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Everything posted by Hellshade

  1. Damn. I saw Pol had posted and I had my hopes up for Preview movie #2. Woulda been a great Christmas present. ha. Speaking of which, Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it and Happy Holidays to those who celebrate other stuff. May everyone be happy, healthy and gainfully employed in this New Year. Hellshade
  2. They appear to cause artifacting issues in RoF. Beta version 290.36 seem to work great. Didn't notice any difference in OFF. Supposed to be an increase in FPS in Skyrim but I can't tell since I'm maxed at 60 most of the time anyways. Hellshade
  3. Combined FM and AI Weight Mod Complete!

    I think 2012 is going to be a great year for WWI flight sim fans. I'm not sure what FE 2 has got planned but RoF has been banging away at adding features and of course OFF 2 looks like a giant leap forward in every way. It looks to me like the WWI flight sim niche is really starting to mature across the board in terms of quality products and features available to the users. Three cheers! Hellshade
  4. Quite right sir. Quite right indeed. Hellshade
  5. Cliffs of Dover wasn't unplaybale (or nearly so) at launch because there was too much detail. The issue was there was too much detail for a sim written NOT to take advantage of multicore CPUs. A fix for that has either been implemented or is underway, I hear. I don't own the sim but I have read that that was one of the main problems with it's low frame rate. I enjoy both WW1 flight sims but for very different reasons as have been mentioned above. FM / DM vs # of planes in the sky (and how they get there and where they are going) along with number of objects on the ground, etc. Personally, I'm glad the Devs chose two very different approaches. In the end, it gives me the consumer more choices and option on how I want to experience WW1 air combat in a sim. Hellshade
  6. Valid Point..that needs adressing

    I think that's been mostly fixed. Not 100%, but more often than not it works. The Devs have been pretty thorough in the list of improvements and fixes for OFF 2 (AI craft land, etc). Maybe this will be resolved once and for all then too. Hellshade
  7. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    For those PC users interested in a more Mouse & Keyboard friendly interface - SkyUI might be the mod for you. It's not completed yet, as I understand it, but they are progressing one menu at a time to improve the interface and find a balance between "dumbed down" and "Information Overkill". http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3863 If you try it out, be sure to let us know how well it works. Hellshade
  8. Roen911 has some really great composite WWI (and other) aircraft artwork. Lots of talent if you ask me. Here's the link to his gallery http://roen911.deviantart.com/gallery/ and a couple samples of his work.
  9. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    I just started using the ENB series for Skyrim. A slight FPS hit in some areas but sure makes shadows and other things look good.
  10. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    The latest Nvidia BETA drivers are out as well. I've been using them for a couple of weeks with no issues - and they add some extra support for Skyrim as well. http://www.geforce.c...s/Results/40030 Guess who? Hint: It's not Santa
  11. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    How'd that date go, anyway?
  12. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    ATI improves Skyrim PC support 7:24 AM - APY- 0 Comments If you've been playing Skyrim on PC with an ATI graphics card, you should give the new 12.1 drivers a try. There's a couple general improvements, but they also added some Skyrim tweaks: "Improves performance (10-15%) in Elder Scrolls: Skyrim when Multi-Sample Anti-Aliasing is enabled on the AMD Radeon™ HD 6900 Series for single GPU and AMD CrossfireX configurations"
  13. Does P4 get it's own name?

    If it wasn't so "wordy", I'd say my favorite is still OFF:Wooden Crosses. Iron Men. But I think it was Pol who said he wanted to keep it short this time. Otherwise Over Flanders Fields: Air Combat Experience Simulator, Gold Boxed Deluxe Special Collectors Edition would have it for sure. I'm assuming OFF: Sky Warrior Zelots of Expansionist Imperial Nations doesn't work either. I'm kinda partial to OFF: Sons of Icarus too. Brings that whole "greek tragedy, falling from the sky" thing into play. Over Flanders Fields: Dicta Boelcke would be great if anyone in America got a proper education anymore. They don't. Over Flanders Fields: Legends of the Sky sums up who you'll be flying with and against - and also tells you how much stuff you get - OFF:LOTS! Maybe something simple but sweeping? Over Flanders Fields: The Great Air War A high drama feel? Over Flanders Fields: A Wing and a Prayer Crossover appeal: OFF: the Skyrim of 1918. Nevermind - Bethesda will sue if you even use so much as the word "scrolls" Well, frankly the Devs could call it OFF: Some Old Planes and Schit and I'd pick it up in a heartbeat anyways. Looking forward to all the new and improved features, along with the great name unveiling. Can't wait guys. Hellshade
  14. Not another DM?!

