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Everything posted by Hellshade

  1. Olham, that is a magnificent paint job on your plane. You have a true talent for skins. Thank you for the FoV settings too. A great help sir. Shiloh, I just started a campaign pilot myself flying SE5as for the British. His very first mission was a scramble! I ran out of ammo and I took some hits, but we let them know who's airspace it was with a little help from the boys on the AA guns. I have to agree with Olham, flying with no lables, etc makes things very exciting indeed. At any rate as soon as I saw it was a scramble, I decided to record the mission because they are always so intense. I'm out of practice on SE5as but I did what damage I could. Campaign Scramble Mission (9:38) 720 Hellshade
  2. Well, I was wrong.

    I was hoping that you were right and even made my bet for the same day since your reasoning seemed so good. Ah well. Better that they ship it when it is ready than rush the release. Hellshade
  3. You might want to also try disabling the hdr & bloom enb drivers and changing the Gamma Values in the Control Panel if you have an Nvidia. By lowering Gamma you can make everything darker with no performance loss. These screen shots were taken with Brightness and Contrast at 50% (default) and also Digital Vibrance at 50% but with Gamma pushed down to .70. Playing with Brightness and Gamma can help you get darker blacks. The first two are on a cloudy day and the last is what it looks like on a sunny day. Of course you can mess with any of the values you wish in any way you choose until you get exactly the "feel" that you are looking for.
  4. Indeed it was only my opinion. That's why I included the words "in my personal opinion", sir. Oddly enough, I'm pretty sure that it was me who posted the link to let people know that the Diablo III beta was available this weekend. For a person trying to discourage people from playing a beta, I'm doing a really lousy job by letting them know when, where and how to sign up for it. Wouldn't you say? In fact, I always encourage people to try betas and demos. The best time to find out if you like something is when you have the chance to try it for free. That's when they get to form their own opinion. I expressed my opinion. I doubt very seriously that my personal opinion holds so much weight that anyone around here is going to not try a free beta or demo just because I didn't happen to enjoy it. If it turns out I do have that much sway over people's ability to decide things for themselves, it'll be news to me sir. In all the time I've been here, I've never read the words "Well Hellshade didn't like it so I'm not even going to bother to try it." But since I put the words "Try them both, of course." into my opinion, even if they did follow me blindly, they'd be trying Diablo III anyway. Come to think of it, I just made a post about the ability to make the colors richer and more vibrant in OFF:BH&H. I figured a lot of people would really like to have that option. Turns out most of the people who responded prefer the more 'muted' color scheme that Winder put in as default. Whatever works for them is fine by me. Just because I love it doesn't mean other people can't dislike it. I'm about giving people options and let them figure out what works best for them. You'll have to forgive me if I also express a personal opinion in the process of trying it for myself. You should prepare yourself for the fact that other people who try it for themselves are likely to do the same. Path of Exile plans on selling cosmetic upgrades. Supposedly they won't sell "pay to win" type gear. Time will tell if it makes any money or not. Rest assured it won't make as much money as Blizzards title. Hellshade
  5. Red, As I stated in my post, I'm sure it will sell like hot cakes. My opinion is just mine. There are plenty of Skyrim "haters" even though Bethesda shipped 10,000,000 copies and it is the fastest selling game in the history of steam. But you can still go on forums and read people who hate every aspect of it. That's fine. It doesn't stop me from enjoying the game. There's always going to be a minority who simply don't like a game for one reason or another. They don't stop it's success in the commercial market. Yes, Torchlight is cartoony compared to Diablo III. But Diablo III looks cartoony to me compared to Path of Exile or Grim Dawn. I fully understand why Blizzard, one of my favorite game making companies, went with a lower polygon count in order to run on the maximum number of machines. It's a smart choice to cast the widest possible net in order to get the most sales. I just don't happen to care for the choice. I don't happen to have a low end machine so I like games where I can crank up the detail and make things look as real as possible in most cases. (WoW, a Blizzard game, happens to have been one of the exceptions for years for me though I'm finally completely over it) In terms of click fest style games, Path of Exile and Grim Dawn fall closer to that mark of realistic looks for me than Diablo III does. I feel pretty confident though that Blizzard will survive without my personal support on this one. I'm glad you love Diablo III. I genuinely hope you get years and years of enjoyment out of it. I have no doubt that millions of people will. That's why it'll sell like hot cakes. I just won't happen to be one of those millions. Fortunately for all of us there seems to be multiple developers going about creating fantasy action RPGs in different ways. Different sword strokes for different RPG folks, eh? Hellshade
  6. Olham I am running at 1920 x 1200. If you could calculate good FoV settings I would appreciate it. It looks off to me too and I tried many settings but could never come up with what I really liked. As for the vibrant colors, I didn't realize France was so 'drab' but I have never been there and most of the photos I've seen are black and whites from WWI and some WWII. I'm used to Florida where everything is so lush and green. Hellshade
