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Everything posted by Hellshade

  1. Most popular Movie theme

    It's perhaps an odd choice but I always loved the theme from Kelly's Heroes. A great flick too. A behind the lines bank robbery in WWII. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxYC350nqRM&feature=related
  2. OT Favourite TV Theme tune

    One of my favorite shows growing up and I also genuinely loved the theme too. Hellshade
  3. We spend so much time thinking about the men who soared into the skies that we often forget the equally brave men dared the unseen depths. http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2011/03/16/wwi-german-u-boat-found-sunk-off-netherlands/?hpt=T2 Hellshade
  4. P4 update Please.......

    That's because you have the highest possible quality standards, so no second raters are allowed to work at OBD. Screenshots when you can are always appreciated, even if they aren't showing anything new. And as interested and anxious as we all are, we understand completely when you cannot post them. Thanks to all of OBD for all that they do. Hellshade
  5. Rest well, Mr. Buckles. http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2011/03/15/vo.buckles.funeral.pool?hpt=T2 Hellshade
  6. Whatever tune I've gotten "lucky" to most often. Of course, I really can't say which tune that is. I wasn't paying too much attention to the music at the time. Hellshade
  7. Maybe that's the reason the British stopped using the Tripehounds. Despite performing exceptionally well in combat under ordinary circumstances, the great Ace Olham found a way to shoot them down en mass and they decided to switch to a different plane quickly before one man finished off the entire RNAS. Hellshade
  8. Olham is spot on correct sir. You don't think you are using all of that data, but the sim uses it, especially in the campaign. Hellshade
  9. It's an historically accurate sim and it knew there was no way anyone could shoot down so many of my beautiful tripehounds. So it just pretended that it never happened. Hellshade
  10. I highly recommend the following method of training on how to fly a particular crate. 1. Setup a Quick Combat with just you and 1 enemy aircraft - set to Veteran (or Ace if you feel confident) at 10,000 feet 2. Do your best to get on his tail and stay there...without shooting for as long as you possibly can. 3 minutes at least. 5 is better. The goal is not to shoot him down, it's to learn what you need to do in that airplane to stay on his six. 3. Once you can stay on his six within shooting range (but not firing) for 3 to 5 minutes consistently, try it again bumping his skill up to Ace. 4. Once you can do that with an Ace, add a second Enemy Aircraft (probably need to set them both to Veteran skill again) and try to stay on your targets six o'clock without letting his wingman get you into his sights. 5. Finally, practice switching between targets as the opportunity presents itself. Once you can switch targets at will and avoid getting target fixation while hunting an enemy - start shooting them down. TIP: The more manueverable your plane is, the closer you can follow them without them losing you to a sudden manuever. If their plane is more manueverable than yours, then follow at a further distance to give you time to react to his sudden twists and turns. TIP: Never follow an enemy aircraft so far into a climb that you stall out unless you are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that there are no other enemy aircraft around to take advantage of your nearly motionless state. You are completely defensely in a stall and until you get enough speed to manuever again. For shooting rules I generally use the following: 1. Master your throttle as a means to control the distance between you and your target. Throttle control is one of the greatest keys to firing success. 2. When you are able to maintain an ideal shooting distance for yourself, only open fire when the target appears nearly motionless (relative to your plane) in your gunsights for at least 3 seconds. You need time to get multiple rounds into his plane, not just one or two. If most people have a 20% accuracy rate, then you need to fire off 50 rounds just to get 10 bullets into his plane. In a one second panic firing burst you will be lucky if a single round hits. How much good did you actually do? 3. Fire short bursts and aim for the engine or the pilot. 4. Never use panic fire! If you are afraid that if you don't shoot now you will miss, then don't shoot. If its that short of a window to fire, you will probably only hit with a round or two at best and likely do little damage while wasting precious bullets. Some people map the spacebar for guns to help. 5. Get in the habit of checking your six quickly before opening fire on a target. I always say - "You die when you think you are the hunter but really you are the prey". Make sure nobody else is lining up on you. 6. If an enemy aircraft is closing in to a potential firing position on you, break off from your current target no matter what and, if possible, manuever to put this new aggressor on the defensive. 7. Know your planes ability to turn away. The closer you can get to the enemy before you shoot, the more damage you will likely do...but you have to know how much time your plane needs to climb above, dive under or turn away from your target to avoid mid air collisions. 8. Never fire on an enemy airplane that is in a dive, especially from directly behind. You have little chance of hitting the pilot, no chance to hit the engine and a reduced chance of hitting anything at all. Wait until he pulls up and exposes his engine and himself. If he doesn't pull up, your problem solves itself, so be patient and just follow him down at a bit of a distance. When he pulls up, it will likely be right into your gunsights view. Happy hunting and I hope some of that helps. They are the rules for engagement that I have developed for myself and they seem to work quite well for me no matter if it's WWI or WWII fighters. Once you get good at throttle control, avoiding panic fire and flying and waiting for just that moment when your opponent will be nearly motionless right in front of your gun(s), you will be able to raise your % accuracy to ridiculous levels. 50% - 60%+ regularly. When you get good at hitting the pilot or the engine, it becomes possible to shoot planes down in as little as 7 - 10 rounds fired, though obviously this is still difficult. Hellshade
  11. ROF Announces Career Mode

