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Everything posted by Hellshade

  1. Theultimat, Great screen shot. How did you get the colors to be so vivid and have such contrast? It looks really nice. Hellshade
  2. It uses a modified version of the same engine that runs Wings of Prey, I believe. WoP supports TrackIR so I'd be highly surprised if this didn't. Hellshade That's the joy of beta. You get to find out if it's 'gold' or not without forking over a dime. Hellshade
  3. Buddy posted a new DM where he tweaked some of HPWs and FBs DM mods and I gotta say I really enjoy it. No flying flamers or flying tanks. A few rounds doesn't just cripple your enemies or your aircrafts ability to manuever much at all, keeping the fights dangerous longer. Nothing is perfect but it's a very enjoyable DM mod, making the combat longer lasting and more challenging without falling into the "flying tank" issue. Head over to the mods section if you want to give it a try. Nice job Buddy. Hellshade
  4. It's not lost upon me that the main purpose of the screen shot post is to show off the high quality damage model and artwork. But I can't help but say that what is equally as impressive to me is that in a great many of the screen shots, this one included, the scenery and terrain is almost photo realistic. It actually blends so well into the background of the screen shot that it doesn't draw attention to itself because there is nothing glaringly "constructed" about it. It's just so organic in it's feeling that it serves as the perfect backdrop to highlight the planes. That includes the clouds and fog as well. Incredibly well done all around gentlemen. Kudos to Mr. Lucky for pointing out the fully functional rotary engine as well. We are all certainly in for a wonderful experience when it ships. Hellshade
  5. Wonderful damage modeling. Incredible attention to detail. Can't wait for more pics. Hellshade
  6. Buddy's re-modified DM

    Just a personal preference, but for whatever reason I seem to think it works better when I turn OFF HPW's AI weight mod. When that's on and using Buddy's re-modded DM mod, some of the AI - especially Pfalz DIIIs seem to want to pull up until they stall out and then just drop straight down a bit too often. Only tried it with and without a few times but it seems like it makes a difference to me, for whatever it's worth. Hellshade
  7. Buddy's re-modified DM

    Pups vs Pfalz DIIIs using Buddy's Re-modified DM. You'll see me take hits several times during the fight but still be able to keep a good portion of my agility in the air. Same goes for the AI. Pups vs Pfalz (720 HD) Hellshade
  8. Well done Buddy. I really enjoy the fact that just a couple of rounds won't cripple my plane or the enemy nearly as much as it once did. I didn't see a single flying flamer, nor were the planes "flying tanks" that took a 100 rounds to shoot down. This is some really good stuff. Keep up the great work. Hellshade
  9. To Bletchley

    It's scary how much you guys know about this stuff. Every last little detail that you'd think was long lost to history. I can't imagine how many details will be in OFF 2 that make it historically accurate that most folks (like me) wouldn't ever notice but you put it in there just because that's how it was. Hellshade
  10. Very nice screen shots gentlemen. Hellshade
  11. Is P4 getting a sound overhaul?

    I couldn't say for sure, but I'd be willing to bet good money new sounds will accompany everything else that's new. Hellshade
  12. Since the main page shows the name to be "Over Flanders Fields 2" for the software formerly known as Phase 4, I'm quite positive the first expansion is going to be called: Weaponized Aerial Recon. OFF 2 WAR! Hellshade
  13. Bandicam V Fraps

