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Everything posted by Hellshade

  1. I don't have a racing wheel so I'm steering using my Logitech Extreme 3D pro joystick. Challenging but lots of fun.
  2. OT: World of Planes benchmark test

    It'll be free to play, so it should be fun for a blast now and then. I wouldn't take it too seriously and then you'll be sure to get your money's worth. ha ha Hellshade
  3. OT: World of Planes benchmark test

    On-line MMO plane game, like world of tanks.
  4. Not sure if anyone else saw this or not, but Battlefield 3 will not only feature FPS and tank combat, but apparently also planes. http://www.ign.com/videos/2011/08/16/gamescom-battlefield-3-multiplayer-trailer I'm not really a Battlefield fan normally, but I'm definately getting '3' just because it looks so amazing. Hellshade
  5. and if you order now, we'll throw in a clipping of John Lennons hair that was cut just two hours before he was slain. Good grief. Hellshade
  6. Brand new DM and FM now ready!

    Maybe they aren't even pilots. Maybe they are just investors on Wall Street. Who can really blame them for jumping? (and now back to our regularly scheduled war, already in progress.) Hellshade
  7. I am using RAFs All New Medals for OFF P3 also. I'm running at 1920 x 1200. 16:10 ratio. Not sure what's causing it but no big deal. Hellshade
  8. OT: New War Movie

    To be fair, I set my expectations of CGI according to the venue. If I am watching a documentary on the history channel, I hope to see something closer to the real thing where possible, since their goal is to entertain through education. If I step into a movie theater, then I can expect the more "fantastic" types of CGI designed to entertain through thrilling the audience. It takes a lot less money to produce a documentary style video than it does a 2 hour special effects laden "epic" film, so I figure the movie people have to entertain the largest audiences possible to make their money back. Go into a venue with the right expectations and you'll seldom be dissappointed. Hellshade
  9. How well does AI 'see'?

    Olham, did you just give "aid and comfort to the enemy"? Hellshade
  10. OT: New War Movie

    What's an "outdoors"? Hellshade
  11. Gentleman, for your entertainment, may I present my short film: Reflections of an Unknown Airman May God Bless the souls of every man who ever had to fight in any war. Hellshade
  12. I get the same thing, actually. And I don't drink, I hope it's not old age setting in at 42. Hellshade
  13. Perhaps a real Flying Tigers movie...more historical accuracy and less John Wayne. Those men performed remarkable kill ratios. Hellshade
  14. Saw this -looks like a great Diablo clone updated for 2011 http://www.pathofexile.com/video/pc-gamer-trailer/play Hellshade
  15. Brand new DM and FM now ready!

    I think perhaps 1 in 10 flamers at best might still have the bug. Mostly they catch fire, explode soon after and go down realistically trailing black smoke. The few that might have been showing the bug, I couldn't tell because they appeared to be descending, just slowly..so I hammered them with a few more rounds and they went down quickly. The FM / DM combo is wonderful HPW. I know you are working on a FM update with someone else and I can't wait to try it out. For me, this DM added a great deal more difficulty back into the game. So far, I've lost two N17 pilots due to lower wing failure. One Sopwith Triplane pilot to a flak burst and a second Triplane pilot to a combination of a flak burst, which caused me to turn and head back towards my lines...but not before I was overtaken by a pair of Alb DIIIs who finished the job the flak had started. I find the combat to last longer and the enemy AI (and my wingmen!) has a fair chance to keep manuevering throughout most of the fight unless I get a pilot hit. I haven't seen many Albs pulling up until a total stall out, which is a good thing. Generally, I tend to run out of ammo before I run out of planes to shoot at. Sometimes my flight mops up the sky but other times I've had to call the whole flight to try and make a run for it after we finished one dogfight and were shortly thereafter jumped by a fresh flight of the Kaisers best. Perhaps they were elite because they were getting the best of us fairly quickly. Even when I get hit, I am still in the fight just with a bit more difficulty. It ramps up the challenge but without making it near suicidal. It's a real choice to stay in a duke it out or make for the safe side of the lines. I like that. Thank you for your wonderful work and for putting up with my pestering about the cables and wings. Have a beer on me sir. Hellshade
  16. Brand new DM and FM now ready!

