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Everything posted by Hellshade

  1. A small tracer mod I made

    If you have AntiAliasing on, turn it off and likely your FPS will not suffer so much while recording. 16xQ is usually the best on to have on if you must have it on and have an Nvidia card, but otherwise most of the other AA modes seem to kill frame rates terribly while recording videos. Hellshade
  2. Happy Birthday sir. Thank you for all of your years of service in both wars. http://www.cnn.com/2011/OPINION/02/01/rockefeller.buckles.wwi.memorial/index.html?hpt=C2 Hellshade
  3. CPU s

    Did you have any luck with that sir? Hellshade
  4. CPU s

    It's probably been a year since I paid attention, but last I checked, the Intel quad cores ran cooler than the AMDs and got higher performance. A year is a long time though so I have no idea what AMD has come out with since then. And although I am running and Intel at the moment, I'm not stuck in one "camp" or the other. Whatever offers the best performance for the buck is what I look for. I'd recommend you go to places like www.tomshardware.com and look for cpu reviews. Hellshade
  5. CPU s

    I'm not sure what the minimum would be in order to run Fraps with at least 40 FPS, however I will say that it's not really true that you won't benefit from a quad core over a dual core cpu. True, CFS3 wasn't written to take advantage of quad core cpus, however the quad core cpus have some design improvements in them that give them better performance over dual and single core cpu. For a quick and free FPS upgrade, try going under the Z Bias and dropping Z Bias Resolution (the top slider) from 15 down to 13. Very little difference in the graphics but could easily see a 5FPS jump. Hellshade
  6. CPU s

    i7 920 is easily overclocked. I run 3.8Ghz with no adjustment to voltage, up from the stock 2.66ghz. Hellshade
  7. Never, ever...

  8. Never, ever...

    I understand completely. My wife had a very similar approach towards our relationship at first too. And I do make sure she has nice things and that they work. Absolutely. However I explained to her that having everything handed to her on a golden platter was a privilege, not a right. Expecting to be a princess and treating me or anyone else poorly when things don't happen to work in an imperfect world is, in my opinion, rude and disrespectful (not to mention extremely immature) to the person who is supporting her in the lifestyle she is enjoying. I explained quite clearly, if you think you are going to treat me like crap, good luck getting anything else you want in life again without my support. I can say "no" just as easy as I usually say "yes". Bottom line: I can find a spoiled person who makes demands and treats me like crap anywhere...so it's no big loss if someone like that leaves my life. She'll probably have a slightly tougher time finding someone else to support and treat her the way I have. Once she figured out that me being in love doesn't equal me being a whipping boy and that I give to her out of a position of strength, the demanding attitude died pretty quick. Especially when she realized she couldn't force / guilt / whatever me into buying her what she wanted, she toned down very quickly when she saw how many things she was having to do without all of a sudden. I'd tell her straight up "Remember how you treated me this afternoon? You really think I'm going to do you a favor after that? I don't think so. You better think things through in the future." We've only been married about 2 years and I decided early that the tone for our relationship would be mutual respect and appreciation. If she didn't want to go along with that, I'll sign papers at any time. I don't ever expect her to be my slave or "jump" just because I speak. Requiring the same in return is not harsh, however the initial explanation that that was how it was going to be was, I'm sure, quite a shock to her. If she feels that she can do better in life, I've never been one to hold anyone back. I find that kind of personal self security puts things into perspective for partners very quickly and makes the long term relationship much more equal and mutually satisfying. Hellshade
  9. Never, ever...

    My wife actually leaves the house so I can have time to play games in total peace and quiet. Happens most saturdays. She used to complain about them but once she got hooked on World of Warcraft about a year or so ago she stopped immediately. Now neither of us play WoW, however she is very interested in trying Rift: Planes of Telara which is a new MMO that I've been playing through the Beta testing phase. Beta 5 just ended. /sigh Anyways, she wants to try the next Beta and if she likes it she'll subscribe. I can't get her to try flight sims though. I think that's just too much hand eye co-ordination for her. Still, I consider myself to be in the lucky minority of men who have wives that actually encourages them to enjoy gaming. Of course, keeping her well taken care of doesn't hurt matters either. Hellshade
  10. I was totally off base. When I saw the thread topic of "Asking the inevitable question..." I could have sworn the subject was "Why would anyone get married without a pre-nup?" My bad. Hellshade
  11. Awards system

