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Everything posted by Hellshade

  1. It looks very impressive when running smoothly. Once they (hopefully) get it back to that point, there looks like a lot of potential in this engine. Given the size of the maps, the DirectX 10 & 11 support and the incredible attention to detail in FM, DM, ground units and terrain, it would be awesome if P5 switched to the CoD engine. The potential would be unlimited. IL-2: Cliffs of Dover Developer Diary (6:54) 720HD Hellshade (waiting patiently for Winder and Pol to come to my house and kick me in the face now, repeatedly.)
  2. I get a white pop up box that says "error checking claims" after every mission that I shoot someone down. Any ideas on how to fix that without a full re-install would be greatly appreciated. Hellshade
  3. For a flight sim, this is some very impressive ground footage. If they ever get the stuttering and FPS issues resolved, I may just have to pick this title up. Hellshade
  4. Looks like the Beta got tweaked and turned into an official release. I'm downloading now and will let you know how well it seems to work in a few hours folks. http://www.nvidia.com/object/win7-winvista-64bit-270.61-whql-driver.html Hellshade
  5. Well, it probably wasn't the drivers themselves because I was messing around with nVidia Inspector before I loaded the new drivers, however I'm now pushing 1680 x 1050 all sliders on 4 except Clouds and Effects on 5 running at a rock solid 60 FPS. I only saw it drop to 58 once for less than a second. Everything looks beautiful and runs smooth as glass no matter is going. Even over airfields! At any rate, the drivers definately don't seem to be hurting anything and quite possibly helped out a bit in conjuction with my nVidia Inspector tweaks. Try them at your own risk. Hellshade
  6. They will probably need that month to hammer out some patches to make it fly right anyways. I like what I see, but until they can get smooth gameplay with a bunch of planes in the sky I just can't see forking over the cash for it yet. Hellshade
  7. Really? All this time and I have never seen a train in P3 and they are actually already in there? Hopefully in P4 they will make them run much, much more often. I am not the history expert many of you are, but weren't trains used regularly to transport troops and equipment around during WWI? I would think they would be running almost constantly transporting troops and supplies. Hellshade
  8. I don't usually go to the main page, heading straight to the forums instead. I love the graphic update to the banner across the top! They also created a Focus section and this time they focused on the OFF Dynamic campaign capabilities. It's amazing how much is actually going on in P3 - nevermind what P4 will probably add. http://www.overflandersfields.com/Focus.htm Hellshade
  9. I didn't see it the first time I went through all of the new screenies, but on pic 45 is a working train rolling along the tracks across the countryside, just begging to be attacked! Also, the scenery in screen 46 and 55 is just incredible! All of it is, but those screens really bring it out for me. I am amazed how you have so many different types of trees too. Different sizes, shapes and colors instead of just the same exact tree model replicated 10,000 times. It adds to the immersion, like everything else you have done. Seriously, Microsoft should be paying you guys for what you have done with their engine. Hellshade
  10. Getting a little optimistic there, aren't we? Hellshade
  11. The rain on the windshield of the spad VII is fabulous! Of course the sky and the scenery never fail to impress. It is all very organic looking and blends well together. The trees all the way out to the horizon is impressive too. That's something few, if any, other flight sims do and will really add to the immersion factor. The cockpits are a work of art gentleman. I cannot begin to imagine the hours spent on just those alone. Then there's all the little things being done on the ground itself. The fences, farm animals, new buildings, independently aiming infantrymen, vehicles, etc. The fact that you can fly anywhere and the war is still going on in that much detail is truly mind blowing, considering how long the war was, how much ground it covered, how many times the front lines moved, squadrons changed locations and planes, not to mention paint jobs, etc. You are truly re-creating WWI in more historically accurate detail than any other sim in history. What a mind bogglingly huge undertaking and you guys get right down to the tiny details too, not being content to just paint in broad brush strokes! Which leads me to have to ask one question: Do any of your wives know who you are anymore??? Hellshade
  12. If you are into fantasy or MMOs, you might wan to check out Rift this weekend. Fabulous game! http://www.fileplanet.com/promotions/rift/prime/ Hellshade
  13. Ok lately I've come up with a new soul tree build for a Mage class in the new MMO, Rift. Elementalist / Pyromancer / Archon and it is just awesome!!! This won't make much sense to all the non-MMOers here, but I can easily solo an Elite mob (monsters) my level...and can actually solo 2 Elite mobs if I'm careful with my spell rotation. I'm only 34th level (out of 50 max) and have no epic gear yet, so it's pure class combo dynamics and a careful spell rotation that makes it happen. I've got a video of me roasting (literally) a level 34 Elite mob from a Life Rift. It looks so easy that you'd think it was nothing, but Elite mobs are designed to be taken on by at least 3, preferrably 5 players. Elementalist / Pyromancer / Archon (1:14) 1080HD I quit World of Warcraft a few months ago because I got sick of how bad they were nerfing classes and ruining the gameplay. Rift has been a fabulous replacement, giving me far more options that WoW could ever imagine. If you like fantasy MMOs at all, I highly recommend trying Rift. Hellshade
  14. For those of us alive and computing in the 1982, it's the ultimate retro C-64 - brought up to todays (ok...a few years ago) standards. http://gear.ign.com/articles/116/1160181p1.html Hellshade
  15. OFF P4 SCENERY - Another taster

