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Everything posted by Hellshade


    I think my favorite part of these last group of photos is that every one is showing between 50 - 60 frames per second in the upper left hand corner. Nice optimizations gentlemen. Hellshade

    I am sooo going to try and snipe an enemy pilot with the Enfield. Video at 11... :P Amazing gunner faces, guys. The detail in all of it is truly stunning. Hellshade
  3. "I think I got him" (1:03) 1080HD Hellshade
  4. I haven't played campaign for a while

    Do I spend "too much" time playing video games? I'm sure from many people's perspective I probably do. But I've come to a point in my life where I think to myself, If playing games and using my imagination to enjoy experiences that I otherwise could never have makes me happy, why shouldn't making myself happy be considered productive? I own my own home, I have two cars and for the moment at least I have a good career going. The lawns mowed, the laundrys done, the bed is made, the bills are paid, the house is clean, the kids are well taken care of and my wife has literally finally run out of things to buy. Everyone has what they want and the necessities of life are taken care of. If gaming makes me happy, then I feel I deserve to put as much effort into my own happiness as I do into making my family happy. If someday I change my mind and decide going out and climbing mountains is what will make me feel happy and passionate about life, then I'll turn off my system and put on a pair of climbing boots. To me, it's not about how much time you spend doing a particular thing that makes you happy. It's about how happy it makes you feel as long as doing it is not somehow holding yourself or someone else that you love back in life. And really, if they love you as much as you love them...shouldn't they get as much joy out of seeing you happy as you get when you see them living their dreams? I would hate to see my wife or children ever feel guilty about doing what they enjoy most in life. I give myself the same gift. If you ever think you are somehow holding yourself back in life or missing out on something because of your flying time in OFF, then step back and ask yourself what it is that you really want out of life that you are missing. Go do that. But feeling guilty over doing something that makes you happy? No sir. Making ourselves happy is just as important as making a living. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's just how I see it. Hellshade
  5. Most often for the British because the Sopwith Triplane and the Pup are such easy, beautiful planes to fly. For their time period, they are absolute killing machines with incredible turning power, excellent lift and a wonderful field of view. Hellshade
  6. I can't say anything. I've been addicted to Rift the past few months. And now, since the new Skyrim interviews and videos have been coming out I am all but frothing at the mouth over the realism, immerison, variety and intensity that fantasy RPG looks like it is going to offer. 11.11.11 (the release date for Skyrim) If you haven't seen any of the videos for Skyrim and enjoy fantasy RPGs, it's worth a view. I've never seen dragons behave so "realistically" before in a game. Here's a link to an IGN video interview with Todd Howard, the Lead Designer of Skyrim. It starts showing some gameplay footage about 2 minutes into the video. Around 5:20 into the interview you get to see what the dragons look like and how they behave. Being a total fantasy RPG freak who played D&D all the time as a kid, I must admit this game is #1 on my Must Have list for 2011. http://pc.ign.com/ar.../1175190p1.html As far as the OFF Forum is concerned, I am one of those people who enjoys multiple sims. That said, I simply prefer the community here for a number of reasons. I scan the forums here every day, even when I'm addicted to Rift. :P Hellshade
  7. OT I hope this sees the light of day

    I'd see it in a heartbeat. I hope it comes out soon too. Hellshade
  8. http://gaijinent.com...s/beta_signups/ Well, apparently the Devs of WoP have something real up their sleeves. What they proclaimed as an April Fools Day joke awhile back, they are now claiming is real and offering Beta sign ups. If you own Wings of Prey, when you start it up to play you will be given the option of signing up for the Beta. If you do, you are guaranteed to participate. They claim on the website that there will be "No Acrade Mode", only realistic flight models, etc for veteran pilots. No Beta release date has yet been announced but I signed up for it. If the pics are real, I can't say no to this WWII flight sim. I would love to fly in the Pacific Theater of Operations once again. Hellshade
  9. Just stunning detail but even better is the sheer variety that seems to be being crafted into place. Every town, every airfield looks real because it's not a cookie cutter copy of every other one. Between that, the new planes, all of the new incredible scenery, the detailed cockpits and the amazing weather effects, the best single word that I could use to sum it all up would be "Alive". What's even more amazing is that you folks aren't done yet. I'm sure there's many more suprises that will be immediately recognizable when it's released as well as a number of changes made "under the hood" in regards to AI, performance, etc. I too have credit card in hand and am ready to order or pre-order at any time. Hellshade
  10. Have you updated it to patch They've added a lot in the last few months. Might be worth another try if you already own it. Hellshade
  11. Patch is out for RoF

