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Everything posted by Hellshade

  1. It is a free to play MMO, so it should be interesting considering you have nothing to lose just to try it whenever it comes out. Last trailer is the "Kuban Trailer" - nice ground attack and flak effects IMO. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VTazV7Mizg&feature=related Hellshade
  2. Maybe this will answer your question Olham. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txZ9eTrPpgc&feature=player_embedded#! Hellshade
  3. Holy crap. Have any of you guys slept in the last 2 years??? The only problem I see now is you won't have enough room on the DVD Box cover to list all of the improvements, additions and complete system overhauls you've done. Kudos just doesn't cover it anymore. Hellshade
  4. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    All I can say is it hasn't been a problem with any characters I've done it with so far and it puts a lot of coin in my pockets. Besides, with increased enchanting skill, my combat skills are made more effective because now I have more magic resistance, greater health / stamina or magicka bonuses, increased 1 handed / two handed / archery damage, etc. For example on one toon who focuses on Archery, the gear I have crafted has given him a +39% archery damage on each of a Ring, Necklace, Bracers and Boots (or Helmet - I can't remember). So my Archery damage total is now modified to do 156% more than if I didn't have those enchantments. I did the same thing with 1 handed weapon damage bonus for 4 or 5 peices that I put on Jenassa, my companion. Given that she dual wields single handed weapons, she's practically a living blender. It all seems to scale very nicely in my experience, provided you create the right enchantments for your characters. Hellshade
  5. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    For good coin, I recommend enchanting daggers with the Fear enchantment and selling them. Depending on your Speech skill, you can make a few hundred gold each. Fantastic money. Hellshade
  6. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    So I started a melee Paladin type character just for the hell of it. See how it is to play a melee type. Well I'm not sure how the rest of it goes but I knocked this poor Bandit right through the floor with my Mace. Whack a Mole, anyone?
  7. It's certainly not a "deal breaker" if auto-unwarp still occurs at 4 miles rather than 2. It would just be a nice feature. Same with having the fights stay up high longer. Frankly, from the looks of the videos, the low flying AI have no problem putting up a good fight now anyway. I have no doubts that every one of the Devs and assistants who are developing P4 have "plates" overflowing with things to be done. And I know that is true because you guys put your heart and soul into every line of code and model. Thanks to all of you for what you do. Don't worry about meeting every persons expectations. Just do what you know is right and I'm sure it'll surpass what any reasonable WWI flight sim fantatic could hope for. Then you'll make it even better with your usual after the sale outstanding customer service. It's just how you fellows operate. Hellshade
  8. 50th Birthday today