  7. Beware BETA, but interesting FXAA feature allowing for AA up to 60% faster than 4X. Official Notes As Follows: This is the first unified driver from the R300 family of drivers (versions 300.00 to 301.99). GeForce R300 drivers are packed with new industry-leading, GeForce-exclusive features as well as some really nice performance increases in top games. New in R300 Drivers: New GPU Support – Adds support for the new GeForce GTX 680, the fastest, most efficient GPU ever built. Explore GeForce GTX 680 and its new SMX architecture on GeForce.com. Performance Boost – Increases performance for GeForce 400 Series and 500 Series GPUs in several PC games vs. GeForce 296.10 WHQL-certified drivers. Results will vary depending on your GPU and system configuration:GeForce GTX 570/580:Up to 23% in Just Cause 2 with SLI Up to 21% in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Up to 17% in StarCraft II with SLI Up to 14% in Far Cry 2 with SLI Up to 9% in Bulletstorm Up to 7% in Civilization V Up to 6% in Deus Ex: Human Revolution with SLI Up to 6% in Dragon Age 2 with SLI Up to 5% in Metro 2033 with SLI Up to 5% in Total War: Shogun 2 GeForce GTX 560/560 Ti: Up to 20% in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Up to 15% in Just Cause 2 with SLI Up to 13% in Far Cry 2 with SLI Up to 12% in Bulletstorm Up to 11% in Civilization V Up to 10% in StarCraft II with SLI Up to 9% in Batman: Arkham City Up to 4% in Deus Ex: Human Revolution with SLI Up to 4% in Dragon Age 2 with SLI Up to 4% in Metro 2033 with SLI Up to 4% in Total War: Shogun 2 NVIDIA FXAA Technology – shader-based anti-aliasing technology available from the NVIDIA Control Panel that enables ultra-fast anti-aliasing in hundreds of PC games. FXAA delivers similar quality to 4x multi-sample antialiasing (MSAA) but is up to 60% faster, enabling substantially higher performance in games. FXAA is supported on all GeForce 8-series and later GPUs. Note: This feature is disabled for games that already have built-in support for FXAA. Visit GeForce.com to learn more. NVIDIA Adaptive Vertical Sync – dynamically enables vertical sync based on your current frame rates for the smoothest gaming experience. Adaptive VSync is supported on all GeForce 8-series and later GPUs. Visit GeForce.com to learn more. NVIDIA Frame Rate Target – dynamically adjusts frame rate to a user specified target. Support for this feature is enabled via third party applications via NVAPI. Visit GeForce.com to learn more. NVIDIA Surround Technology – Adds the following new Surround capabilities. Visit GeForce.com to learn more. Add in a fourth accessory display to get access to your email, web, or other applications while you game. Maximize an application to a single physical display when in Surround mode (enabled by default). Confine the Windows Taskbar to the center display (enabled by default). Enable bezel peeking – a feature which enables users to temporarily ‘peak’ behind the monitor bezels using a hotkey (Ctrl + Alt + B). This feature is designed to be used in conjunction with bezel corrected resolutions. Add or remove resolutions from the list of Surround resolutions (only those selected will be available to applications). Full center display acceleration for single wide display modes (center display must be connected to the master GPU). NVIDIA SLI Technology – Adds or updates the following SLI profiles:Alan Wake Call of Juarez: The Cartel Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Deus Ex: Human Revolution - The Missing Link Left 4 Dead Orcs Must Die! Portal 2 Risen 2: Dark Waters The Darkness II NVIDIA 3D Vision – Adds or updates the following 3D Vision profiles:All Zombies Must Die! – rated Fair Ghosts 'n Goblins Online – rated Good Oil Rush – rated 3D Vision Ready Postal III – rated Good Rayman Origins – rated Good SevenCore – rated Fair Stacking – rated Good Unigine Heaven Benchmark v3.0 – rated 3D Vision Ready Wargame: European Escalation – rated Good Warp – rated Good Wings of Prey – rated Fair Krater – rated Poor Other Details Installs PhysX System Software v9.12.0213. Installs HD Audio v1.3.12.0. Supports OpenGL 4.2 Supports DisplayPort 1.2 for GeForce GTX 680. Supports multiple languages and APIs for GPU computing: CUDA C, CUDA C++, CUDA Fortran, OpenCL, DirectCompute, and Microsoft C++ AMP. Supports single GPU and NVIDIA SLI technology on DirectX 9, DirectX 10, DirectX 11, and OpenGL, including 3-way SLI, Quad SLI, and SLI support on SLI-certified Intel and AMD motherboards.
  8. Here's a screenshot to give you a better idea of what the colors look like without youtube messing them up. I gotta say I just love it. Brings the whole thing even more to life.
  9. Yes, one definately has to play with the values in order to see what they want. Youtube has a tendancy to make such videos a bit darker than the way they actually appear in the game too. I did a quick dogfight with DVIIFs against some Camels with the same settings except Brightness was put up to 50%. I can see this being the way to go to tweak the video settings though for color. Again, I don't get to take credit for this 'find' though. Someone else mentioned something about it in a post so I decided to do a little hunting around and see what I could find. I can't complain about the results. Fokker DVIIFs vs Sopwith Camels - 720P Hellshade
  10. Well I fired it up and I must say I am seriously underwhelmed by Diablo III. Obviously I didn't play long enough to make a bunch of levels or anything, but right away the gameplay just seemed very 'flat' to me. The graphics were mediocre at best. Frankly the Diablo series is supposed to be known for it's dark atmosphere, but Diablo III looks like they tried to cross it with World of Warcraft in terms of art style. Too cartoony for the series in my personal opinion. I'm sure it will sell like hotcakes, but I won't be throwing any money it's way. I'll save for OFF 2 and perhaps Guild Wars 2. If you like the "click fest" fantasy action RPGs, I would recommend trying Path of Exile. It is currently in open beta and will be free to play once it goes live. The atmosphere is much darker and grim. Plus the skill trees are so large, people actually call them the "skill forest" for good reason. I've spent a few hours in the beta and it seems to be well put together. Try them both, of course. But considering PoE is going to be free to play and Diablo III will most certainly be $59.99, I think PoE is definately worth a long look, especially for any purely casual players. http://www.pathofexile.com/ Hellshade
  11. OFF2 DEVELOPMENT Screenshots