    I certainly hope 777 studios isn't planning on making a RoF II, as it were. Considering the amount of money players had to dish out in order to buy the sim AND all of the planes, I would think they would lose the major portion of their fan base if they announced a new RoF that didn't support all of their old planes. No, that would be foolish indeed. I think they are just trying to branch out and address some of less well developed aspects of their sim. No, it won't match up what other sims can do, but at least it will be some form of answer as opposed to "we really can't do that at all.". Hellshade
  12. I remember the first time I fly in P3. For the first time ever, I felt like there were other men in the sky desperately fighting for their lives just as I was. It made it all feel so alive and real. If RexH can improve upon it even more, that would be truly amazing. Hellshade
  13. My apologies sir. I was "in character" when I responded though I can see now it looked as if I was criticizing your way of flying. Please know that I make no such judgements! I greatly respect those who have the time and patience to fly it "like it really was" back then. That's what's great about OFF. You can choose to fly it in whichever way you find most enjoyable. Hellshade
  14. Fair enough, but I know only this when I take to the skies: "None of the men I kill today will have me in their sights tomorrow." If I wish to have a better chance at living tomorrow, my duty and my way are clear. Hellshade
  15. A video powered entirely by the new Unreal 3 engine. Quite impressive. Between this and Bethesdas new engine for Elder Scrolls V, it's going to be a great year to be a PC gamer. http://www.ign.com/videos/2011/03/08/see-the-next-generation-of-video-games-in-action Hellshade
  16. Most of my fighting is done in the single gun triplane, good sir. In fact I can't remember the last time I flew a twin gun Sopwith tripIane. I find the twin gun version does not manuever as well and I have learned to make my solitary gun count. Watch the triplane videos and you might be suprised to see how often it is only one gun that I do my damage with. Even a single .30 cal can do more than enough damage in very short bursts if they hit the pilot or the engine, so I get close and make my rounds count. I have only crossed the 17 hour mark once, but that is not always only due to being shot down. More often then not it's because I was making new pilots merely to fly in different phases of the war so I could shoot other videos. Be assured though, I am no Creaghorn. I am certain his pilots average lifespan would be longer than mine.
  17. I want them to be apprehensive the moment they see my plane. I want them to give me begrudging respect as I work my way through the furball, damaging or destroying anything that crosses my path. I want them to feel a shiver of fear as they see me latch onto their 6 and I want the shiver to turn to desperation as they try every trick they know to shake me, but I stay locked on their tail. I want them to know the fear of the Almighty as they hear the first reports of my guns. I want them to know terror and regret for even climbing into the cockpit that day as my rounds shred their flesh and rip into their engine. I want them to feel hopeless as their wreck of a plane tumbles out of the sky, speeding towards their imminent death. Most of all, I want all of his wingman to see it happen. I cannot kill every man, but I can kill their will to fight. I'm sure Winder is programing all of that into P4 as we speak.
  18. I don't want to sneak up on the scouts. I want them to see me...and be scared. Hellshade
  19. It's an update to the Unreal 3 engine developers kit. I presume that means anyone making games based off of the Unreal 3 engine suddenly got a much nicer set of tools and wider range of capabilities to play with and make their games nicer. The following is a list of games that have been developed using the Unreal 3 engine since 2007. 200950 Cent: Blood on the SandSwordfish StudiosVivendi Games2009A4 (sequel to A3)AniParkTBAAliens: Colonial MarinesGearbox SoftwareSega2010Alpha ProtocolObsidian EntertainmentSega2009America's Army 3.0US ArmyUS Army2008American McGee's GrimmSpicy HorseTurner Broadcasting System2008Army of TwoEA MontrealElectronic Arts2010Army of Two: The 40th DayEA MontrealElectronic Arts2007Alliance of Valiant ArmsRED DUCKNeowiz Games, NHN2009Batman: Arkham AsylumRocksteady StudiosEidos Interactive2011Batman: Arkham CityRocksteady StudiosEidos Interactive2007BioShock[24]2K Boston/2K Australia2K Games2010BioShock 2[25]2K Marin2K Games2012BioShock InfiniteIrrational Games2K Games2007Black College Football: BCFX: The XperienceNerjyzed Entertainment2010Blacklight: Tango DownZombie StudiosTBABlack Powder Red EarthEchelon SoftwareTBABlade & SoulNC Soft2008Brothers in Arms: Hell's HighwayGearbox SoftwareUbisoftTBABrothers in Arms: War HeroesGearbox SoftwareUbisoft2007BlackSite: Area 51Midway AustinMidway Games2008BlitzCJIG2009BorderlandsGearbox Software2K Games2011BulletstormPeople Can FlyElectronic Arts2009CellFactor: Psychokinetic