    Happy Birthday Widowmaker! 50 is a great age because I've decided that when I turn 50 (7 years from now) I'll stop counting how many years old I am and start counting how many years away from 100 I'll be. So next year you'll be 49, then 48, 47, etc. By the time you hit 75 you'll be telling everyone you're just 25 (years away from 100). I hope you have a helluva Birthday Sir! Hellshade
  9. To be honest, I've already downloaded the video and have watched it directly from my machine - as opposed to on the website - numerous times. I am still especially amazed at how natural the aircraft aircraft turn and fly. It seems a bit less predictable and definately more lively when close to the ground. Between the incredible scenery updates, new highly detailed skins and cockpits, not to mention the wonderful flying, it all works together to bring the whole experience more to life! I'm back in the habit of checking the website every day now just in the hope yet another new video will be released, just like I did for P3. I'm sure many others have developed the same habit. Don't worry for a moment that interest and excitement is not as high as it was for the release of P3. For myself, I'm more excited than ever and I'm sure I'm not alone. Tell me when I can pre-order and I'll be all too happy to get that taken care of. You've already exceeded most of my expectations of what was possible for OFF. My only two wishes left unconfirmed is that 1. it's possible to automatically disengage Warp flying at 2 miles from enemy contact instead of at 4 miles and 2. The dogfights, if possible, will stay up higher for a longer duration, so the AI won't be so quick to dive for the deck. However now that the AI flies so much better down low, even that is probably a mostly moot point. Regardless, I know I'll get far more than my money's worth out of P4. P4 and Skyrim will no doubt be the two sims I play most for at least the next year, probably 2 - 3 years. Hellshade
  10. Have you ever noticed that War Criminals only exist on the losing side of the war? The winning side only has patriots and heroes. Furthermore, the winning side always claims that it had either God or Destiny on it's side all along and point to their win as proof. Nevermind the poor basterds who bled, cried and died to bring about that victory. Hellshade
  11. I have to agree whole heartedly on this. I'm not sure exactly what it is, but by all appearances you've made the way the aircraft turn and move much more realistic. That pulls you into the immersion just that much more. Hellshade
  12. Did anyone else notice all the new options in the Quick Combat manager? Flights can have at least 10 planes each, instead of 6. Plus, choose Top Cover flights of a different type of aircraft for both side. That's a total of 4 possible flights at 10 planes each. 40 planes in the sky on demand! So you can now attack bombers that have high cover in a QC! Fantastic! Season, Ground Cover, Weather Override, Region and Location are all selectable in QC now! Not to mention the incredibly professional look of it all. Kudos to the Devs for not forgetting QC!
  13. And on the 7th Day, He Rested. Hellshade
  14. I was under the impression the Devs were working on upgrading a WW1 flight sim. Instead, they have gone and built a Time Machine. Simply incredible. The Manager and everything in it looks fabulous. Especially the medals and maps but also the logbook approach for presentation. The scenery is amazing, complete with fences, farm animals and beautifully detailed and placed trees. What can I say about the airfields but "magnificient!" The music is spot on for capturing the feel of the moment. I can't wait to hear all of the tracks. Flights of Gotha bombers! The highly detailed cockpits and pilots faces! Too many things to comprehend in terms of additions and improvements. But out of all of it, I must say the thing that caught my attention most was how beautiful the flying skills of the DR 1 pilot was even when so close to the ground. Just jaw droppingly beautiful gentleman. That alone will be worth the price of admission. Thank you for sharing that. I cannot wait for it's release. Hellshade
  15. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Really cool fan made video showing various scenes in Skyrim set to Judiths awesome Skyrim cover song. http://www.ign.com/videos/2011/12/06/the-dragonborn-comes-music-video?objectid=93395 Man that girl can sing. Cool video footage too. Hellshade
  16. Does P4 get it's own name?

    Over Flanders Fields: Meet the Fokkers Hellshade
  17. P-4

    Yes elephant. I recall something about the AI better able to handle flying low to the ground and still be effective. As for assumptions: I assume a great many of us shall order it the instant it becomes available and then play til our eyes bleed. Hellshade
  18. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Oh that is priceless VP! Thanks for sharing. So how did they do on fixing the PC UI? Is it any easier with the mouse now? I'm still hooked on my 360 controller. Hellshade
  19. For those interested in Microsofts latest flight sim, called "Microsoft Flight" (The boys in the Marketing Department sure earn their paycheck, don't they?), Beta sign ups will be starting soon. http://pc.ign.com/articles/121/1213825p1.html Hellshade
  20. OT...FOR GOD'S SAKE!