    Bandy, People posting positive news about BH&H and HitR on the RoF forums never exactly got a warm welcome over there either. I could be wrong though. Feel free to post a link to some of the incredible screenshots of the upcoming Phase 4 showing the all new scenery, terrain, cockpits and planes on the RoF forums and let me know about all of the positive feedback you recieve over there sir. I'm sorry but for reasons I wont waste anyones time getting into, there's a bit of bad blood between many of the users of these two sims. Me? I enjoy each for what they have to offer. They both offer great experiences with their own limitations. Just not the same experience due to the different strengths and limitiations of each sim. Thats fine with me. Hellshade
  12. Try at your own risk, but at least this one isn't a Beta. http://www.nvidia.com/object/win7-winvista-64bit-275.33-whql-driver.html Some of the release notes are as follows: This is the first WHQL-certified release from the Release 275 family of drivers (versions 275.xx to 279.xx). You can read more about this family of drivers on GeForce.com. This driver package supports GeForce 6, 7, 8, 9, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500-series desktop GPUs as well as ION desktop GPUs. This driver package also includes the 3D Vision Controller driver. New in Release 275.33 GPU Support Adds support for the newly released GeForce GTX 560 GPU.Performance The Release 275 beta driver v275.27 can cause significant performance drop in The Witcher 2. This issue has been resolved in v275.33 drivers. Please read this FAQ for more information on this issue. Increases performance for GeForce 400 Series and 500 Series GPUs in several PC games vs. v270.61 WHQL drivers. The following are some examples of improvements measured on Windows 7. Results will vary depending on your GPU and system configuration: GeForce GTX 580: Up to 4% in Crysis 2 Up to 5% in Civilization V with SLI Up to 9% in Portal 2 Up to 13% in Bulletstorm with Antialiasing enabled Up to 15% in Batman: Arkham Asylum with PhysX High GeForce GTX 560: Up to 6% in Crysis 2 Up to 8% in Portal 2 Up to 14% in Batman: Arkham Asylum with PhysX High Up to 15% in Bulletstorm with Antialiasing enabled Increases gaming performance by up to 12% for dual-core CPUs in CPU-limited cases.NVIDIA Update In Release 275, NVIDIA Update adds automatic SLI, multi-GPU, and antialiasing (AA) profile updates. These profile updates are automatically downloaded from NVIDIA and silently installed on your PC, keeping it up-to-the-minute with the latest game profiles. When you install a Release 270 or later GeForce driver from www.nvidia.com, you will be presented with the option to install NVIDIA Update. Click here to learn more about NVIDIA Update.

    *munch munch munch* I'm too busy eating my words about P4 needing a new engine to say how beautiful it looks. Stunning work gentleman. Truly a work of art. Hellshade
  14. The makers of Wings of Prey have announced the PS3 and 360 version of their new flight sim, Birds of Steel. The PC version will be announced later. Finally, some action in the Pacific Theater of Operations! The video looks quite promising. http://www.gamingunion.net/news/konami-announce-birds-of-steel--5215.html Hellshade
  15. OT Apocolypse....bring it on!

    Sadly, if the world DOES end....we won't get to play P4. Now that would really be upsetting. Hellshade

    Wow. Well, the Devs know best. Like a fool I thought the Devs should consider Cliffs of Dover as a new engine for some future iteration of OFF. Well CoD has turned out to be a total disaster, meanwhile P4 appears to be shaping up beautifuly with some of the most organic looking scenery anywhere. Pardon me while I eat my words. *munch munch* Keep up the fantastic work guys. Hellshade
  17. Seems to work very well, except I had to switch the Base Nvidia Profile (default) to have antialiasing turned on in order for it to show up in P3, despite having it already turned on in the CFS3 specific profile. http://www.nvidia.com/object/win7-winvista-64bit-275.27-beta-driver.html Hellshade
  18. I tried setting it in the CFS3 config to have 2x AA enabled but no joy for some reason. Once I set AA on in the default Nvidia profile, it showed up perfect for me in OFF. As always, with 8 zillion possible hardware & software combinations, peoples milage may vary. Hellshade

    It's all beautiful, but the houses, landscape and clouds really stand out as extraordinary. Very impressive work folks. Hellshade
  20. $29.99 on sale for 70% off. If you have any interest at all in this beautifully rendered sim, now would be a great time to get it. http://yuplay.com/story.php?title=Wings-Prey-9 Hellshade
  21. A new Beta patch was just released forWings of Prey. The Devs have suddenly started really pumping out the patches to this game after almost a year of nothing. The new patch has a number of new options including fly by and slow motion playback. Somebody made a nice video showing off the new options and how beautiful the game really looks. Hellshade
  22. No news on the sequel that I am aware of. "stay tuned" is the response. Considering the work they are putting into this one lately, WoP II will definately remain on my "must buy" list, along with Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Phase 4. Mostly I'm addicted to Rift at the moment. Hellshade
  23. Fair warning: The average life expectancy in OFF appears to be much shorter. Hellshade
  24. 1. Fokker EVIII 2. Ice cream cone holder. 3. None. He died before this plane arrived at the front. I'm a little shakey on 1 & 3 but I gotta have nailed #2. Hellshade
  25. P4 will still use the CFS3 engine, so, while I cannot speak for the developers, I am extremely certain you would not need to purchase anything else besides P4 itself. I don't know that you will be able to import pilots from P3 though. Perhaps, but the Devs have said that P4 is a total rewrite from the ground up so it's likely once P4 ships we will all be starting over again. Pretty much like if you played Civilization IV and then bought Civilization V. I have seen nothing to lead me to believe that they are anywhere near close to releasing P4. Some screenshots, yes. But not a single video. No system specs. No features list. No ETA date of release. I think we all have awhile to wait before P4 is available for purchase so you have plenty of time to enjoy P3 sir. Hellshade

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