I am for really saying "Z". I should have known better as I have seen this happen to others many times before. Please give my condolences to the Straw Man who has been beaten to death in my name. That poor bastard never stood a chance. He died in the name of one mans glory and for the low, low price of honesty, integrity and any semblance of respectability. Out of respect for the Straw Mans family (May God Rest His Soul Until the Next Time Someone Dares to Say "A"), I won't subect him to any more such conversations as there is absolutely no rational reason to try. Let civility to return to the forum. My sincerest apologies. I really did know better but somehow I mistakenly thought there was a bottom to the madness. I assure you, there is not.
  25. OFF and SuperFetch.

    I'm perfectly content to the let rest of the readers of the forum decide for themselves what each of us is saying. It's clear that you and I will not see eye to eye on what, to me, seems like elementary logic. If a person can't afford a piece of equipment, then there is no reason not to try free alternatives. Nothing about what I have said, including my "law" even remotely hinted at the idea that if one person can't afford something, nobody should get it. In fact to the contrary, I recommended buying SSD drives to those who could. That doesn't stop you from making utterly false statements about what I have said or my meaning though. Nor did I see you admit that you were wrong to accuse me of such. In fact you doubled down on your life. I guess you feel if you tell a lie often enough and loud enough it will be considered true. Good luck to you with that sir. People can read what I wrote for themselves.

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