    Do you mean reduce the size of the engine hit box or the probability of it being hit, Olham? Hellshade
  17. OK it's been said before.

    Ahh the 2500k. I've heard such good things about it. I still have an original i7 and I'm trying to decide if it's worth it to upgrade to the new i7 2600k or wait for the next generation to come out. I'm running at 3.8Ghz now air cooled with no voltage bump, but I read about people hitting 5Ghz with the new chips, plus they do a fabulous job transcoding video quickly. Congrats on your new setup and I am glad to hear it makes OFF:BH&H run beautifully for you now. Hellshade
  18. Brand new DM and FM now ready!

    It posted and I have already downloaded it and tried a couple of missions. My N17 flying for RNAS 8 met a group of Halb DIIs (I didn't turn on labels so I don't know which squadron they were from) and had quite a good dogfight. I was only able to score one kill for certain, with a possible second, which I didn't see crash. We lost a couple of squadronmates but we ended up getting the better of the huns on that day. It's only been two missions, but so far I love the work. Excellent job HPW. Thanks for all that you do. Hellshade
  19. I loaded them and didn't see any real difference in OFF:BH&H. Looks like mostly an update for 3D support for specific games. http://www.nvidia.com/object/win7-winvista-64bit-280.19-beta-driver.html This is the first beta release from the Release 280 family of drivers. You can read more about this family of drivers on GeForce.com. This driver package supports GeForce 6, 7, 8, 9, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500-series desktop GPUs as well as ION desktop GPUs. This driver package also includes the 3D Vision Controller driver. New in Release 280.19 NVIDIA SLI Enables SLI technology on SLI-certified motherboards with AMD chipsets: 990FX, 990X, and 970. NVIDIA 3D Vision With Release 280 drivers, the 3D Vision Controller driver is now included with all GPU driver installations. Users are no longer required to install a separate 3D Vision Controller driver or CD driver. This driver includes the 280.10 3D Vision Controller driver. For more information, please view this knowledgebase article for more information. Adds support for viewing 3DVisionLive.com and YouTube 3D with NVIDIA SLI PCs. Please view this knowledgebase article for more information on 3D Vision Window Mode. Adds support for Window mode for 3D Vision Video Player. This requires v1.7.2 or higher of the player. Adds support for new 3D Vision projectors: Acer X1111, BenQ W710ST, and NEC NP-V300W Added the following 3D Vision game profiles:Alice Madness Returns Back to the Future (Episodes 1-5) Chuang Shi Xi You (创世西游) Dao Jian 2 刀剑2 The Darkness 2 Deep Black Dou Zhan Shen 斗战神 Dragon Ball Online Dungeons and Dragons: Online Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising League of Legends 英雄联盟 LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar The Lord of the Rings: War in the North Mars Might & Magic Heroes VI Mount & Blade: Warband Mount & Blade: With Fire and Blade RAGE Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad Rise of the Immortals Rusty Hearts Serious Sam 3: BFE Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine [*]Update the following 3D Vision game profiles Crysis 2 – rating changed to Excellent. NVIDIA recommends using the v1.9 game patch. Deep Black – rating change to 3D Vision Ready Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition – convergence changes and rating changed to 3D Vision Ready Other Installs HD Audio driver version Installs PhysX System Software to version 9.10.0514 Supports playing back Blu-ray 3D discs when connecting your GPU to an HDMI 1.4 3D TV. Playback requires compatible software application from CyberLink, ArcSoft, Roxio, or Corel. For GPU and system requirements, visit the NVIDIA Blu-ray 3D website. Supports the new GPU-accelerated features in Adobe Creative Suite 5 including Photoshop CS5. Supports GPU-acceleration for smoother online HD videos with Adobe Flash. Supports OpenGL 3.3 for GeForce 8-series and later GPUs. Supports OpenGL 4.1 on GeForce 400 series and later GPUs. Supports single GPU and NVIDIA SLI technology on DirectX 9, DirectX 10, DirectX 11, and OpenGL, including 3-way SLI, Quad SLI, and SLI support on SLI-certified Intel X58-based motherboards. Supports GPU overclocking and temperature monitoring by installing NVIDIA System Tools software. Users without US English operating systems can select their language and download the International driver here.
  20. That was intense

