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Everything posted by Hellshade

  1. The Devs have promised that the AI is going to have much improved low level combat skills. No more hedge hopping for easier kills or escapes. Also, they said that the AI pilots will see, think and react using real WWI maneuvers. Coupled with the improved flight and damage models and two seaters flying to give their rear gunner the best shot, I have to think that flying OFF 2 for the first time is as close as I will ever get to the way actual WWI pilots felt going out on missions for the first time. They had some basic flight training and they have been told some things about their aircraft and what the enemy planes can do, but really, until they experience it for themselves it's all just a big question mark. I want that fear and uncertainty. So for this reason I am going to dive right into the campaign mode and not try my hand at getting used to the planes in Quick Combat first. I want to find out how hard the enemy fights and what tricks they have to use against me while my pilots life is at stake in the campaign. So that is #1. I will fly campaign missions right away. I will probably start with an early bird craft, Allied fighter, and see how many missions I can survive. Probably not many. I may start two careers and alternate between the Germans and the Allies. #2 is that I am going to fly with no labels, hud, warnings, etc. It's going to be my eyes and ears against the enemies. I am looking forward to getting "bounced" and how I and my flight responds. #3 is I will use the Claim forms to see how many kills I can actually get credit for, as opposed to just getting automatic credit with the easy Claims system. #4 I will fly as Creaghorn and Olham do, which is for my own survival and the survival of my men. Since OFF 2 tracks men and planes, it will add a lot of realism to focus on bringing everyone back home. #5 I will work my way up the ranks so that hopefully, if I live long enough, one day I will have earned the right to lead my own squadron. If I get lost or separated from my flight, that will add to the fear of finding my way home alone! How about you guys? When we finally get OFF 2 in our hands, how do you plan to first experience it? Allied or German? Fighters or two seaters? Quick Combats or Campaigns? More forgiving settings so you can live long enough to experience more or hard core "DiD" settings? What special plans do you have to get the most out of what the Devs have spent years cooking up for us? Hellshade
  2. Beautiful shots indeed Adger. They all look amazing! Hellshade
  3. Olham, that was a very cool video. I think I remember seeing it long ago. It makes me anxious for OFF 2 where those big floating targets will be part of the campaign! Shiloh - good flying bud. Were you trying to land lengthwise on the top wing of that first DVII? Close call indeed. Good save on the low level turn at the end. Those can be very tricky if not handled correctly! Hellshade
  4. New Sounds for you...

    Once you get full approval for that package, please upload it onto the download server sir. I and I am sure many others would love to have that combination while we wait for OFF 2. Thank you for all of your efforts in putting this together. Hellshade
  5. OFF German Campaign 4 (9:16) 720HD Hellshade
  6. I think more of us could learn from Creaghorn and Olham. Nobody would fly and fight the way I do for real. At least not and have any hope of living through the war. Maybe I fight like Voss, but without his incredible skill. Which is to say I will fight no matter the odds and make a good show of it, but eventually I will fall to the odds. I can survive a lot of missions but I have never survived all of them. and I agree Shiloh. This is exactly what these type of videos are great for. Learn from others and see how they do things differently. You can almost see the mind of the pilot when he decides how to approach the situation. Those are more fantastic screen shots Olham. If anyone can tell a good story just from screen shots it's you sir. Hellshade
  7. New Sounds for you...

    Can you upload that combination to the download section please? I would really appreciate that all in one "bundle". Hellshade
  8. Unless they explode or lose a wing, I often watch them even after they begin to fall. I've seen some tricky AI lose altitude dropping flat as a rock and then once they get enough speed built up pull out and try to lumber away home. A few even sneak back into the fight while trailing smoke! They can be most determined. I don't feel safe until they are on fire, lost wings or have impacted the ground. I can't wait to see how devilish the combined new AI, FM and DM in OFF 2 will be. Hellshade
  9. OT: STALKER dev team making F2PMMO