    I'm having a problem getting Bandicam to work with OFF. It literally does not appear to realize that OFF is the target window. Anyone else having this issue? As for Bandicam vs Fraps, it's a toss up. Fraps has better video quality, but the size of the file is so huge that I have to run it through a video converter program in order to make it small enough to upload to youtube. Bandicam's video isn't as clear as Fraps, however by the time youtube gets done butchering the quality of a Fraps recording, a lot of the detail is gone anyways, making it a bit of a wash. I'll have to give Playclaw 3 a try Pol. Sounds like it might be worth a look if it has so more configuration options. Hellshade
  14. .005 version of the ENB series. Actually I haven't noticed any real FPS hit on the performance. Hopefully you'll have the same good fortune. And yes, I have to agree that it really boosts up the visual experience considerably. Hellshade
  15. Congratz Flyby PC! I can understand the confusion. But it's not P2 as in "Phase 2". It's OFF 2 as in "Over Flanders Fields 2.0" I think the Devs just wanted to shorten the name. I'm not 100% sure that OFF 2 is what the official name is going to be, but judging by the front page where they call it "OFF 2 - formerly known as P4", I'm guessing that's what they decided sir. Keeps the name brand alive. Hellshade
  16. Gentlemen, whatever differences we may have with the owner of 777 Studios, let's keep it with him and not turn this into a sim vs sim thread, please. OBD showed incredible class and restraint in their measured response to the blatantly false accusations made against them. Let's do them the honor of matching their class. Everyone is free to enjoy whatever flight sim makes them happy and no flight sim is perfect, no matter how strong our personal preferences might be. The biggest lesson I learned over the recent dust up was just how lucky we are to have such great developers. Hellshade
  17. ROF Claims Theft...Is It True?

    Anyway, all that having been said....here's a random beautiful P3 shot of an autumn dogfight. Can't wait for P4.
  18. ROF Claims Theft...Is It True?

    Welcome aboard eric. You'll find OFF:BH&H to be an outstanding product that does a wonderful job of re-creating the war (in the air and on the ground). I highly recommend you dish out the extra $9.99 if you can swing it and get the Hat in the Ring expansion. It adds a lot more features than just planes and the America squadrons. Don't forget to download the patches too! Hellshade
  19. ROF Claims Theft...Is It True?

    For me it has nothing to do with which sim is "better". The blatant, unsubstantiated accusation that OBD would steal someone else's work and that Jason is going to "enjoy suing them" shows how detached from reality he has become. To then say that it was all done as a joke is either pathetic or further evidence of his complete irrationality. In either case, it is unprofessional behavior that is simply not acceptable. It's too bad, because I occassionally enjoy a good RoF dogfight now and then, but unless there is some kind of major management change over there, I've spent my last dime with 777. Winder, Pol and company...we're with you, Gentleman. Thanks for all that you do. Hellshade
  20. Bletchley's AA Mod

    Ideally it would be great to have the "perfect sim" that requires no mods, but to be fair to the Devs - every user has their own idea of "perfect" so that is not a very realistic goal. That said, I feel OFF 2 will be an ideal sim because the Devs have worked so hard to think of and incorporate everything they possibly can into it and then the community has dedicated and skilled modders to make the personal "tweaks" to cater to various users desires. Add to that a friendly, helpful forum community that is well versed in all things WWI and I'd say that's about as ideal as anyone could hope for. Hellshade
  21. Bletchley's AA Mod

    Rather impressive, sir. Hellshade
  22. I started using Lou's suggesting config settings for OFF in conjunction with the ENB series of video drivers that add a bloom effect, etc. The results seem to make things look softer and more organic. But most especially the clouds on a sunny day seem very bright, as if one were looking at them without any sun glasses on. Some might not like it, but I find it a very interesting effect. I posted some screenies before but here's a quick 1 minute video showing what it looks like in motion. Let me know what you think. Hellshade
  23. OT Career Change

    I'd rather fail at my dream for a few years than regret never having tried it for the rest of my life. Just my own personal opinion. Hellshade
  24. ETA for phase 4?

    I know exactly when it will ship. "When it's ready and not one damn day sooner." and I fully support that. Thanks for all the hard work the Devs are investing in every effort to ship the most comprehensive and polished WWI flight sim ever. Hellshade
  25. OT: Skyrim 1.5 update is "Brutal"

    Tired of the same old kill cam violence in Skyrim? Patch 1.5 will add kill cam "fatality moves" for spells and ranged weapons along with even more melee weapon fatalities. PC users can update to the beta on Steam now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=b1Mu4vXbdW8 Hellshade

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