    Ridiculous WM! I watched that entire video and not one soldier thought to use a Dragon Shout ability to clear out the Zulu. And this mod is supposed to be based on "historical fact"? Ha. As for people not people not reading, I think it has more to do with "overinformation". Because there's 100,000 posts to read through, they'd rather just ask and hope someone tells the specifically rather that search for the answer...even when the answer is right in front of them. I get that at work all the time. We send out an e-mail explaining to the staff that in order for a particular application to work on their computers, they need to do "X". Within a day I have 12 tickets complaining that the application doesn't work and I can see clear as day that they didn't follow the instructions. We explain to them personally what needs to be done and they respond "Why didn't somebody tell me that?" We re-forward the e-mail that shows them we did tell them that and their response is "I don't have time to read all these e-mails." Hellshade
  21. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Here's an IGN article that explains leveling, level scaling and leveling specific skills. http://www.ign.com/wikis/the-elder-scrolls-5-skyrim/Leveling_Guide Hellshade
  22. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Wow. What an amazing voice, not to mention a pretty face. This girl sings a cover of the Skyrim theme and it is hauntingly beautiful. http://music.ign.com/articles/121/1213785p1.html Hellshade
  23. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Update from Bethesda. Creation Kit— Beginning in January, PC players will be able to download the same development tools we used at Bethesda Game Studios to create Skyrim. In tandem with the Creation Kit’s release, we will roll out a new Wiki and videos to help you get started. It also features something we think you’re going to love… Steam Workshop – We’re excited to share news that we’ve been working closely with Valve to integrate Steam Workshop into the Creation Kit. Using the Workshop, you’ll have free user content with the push of a button. The Creation Kit will bundle your mod and upload it to the Workshop, where everyone can browse, rate, and flag mods for download. You’ll be able to do this from any web device, including your smartphone. Like a live Netflix queue, when you fire up Skyrim, mods you flagged will be automatically downloaded and installed. Everyone here is really excited about the opportunities and possibilities this opens up for our entire community. Prefer to use existing modding sites? Not a problem. You’ll still be able to upload/share/access Skyrim mods on fan-created mod sites. Continued Game Updates – This week we released update 1.2 across all platforms, and we’ll be releasing an incremental update next week. We anticipate it will be up on PC first, and then hit PS3 and Xbox 360 later in the week. Among other things, the update will fix issues like magic resistance not calculating properly and the rare, amazing backwards flying dragon. Once the update is released, we’ll share the full release notes. After the holidays, we’ll continue to release regular updates for the game — through full title updates, as well as incremental “gameplay updates” to fix whatever issues come up along with rebalancing portions of the game for difficulty or exploits. We plan on having a lot of these, not just a few. Overall, you should expect updates to be hitting the PC and Steam earlier and more often, as that’s a process we control. Console updates will follow, as they must be certified and processed by those manufacturers. We all know this is a huge game, and everyone has a different experience. We’ll continue to do everything we can to make the game better and better for as many people as possible every day. We’ve also realized that with the millions upon millions of people playing Skyrim, we need to treat our updates with greater care. If we get too aggressive trying to fix a minor issue, we run a risk of breaking something larger in a game like this. To be safe, we are prioritizing code side fixes right now over data fixes. Quest and balance issues are usually data, and those will start rolling in a large way with the January updates.
  24. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    My character is pretty much a Ranger character. I focused my attention on the following areas Archery / Sneak / Lockpicking / Alchemy / Enchanting and Light Armor. I have only now just started on 1 handed weapons, because traditional D&D Rangers could dual wield weapons. I wanted to be the master of the bow first. I have no problems taking everything down with my bow. In fact I can kill a Giant with a single shot while sneaking using only crappy steel arrows. Nevermind if I have Ebony or Glass arrows which do a lot more damage. But BH is right that the game will start to push you towards specializing in a few things more than being a generalist. However, the leveling system also incorporates the fact that leveling up your higher skills push you towards raising your overall level faster than if you level skills of which you are currently still not very good at. In other words, if I level my Archery from 90 to 95, that pushes me closer to getting my next overall level than leveling my one handed weapons skill from 20 to 25 does. It gives you the opportunity to raise your lower skills up later in the game without scaling up the level of the monsters nearly as fast since it won't push your over-all level up nearly as quickly. And BH, that same trick works for putting away spells that you have charged up as well too. Hellshade
  25. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    What are the odds? I managed to shoot the dragon out of the sky so he's forced to do a crash landing. He skids (leaving a huge ditch behind him) directly into a Dragonwall. I then managed to kill him before he had the chance to stand back up or even turn around. So basically, the Dragonwall he was protecting now serves as his gravestone. Now that's justice!

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