    Maybe OFF 2 IS the Great Change they were referring too. I think I just cracked the "code!" Hellshade
  12. Track IR profile

    Here is the TrackIR Profile that I use. I renamed it default because it's what I use for every flight sim. Hope it helps. Hellshade default.xml
  13. New Sounds for you...

    Andy, I just downloaded and installed your sound mod, using the version that works with Creaghorns Sound Tweak II. Simply fantastic work. This truly is a community with some incredible talent. Thank you very much for sharing your sound mod. Hellshade
  14. New Sounds for you...

    Do whatever your heart tells you too sir, but for my part Creaghorns Alb sounds are great. If you think that you can improve upon them, by all means mod away. If not, what you've already done is wonderful work and, I am sure, would be greatly appreciated by the community if you would share it. Hellshade
  15. New Sounds for you...

    Those are fantastic Andy. I don't see why OBD would have any problems with a sound mod for P3 as long as you give credit to them for their work. Creaghorn has had a Sound Tweaks II mod up for a couple of years now. I sincerely hope you release yours. I would love to use it and it would make a wonderful addition to P3. Great work sir. Hellshade
  16. Bloody April

    Excellent videos sir. Thank you very much for sharing. I had not seen them before. Hellshade
  17. Some of the planes were modeled with pilots in the cockpit and others were not. It was a subject of some controversy when P3 first came out. I'm not sure which way the devs will go with P4 but I think , according to the preview movie they released, they decided to get rid of the pilot and go with the empty cockpit view. But for now, some P3 planes have them and some do not. Hellshade
  18. OFF2 DEVELOPMENT Screenshots

    The scenery, clouds and aircraft details never fail to impress. I can't begin to imagine how many man-hours have gone into producing this. Excellent work gentlemen. Hellshade
  19. @ Hellshade

    No sir. Version 1.25 is stand alone. Thank Herr Prop Wasche. He did all the work! Hellshade
  20. @ Hellshade

    Version 1.25 sir. It's a great damage model mod. HPW loves to tweak things. :) Hellshade
  21. That that was the purpose of that video exactly. A mini marketing commercial to help sell people on the sim. I'm looking forward to doing more of those for OFF 2. I also have a few more ideas for types of videos that will show off OFF 2, both in terms of features and the experience. Hellshade
  22. AVS Video Editor. It was about $60 when I purchased it a few years ago. Adds all kinds of font styles, transitions, video effects and video format conversion options. Well worth the price if you plan on doing it as a hobby like I have. Hellshade
  23. It's quite common actually. The Devs put a lot of work into re-creating the war. When there are big battles at the front, expect to see tanks, troops and support vehicles duking it out with one another, in addition to the arty rounds and AA. Nice video too sir. I hope your friend joins the war with us. If he needs any more convincing, I created a video called "The Over Flanders Fields Experience" that shows off some of the potential of this flight sim. It's about 5 minutes long and gives a fairly comprehensive overview of what you can expect when you fly Over Flanders Fields. Feel free to share it with anyone who might be interested. It can be viewed in up to 1080P for quality. Hellshade
  24. @ Hellshade

    Despite all the good nature screams wanting it "yesterday!", I think we all know nobody wants to release OFF 2 more than those of you who are putting your heart, soul, blood, sweat and tears into creating it every single day. When it's ready, it's ready. Until then, I dare say even the most ardent flier of P3 hasn't exhausted all of the possibilities in it yet. That said, I really look forward to shining a light on OFF 2 with some videos in order to get the word out about it. I just need to come up with some flying and shooting skills that do justice to the planes, scenery and AI. I'm not worried about making the sim look good. That's the easy part. I'm just hoping the AI doesn't make my flying look too bad. That'll probably be my toughest challenge. Hellshade

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