    I was driving home from work today in sunny SW Florida and the clouds looked exactly like they do in the first picture. I was stunned at how identical they were to WMs work. As a side note, I wonder if a small group of skinners will emerge with skill in creating funny new cow skins. Like cows with black crosses, allied circles or arrows on their backs pointing towards the nearest land targets. Hellshade
  16. OFF P4 SCENERY - Another taster

    Fantastic work. There are measurable improvements in the sky, clouds, terrain AND trees. Not to mention the cows for extra immersion scenery. Extremely well done! BRAVO! Hellshade
  17. Commodore 64 reborn! (Really?)

    I had an Atari 400, which I called my "McDonalds computer" because it looks just like a cash register at Micky Ds. Nothing like a membrane keyboard folks!! From there, list went Atari 800XL, Commodore 64, Commodore 128, IBM PC XT (4.77 / 8Mhz turbo switch baby!!!). Then I got a Commodore Amiga 1000, a 500,a 2000 and then an Amiga 600 (which had the upgraded AGA chipset). Finally I switched back over to IBMs with a 268, then a 386 clone. From that point on, I built my own machines. But I must say the Commodore 64 / 128 and Amiga series were the most fun. They felt like you could do anything on them! Hellshade

    HitR is practically a MUST BUY. It adds the Americans into the war, a bunch of new planes (and all of their correct squadrons, paintjobs, etc) and some nice new features in the workshop. Hellshade
  19. You won't regret it sir. OFF:BH&H is the most historically accurate and comprehensive WWI flight sim to date. Very glad to have you among us. Hellshade
  20. You rock sir. Hellshade
  21. It's an April Fools day joke sir. The Devs admitted it and even took the webpage down already. They are however working on a Wings of Prey 2 and hopefully we shall have details about that very soon. Hellshade
  22. I'm not sure if they are easier or not. I literally try to get close enough to assassinate the pilot in WWI sims most of the time. Even in WoP I prefer to be right on the rudder when I open up. I do know it's certainly possible to shoot planes down in mass quantities. I think my best so far has been 12 kills with all realistic settings and random AI skill levels. I think I shot one guy down with literally a single bullet. I must have had a lucky shot and hit the fuel tank from a distance. I won't post the video but you can find it on my youtube account. http://www.youtube.c...68?feature=mhum It's called 1st round and lasts a mere 17 seconds. Hellshade
  23. Could be just an April Fools Day joke, but it looks fun and interesting if they actually do it. http://gaijinent.com/en/games/world_of_planes/ Hellshade
  24. Widowmaker, You should know the FM is a bit different than OFF. It took me awhile to get a handle on my favorite OFF plane, the tripehound, in RoF. The sopwith triplane handles great as long as you keep her speed up. Pull back too hard to the stick and you bleed off speed and your turning power goes straight to hell. Meanwhile, I found the DR 1 came very naturally to me in RoF, unlike in OFF. Not as twitchy. The sopwith pup, if you get it, is very good but of course only has the single gun. At any rate, don't be suprised if you need to learn to re-fly certain planes in RoF. Different sims have different FM is all. Don't get too frustrated. Just be prepared to re-learn a different way is all. Hellshade
  25. April Fools : They posted the following, including that WoP 2 is very close to announcement. "Hello gentlemen! I want to answer all questions, especially this one. First of all, that announce was a April's 1st joke. As you all may know we are working on sequel, and this sequel will be announced really soon. And I expect that the feature-set and platform-list of the sequel will surprise you even more, than this fake announcement. And next time we will have new logo, not the almost exactly to Wings of Prey one and new screenshots (not just good old WoP ones) BTW, I am happy that it still looks good enough to make announcement, but please expect new screenshots to be more interesting Of course, the upcoming sequel will have a lot for single-player users, otherwise it won't be a sequel of the game. Stay tuned for a little bit longer - the official announce will happen rather soon. P.S. Please, please, don't crucify us for our sense of humour. We hadn't expect that old screenshots and old logo would still confuse our community "

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