    I never played STALKER but I have heard a few of you say it's a great experience. It seems that once STALKER 2 was cancelled, some of the Devs took it upon themselves to create a spiritual successor to the game. It's going to be a Free to Play MMO though, so there's every chance of it being horrible and nothing like the STALKER games at all. That said, I guess if it's this or nothing we can always hope it somehow turns out well. http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/04/25/survarium-is-free-to-play-stalker Hellshade
  10. Now you've got me thinking. Maybe I should do a few free flight modes only flying a plane that I would not normally fly - such as a two seater - just so I can tweak the graphics and performance settings but without seeing what the AI can do or even what the flight characteristics of what one of the fighters may be like. The only trouble there is that tweaking graphics performance can be so addicting to me. Trying to get the absolute best performance out of the sim possible can take countless variations in the settings. But then again I would hate to be flying in combat and find things sluggish or laggy. /sigh Decisions decisions. And to think I only have two more weeks to make up my mind... Hellshade
  11. Beautiful screen shots Olham. They could almost be photos the feeling in them is so great. Glad you were able to bring your men back okay too. It must be no easy task against such a difficult foe. Hellshade
  12. Damn I had so much fun flying the DVIIF in a campaign I had to do a few more patrols. What a great little fighter she is. The Allies have certainly kept me busy in early August 1918. It isn't easy staying alive up there. OFF German Campaign 2 (8:00) 720HD - August 2nd Morning Patrol OFF German Campaign 3 (7:14) 720HD - August 2nd Afternoon Patrol Hellshade
  13. I already got to see it! The little buggers sure are hard to line up for a clean shot, aren't they? I started my German campaign. The Allies seem pretty serious about having a go at our airfield! OFF German Campaign 1 (3:21) 720HD Hellshade
  14. A great fight Shiloh. I especially enjoyed the low level kill at 4:50. Close enough to hear the pilot scream! Well done. Those Spads are tough foes. You did well! Between a few QC's in a DVII and your video, I think you've inspired me to make a late war Jasta pilot campaign. Being outnumbered but in a great, well rounded fighter seems like a good challenge. Here is some raw footage of a QC fight I did to get used to the DVII. Lone DVIIF vs flight of Camels at 15,000 ft. (7:04) 720HD Hellshade
  15. Fokker DVIIF vs SE5as. The little bastards certainly made me work for it... Hellshade
  16. OFF2 DEVELOPMENT Screenshots

    Amazing colors. The OFF 2 screen shots often blur the line between flight sim and art. We are obviously all in for an amazing treat. Hellshade
  17. Well, I was wrong.

    You should have put the code in Richtofen's capable hands. Even dead, he was able to land safely! Hellshade
  18. I fear my reputation is much larger than the reality of my flying skills and your countrymen are no easy sport, sir. Hellshade
  19. I'm with you Shiloh. Nothing improves my flying skills more than watching how others handle their various aircraft. It teaches me new ways to think about different situations. Also, I like to re-watch my own videos and often I see something I missed during the actual flight. Something to look for in the future that might give me some advantage the next time. I realize that it can be difficult for most peoples computers to fly and record at the same time, but I always hope that more will do so. Such videos are a treasure trove of knowledge. Do they check their 6 before committing to an attack? How alert they are to their surroundings, looking around instead of getting 'target fixated'? What they do at different altitudes, low or high? How often do they break off an attack in order to save a friend? If someone is getting around on their 6 but they are nearly lined up for a kill shot, do they take the shot or break off and become defensive? (that's how I got shot down in my last vid!) Does heavy enemy flak change their tactics at all? How persistent are they in taking down dangerous two seaters formations? Do they fly to the strengths of their plane? Do they use the weaknesses of the enemy plane against them? Do they work with their wingman to achieve victory or go all WWI "Rambo"? Do they try to maintain a height advantage and fight from up on a perch? Videos tell the story and you can see all of your own weaknesses in stark detail right before your eyes. I still have lots to learn and still am guilty of making dumb mistakes if I get too intent on a kill. A good video tells me all about it. Hellshade
  20. For those interested in a fantasy RPG "click fest" Blizzard has an open beta from April 20th - April 23rd. That's this weekend. As far as I know you just need a Battle.net account but no active subscriptions. http://pc.ign.com/articles/122/1223407p1.html Hellshade
  21. The vast majority of people go to work every day simply for the money. They are entitled to do the same. It's a human mentality, really. They are just better at it than most. Hellshade
  22. I agree it won't be "on sale" for a very long time, if ever. Blizzard titles tend to be like Toyota Corollas. They just keep their value. And while yes, there are martial arts pandas in the next WoW expansion, the truth is the pandarians (or whatever they are called) were a part of Warcraft lore that was introduced way back in Warcraft III the RTS game. Kung Fu Panda - the movie - showed up long after Blizzard invented the idea. I still can't stand the idea of them in WoW, but it doesn't matter to me anymore since I quit some time ago. Popular theory has it that they are trying to grow their Chinese base of fans in WoW because the western fans are dropping like flies. That's just a rumor though. Only Blizzard knows their reasoning for certain. Hellshade
  23. OFF2 DEVELOPMENT Screenshots

    Lower wing missing. Top wing crumpled. Engine and cockpit on fire. Looks to me like a German AA crew earned it's pay for the day. Very nice DM effects. Again, I must say, the scenery and terrain looks like a photograph. It never fails to impress. Thank you for sharing! Hellshade
  24. Sgt. Scott Michaels of 24 RAF squadron is sent off with his flight on an enemy observation balloon busting mission. What starts off as a "cake run" quickly turns sour! OFF RAF Campaign video 2 (5:10) 720HD Hellshade
  25. Nice video and flying Olham! I too am interested in seeing how you fly and fight in the Albatros series, so looking forward to seeing more if you can spare the time to make them. Morning patrol of 19 April, 1918. Sgt. Scott Michaels of 24 RAF sqdrn flying in his SE5a comes across a flight of German 2 seaters doing recon. Video from just prior to contact. OFF RAF Campaign video 1 (6:03) 720HD Hellshade

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