    I've been messing around a bit with your new DM HPW and I must say that I enjoy it very much. I think it's difficult to shoot down planes without being impossible. Well done. The only thing I noticed is that it seems like the FM on my trusty Sopwith Triplane can feel a bit "floaty" on occassion. Not sure how that occured with DM changes but considering how good it all works together, I give a high score to the efforts sir. Something to help keep us all tided over until OFF 2.0 shows up, to be certain. Thanks for all that you do. Excellent work! Hellshade
  15. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    and "the Beast" continues to steamroll over the competition: 10 MILLION COPIES OF ‘GAME OF THE YEAR’ WINNER THE ELDER SCROLLS® V: SKYRIM™ SHIPPED Sales and Numerous ‘Game of the Year’ Awards Underscore Worldwide Popularity December 15, 2011 (Rockville, MD) – ZeniMax® Media Inc. today announced that 10 million units of Bethesda Softworks’® The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim have been shipped for the Xbox 360® video game entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system, and PC, representing approximately $650 million in retail sales since its release on November 11. The PC version of Skyrim in North America outsold all other PC games by a factor of over three to one in the month of its release. Large retail reorders across all platforms and record-breaking digital sales reflect the ongoing global demand by consumers excited to explore this extraordinary fantasy epic. Bethesda Softworks’® Skyrim has already garnered over two dozen ‘Game of the Year’ awards from major outlets worldwide, including winning the top honor of Game of the Year at the 2011 Video Game Awards which are voted on by a panel of editors from the industry’s most respected magazines and websites. In addition, Skyrim has received ‘Game of the Year’ awards from numerous other game critics, which, to date include such respected media outlets as G4TV, Official Xbox Magazine and Machinima.com. Skyrim was named ‘Most -Played Game of 2011’ by Raptr, based on research data which confirms its highly popular gameplay experience. “We are gratified that Skyrim continues to garner high review scores and accolades around the world,” said Robert Altman, Chairman and CEO of ZeniMax Media. “We are most grateful to our fans for their support and enthusiasm for the game, and their love of the hundreds of hours of gameplay it offers. We continue to strive to deliver the highest quality entertainment experience for everyone. 2012 will be another huge year for our fans, with the release of the Creation Kit, as well as exciting DLC which will add to the richness of this epic adventure." “Skyrim is the fastest selling title in Steam's history” said Jason Holtman, Director of Business Development at Valve Corporation. “Bethesda’s commitment to and understanding of the PC as a gaming platform shows in the great review scores, spectacular launch, and continued high player numbers that Skyrim has received. We are delighted that Bethesda chose to use Steamworks to support Skyrim both at retail and digitally.” Skyrim is the third consecutive game developed by the team at Bethesda Game Studios® to earn ‘Game of the Year’ honors. Bethesda Game Studios, which was named ‘Studio of the Year’ at the 2011 Video Game Awards, also created the 2006 ‘Game of the Year’, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion®, and the 2008 ‘Game of the Year’, Fallout® 3. To date, Skyrim has received well over 200 perfect review scores worldwide, earning the highest praise from some of the industry’s most influential critics including: USA Today, G4TV, The New York Times, GameSpy, Wired, Eurogamer, Destructoid, GamePro, Official Xbox Magazine, Joystiq, The Guardian, Famitsu and GamesRadar. G4TV describes Skyrim as “one of the greatest games ever” and Eurogamer was one of many outlets to call it a “masterpiece.”
  16. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    I would have to agree on this one. It's such a great story and there are so many interesting things that happen, that I wouldn't want to ruin any of the suprises for anyone...nor have them ruined for me on accident. Skyrim is at least as much about story and plot as it is about combat, thankfully. Lets put up Spoiler Alerts where needed. Onto a slightly different subject about Skyrim. I decided to take a page from the great folks here on the OFF Forum and integrate one of the popular ideas from here into a Skyrim character. So to add real stress and tension to the game, I created a Breton Archer / Thief and am playing by Dead is Dead rules! I still save the game regularly in the off chance the game crashes, however other than that I don't allow myself to reload a previous saved game for any reason. Poor Faendal, the elven archer from Riverwood, just died to a Frost Troll (and I highly suspect one of my damn arrows) and I just had to strip him and leave him. No retries on anything. If a trap, a monster, a random dragon...anything at all kills him...my character "Michael" is dead. Wow does that add some stress to combat and make you think real hard before starting fights!! Michael just reached level 12 (during the Frost Troll fight) and my last save is upon entering High Hrothgar. I want to see how far through the main story arc I can keep him alive and how many things he can legitimately experience as a true single life adventurer. I gotta say that it definately adds an edge to the combat! Here's a few pics of Michael, my DiD character,
  17. Yes, it most certainly will...except that it is vastly improved to include the possibility of 2 flights on each side - instead of just 1 per side - and it can have up to 10 planes per flight instead of 6. So you can QC with 40 planes in the sky instead of just 12. Hellshade
  18. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    BH: Running out of charges on an item does NOT destroy the item. It simply stops it from using the magical power enchanted into it, but continues to do the same level of base damage. Hellshade
  19. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Good luck with your final battle OvS! I have video of my final battle with Alduain, however I didn't want to spoil anything that major for anyone. But if folks want it posted, I'd be happy to do so. Hellshade
  20. I have no idea at all how realistic it's flight and damage models will be, but it certainly looks pretty...and it has Korean war jets. Fine visuals alone don't make a great game, but they don't much hurt it either. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=rBIOrXAd4qc Hellshade
  21. It's going to be free to play, so unless they change that aspect...no harm in just giving it a try. Hellshade
  22. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    It does indeed have amazing visuals. Here is my current desktop. "The Road to Riften"
  23. If you're patched up to they put in a lot of options to change it from arcade feel to much more realistic. Hellshade
  24. Just watched the preview yet again and I must say that it never gets old. Especially the part 8:35 in where the DR1 gives two Allied scouts the slip with a hard left turning dive just in front of a row of trees and then pulls back up and changes direction to turn the tables on his former pursuers. The FM looks amazing and the AI has obviously also been overhauled to take full advantage of it. You've really outdone yourself gentlemen. I think OFF 2 is going to be stunning on many levels. Hellshade

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