    Sorry, Olham. I took the above post to mean you wanted Winder to put them in a P3 patch. But I am running on 3 hours of sleep today so my apologies for not seeing that that post was made long ago. Hellshade
  12. Awards system

    Holy crap Paarma. That is stunningly beautiful work. Now people are really going to curse when their claims are rejected and it keeps them from earning one of those lovely medals. But no, Olham, Winder should definately not hand them out before Phase 4. I have the feeling P4 will be an even bigger leap forward over P3 in immersion and authenticity than P3 was from P2. I wouldn't want to chip away at all that hard work and detract from the joy of finding so many new suprises when it releases. Let them unveil the masterpeice all at once, I say. Besides, the 1.32 superpatch was already a limited preview of P4. Hellshade
  13. P4 pics

    I've been able to faithfully model my plane wreckage across the OFF terrain on multiple occasions. Does that count? Hellshade
  14. Damn you VP! I forgot about Dungeon Seige III and Red Orchestra 2! Good call buddy. Those will both be Must Have's for me. Hellshade
  15. P4 pics

    Good eyes Creaghorn. I see them on the Albatros DV but not on the Halb DII. It's all a work in progress though so we shall see when they are finally done baking it. Between the scenery, the cockpits and the new planes (especially the heavy bombers! Hurray!!) this sits atop my "Must Have" list . Hellshade
  16. Looks like another WWII flight sim besides Cliffs of Dover is going to be on the market (hopefully sometime soon). At the official yuplay forums, one of the Devs dropped some very promising information about the future of Wings of Prey. If they listen to customer feedback as he says they will, I think WoP has a shot at giving the IL-2 community a run for it's money on top WWII flight sim. Only time will tell. I personally am looking forward to this very much. http://forum.yuplay....?showtopic=3354 Hellshade
  17. It is NOT on-line only - though there appears to be a huge 128 player pvp mode. It's designed to run on a mid level system and no special glasses are required. Probably be a demo out in a couple of weeks. Hellshade
  18. I'm downloading them now. I'll let you know how they play in a bit. http://www.nvidia.com/object/win7-winvista-64bit-266.58-whql-driver.html Hellshade
  19. Whenever you install new drivers, CFS3 resets everything to default low settings (at least it always has for me). So thats normal in my experience. The GTX 460 looks like a pretty damn good card to me so you should be doing great. If you haven't already, try bumping up the Texture Quality in the Nvidia control panel to Quality or High Quality and see how it does. Hellshade
  20. Other games seem to benefit nicely as well. Oblivion now makes much better use of Ambient Occlusion and higher textures as well. Here's a pic of my two AI partners (Adriana & Zoe) after a brutal battle against some robed spellcasters and another one battling a zombie.
  21. OFF's Haunting theme

    I know what you mean Widowmaker. I was always partial to the theme from the movie "Kelly's Hero's". Hellshade
  22. Download the XP version of the driver and it should help things as the driver is also for the GTX 200 series. I can't make any promises though as every rig is different. For me it helped out the quality quite a bit. Somebody else the drivers might get a different result. The link I provided is for the Windows 7 64 bit version so you'll need to head to www.nvidia.com and ask it to supply you the right drivers. Drivers are always a "at your own risk" kinda thing. Hellshade
  23. I take it back. I did find a nice visual change. Since upgrading to the new drivers, I can set texture quality at High Quality (instead of at Performance), with AA enabled and still get 50 - 60FPS while recording in FRAPS, even over airfields. Obviously alot depends on if there is a ton of scenery (trees, etc) but here's a screenshot and a nice video of me getting blown out of the sky to show you how nice it looks. High Quality Texture Test (4:05) 1080HD
  24. The only real difference I've noticed so far is that I can now switch it up to 32xQ from 16xQ multisampling AA mode or from 4xS Combined AA mode and it still plays smooth. Visually, it's hard to say there is much of a difference though. It all runs pretty damn smooth for me now anyways. Even above airfields I'm usually at 50 FPS. It does support Nvidia cards all the way up from the 6 series to the newest hardware so more than likely most Nvidia owners here can make use of the drivers. As far as non-OFF games are concerned, they added Ambiant Occlusion to Starcraft II and bumped up performance on a lot of newer games from between 5 - 12%. Hellshade

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