    Welcome to the war, Ultimate. What's even more exciting is realizing that when you come across some famous Aces, they weren't just "spawned" there out of thin air. It means their squadron was stationed somewhere in the area and they were sent out on a patrol or mission of some kind with their own objectives. I've had dogfights where planes from 4 different squadrons were all embroiled in a furball because as patrols from either side came across our dogfight, they decided to join in! It really is a war up there in OFF:BH&H. Glad to see you are enjoying yourself. Hellshade
  21. I never of heard of this before. It's certainly not going to replace OFF but if anyone is "dying" to try WWI combat on the ground, a group of dedicated modders made Battlefield 1918 out of the original Battlefield 1942. I used to have BF 1942 but I think I got rid of it. If anyone else still has BF: 1942 it might be worth a try for some WWI multiplayer action. http://www.moddb.com/mods/battlefield-1918 Hellshade
  22. Just a nice little video of some really great air combat. The huns were definately doing their best to make life hard for us. Somewhere around about 1:30 into the video, the Huns start to concentrate a number of their planes over our airfield and things get pretty claustrophobic fast. Hellshade
  23. Yes, I find HPWs Ultimate Damage model to be a very exciting challenge. Here's a fun little Quick Combat I had with it. Damn exciting opponents. Hellshade

    Sounds like another possible option in the Workshop. Low Detail and High Detail Trees depending on your rig. *Ducks Winders thrown boot as it sails towards my head and quickly runs out the door* *Boot slams against the door with a thud and drops to the floor.* Then from the other side of the door you can hear a very muffled "Thanks for all that you do sir!" Hellshade
  25. WWMD?

    I found a silly but useful way to stay alive longer in the campaigns. When I think of what I would do when confronted with a highly risky situation, I'm more like a Voss. I want to fly on the edge and to me 6 to 1 odds are not dangerous, they are exciting. Obviously one can only live so long this way. It brought Voss down and as good as I am a virtually pilot, I clearly have nowhere near his skill. It's one thing to buzz through the bad guys and give them a taste of Allied (or German) lead before zooming out of range, but it's quite another to try and continually duel them all, especially if they have Aces among them or turn out to be an Elite squadron. I can win battles this way, but I cannot survive the war. So, if I am flying for the Allies and I find myself in a risky situation, I ask myself "What would Mannock Do?" If I am flying for the Germans I ask myself "What Would Manfred Do?" When it comes to killing, my strategy seems to be similar to theirs. Get very close to the enemy airplane and then shoot. Of course they fall down. But both men were also survivalists. Though they showed the enemy little to no quarter, they had set rules for themselves on how, when and where to attack. And more specifically, when to fly away. Granted, both men died in the war, but they also both had relatively long but highly successful careers as well. I want to survive the war, but I also want to help win it too! Mannock and Manfred were both doing their best to win the war. So when my plane is damaged and I have lost a great deal of manueverability, instead of just fighting on to the death, I look around the sky to see what kind of shape my opponents are in and how much, if any, help I can expect from my wingmen. Then I ask myself "WWMD?" If the enemy are numerous and agile, I fly away. If there is a trio of two seaters and I have become seperated from my flight, I either do not attack or make a single quick pass just to harass them before flying on to try and rejoin my flight. It may sound silly, but the outside perspective of what Manfred or Mannock would do helps me not to feel like a coward if I feel I should tactically retreat from a fight. Just because the enemies in the skies of OFF:BH&H fight to the death does not mean that I have too. It is a thin line between bravery and being foolhardy. And in the case that I run away when maybe I could have won, I try to remember that a live coward can possibly redeem himself on his next mission. A dead brave man has done all he is ever going to do. Hellshade

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