WarsTimeline InteractiveUbisoft2009CrimecraftVogster Entertainment[26]THQ2008DamnationBlue Omega Entertainment, Point of ViewCodemasters2010Dark VoidAirtight GamesCapcom2011DC Universe OnlineSony Online AustinSony Online Entertainment2008Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon[27]Sandblast GamesTHQ2010Dungeon Defenders:First Wave[28]Trendy EntertainmentTrendy Entertainment2011Dungeon Defenders[29]Trendy EntertainmentTrendy EntertainmentTBADUST 514[30]CCPTBATBAEarth No MoreRecoil Games / Radar Group3D RealmsTBAEnder's Game: Battle RoomChair EntertainmentChair Entertainment2010Enslaved: Odyssey to the WestNinja TheoryNamco Bandai GamesTBAEndFaramix Enterprises2009Fairytale FightsPlaylogic Game FactoryPlaylogic2007Fatal InertiaKoei[31]Koei2008Frontlines: Fuel of WarKaos StudiosTHQ2007FuryAuran[32]Gamecock Media Group2006Gears of WarEpic GamesMicrosoft Game Studios2008Gears of War 2Epic GamesMicrosoft Game Studios2011Gears of War 3Epic GamesMicrosoft Game Studios2010Global AgendaHi-Rez Studios[33]Hi-Rez Studios2008Hail to the ChimpWideload Games [34]Gamecock Media GroupCancelledHighlander: The GameWidescreen GamesEidos InteractiveCancelledHei$tinXile EntertainmentCodemastersTBAHessian Boots[35]IF Studio2007Hour of VictoryN-Fusion InteractiveMidway Games2011Hunted: The Demon's ForgeInXile EntertainmentBethesda SoftworksTBAHuxleyWebzen Games[36]Webzen Games, NHN2010Infinity Blade[37]Epic Games / chAIREpic Games2010Killed in Action (K.I.A.)[38]Virus StudiosVirus Studios2008LegendarySpark UnlimitedGamecock Media Group2009Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office BustTeam 17Codemasters2007Lost OdysseyMistwalker, feelplus[39]Microsoft Game Studios2010Lucha Libre AAA: Heroes del RingSlang/SabarasaKonami/Slang2007Mass EffectBioWare[40]Microsoft Game Studios, Electronic Arts2010Mass Effect 2BioWareElectronic Arts2011Mass Effect 3[41]BioWare2009MagnaCarta IISoftmax2011MechWarriorSmith & Tinker, Piranha Games Inc.TBA2010Medal of Honor (single-player)EA Los Angeles, Danger CloseElectronic Arts2007Medal of Honor: AirborneEA Los Angeles[42]Electronic Arts2008Mirror's EdgeEA Digital Illusions CEElectronic Arts2010Monday Night CombatUber EntertainmentMicrosoft Game Studios (Xbox 360), Uber Entertainment (PC)2007Monster Madness: Battle for SuburbiaArtificial Studios[43]SouthPeak Interactive2008Mortal Kombat vs. DC UniverseMidway Amusement GamesMidway Games2011Mortal KombatNetherRealm StudiosWarner Bros. Interactive Entertainment2010Mortal OnlineStar Vault2010Off-Road Drive1C Company1C CompanyTBAMU 2WebzenTBAParabellumAconyGamersFirst2008Rise of the ArgonautsLiquid EntertainmentCodemasters2010Rush'n Attack: Ex-PatriotKonamiKonami2008Robert Ludlum's The Bourne ConspiracyHigh Moon StudiosSierra Entertainment2006RoboBlitzNaked Sky Entertainment[44]Naked Sky Entertainment2009Saw: The Video gameZombie StudiosKonami2010Saw II: Flesh & BloodZombie StudiosKonami2009Section 8Timegate StudiosGamecock Media GroupTBASephiroth 2Imazic Entertainment2009Shadow Complex[45]Chair EntertainmentMicrosoft Game Studios2011Silent Hill: DownpourVatra GamesKonami2010SingularityRaven SoftwareActivisionTBASin CityTransmission Games / RedMile2010Stargate ResistanceCheyenne Mountain EntertainmentFireSkyCancelledStargate WorldsCheyenne Mountain Entertainment[46]FireSky2009Star Trek DACNaked Sky Entertainment2009Sky GodsBlackFoot StudiosBlackFoot StudiosTBASoul Scream[47]IF Studio2007StrangleholdMidway Chicago Tiger Hill Entertainment[48]Midway Games2008Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-CarsPsyonixPsyonix2011TERABluehole StudioNHN, En Masse Entertainment2011The AgencySony Online Entertainment SeattleSony Online Entertainment2008The Last RemnantSquare EnixSquare Enix2009The Punisher: No MercyZen Studios2010The Scourge Project: Episode 1 and 2Tragnarion StudiosBit Box S.L.2008TNA iMPACT!Midway Studios - Los AngelesMidway Games2008To End All WarsKuju Entertainment [49]2008Tom Clancy's EndWarUbisoft ShanghaiUbisoft2011Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of StalingradTripwire InteractiveTripwire Interactive/1C Company2006Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: VegasUbisoft MontrealUbisoft2008Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2Ubisoft MontrealUbisoft2010Transformers: War For CybertronHigh Moon StudiosActivision2010Tron: EvolutionPropaganda GamesDisney2008Turning Point: Fall of LibertySpark UnlimitedCodemasters2008TurokPropaganda GamesTouchstone Pictures2007UndertowChair EntertainmentChair Entertainment2007Unreal Tournament 3Epic GamesMidway Games2009The WheelmanMidway Games NewcastleMidway Games2007Warmonger: Operation Downtown DestructionNetDevilNetDevil2009X-Men Origins: WolverineRaven SoftwareActivision2011TNA iMPACT! 2011SouthPeak GamesSouthPeak Games2010Zumba FitnessPipeworks SoftwareMajesco Entertainment2010APBRealtime WorldsElectronic Arts Hellshade
  20. It fully supports DirectX 11 and will be released, according to this update....tomorrow. Anyone can download the update to the Unreal 3 engine. http://pc.ign.com/articles/115/1154344p1.html Hellshade
  21. ROF Announces Career Mode

    In regards to the original post, the following is a direct quote from Jason of 777 Studios regarding the upcoming campaign. "The new Career will be require online connectivity just as it does now. It is part and parcel to how our system works. No online, career broken and does not work. We suggest Pat's Career if you want a totally offline experience. He's done a great job. In the future as we grow our content and engine features even more the advantages of having an online requirement for some features will become more apparent. It's not all about DRM like some like to pretent and try and make us look bad. COD adopting Steam shows just how important an internet connection is these days to help manage users, content, patches and add-ons. We can't satisfy everyone all the time. We've come to live with this fact. Someday we too will use Steam (although not in the same way), but right now the cost and time involved in that is too much to justify the effort. We have other more immediate features that you guys want we'd rather spend our time on. Jason" Different approaches by different developers just means there is something for everybody and we all have more to pick and choose from. There really wouldn't be much point if all the developers made the same exact flight sim, would there? Hellshade
  22. OT - IL2 giveaway

    A very kind offer indeed. If it wasn't for OFF:BH&H, WoP, RoF, Oblivion and my latest addiction - the MMO Rift, I'd probably take you up on it. However as it stands I don't have enough hours in the day to play what I have, so I must decline. 1st rate offer though. Thanks. Hellshade
  23. ROF Announces Career Mode

    Although it is hard to believe, I experienced a similar incident during my time in the Air Force. I was stationed at Travis AFB, which is in California, in the early 1990s. During that time, California was in the midst of a 5 year drought, so naturally the grass was all brown. They actually commanded airman (not me, thank God), to go out and "Paint the grass green" because some General was supposed to drive by our building. Some things are just mind stunners. Hellshade
  24. ROF Announces Career Mode

    Actually I just posted a 3 paragraph defense of the work they were doing on their SP campaign. Did you by chance read that? I'll keep my CFS3 disc clean. I'll also hope my internet connection doesn't fail for an extended period of time or somebodies servers never go off-line. No sim is perfect. Most of the regulars here know that. Apologies to Olham. I wasn't aware the British were the true masters of lawncare. I stand appropriately humbled and corrected sir. Hellshade

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