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Everything posted by Hellshade

  1. If I wanted to fly with "The Flying Circus", which German squadron would I select? I thought it was JG 1 however I don't see that listed on the list of available squadrons to choose from. Any advice, gentleman? Hellshade
  2. The Flying Circus

    Thank you all, gentleman. I have started work on the "Combat Diary of a JG1 Pilot". I started in late December, 1917 and the very first Campaign mission had so much action in it I had to splice it up into 2 seperate videos (and that was after cutting it down to just the combat alone!). Sorry, no voice acting in either of them. I'll just let the videos do the talking for our unknown pilot hero. Sort of a "silent documentary", if you will. I am uploading them now so hopefully by morning I'll be able to post them both. I hope you enjoy the series and, God willing, our unknown pilot hero will live for more than a week. I'll post every sortie he flies that sees combat. Hellshade
  3. REVIEW: Armchairgeneral.com

    Well done Rabu! Good show. Hellshade
  4. Issue with Quick Scenarios

    Sorry, not a re-install of vista. Reinstall CFS3 and Over Flanders Fields, sir. I should have been clearer. Hellshade
  5. I would be honored but it was RAF_Louvert who painted my plane. That's the man to give any credits to. Hellshade
  6. Issue with Quick Scenarios

    You may possibly wish to try an uninstall, re-install, repatch and reconfigure CFS3 graphic settings. Hellshade
  7. I don't usually do screenies but I figured I'd take a stab at it. Here's me in my favorite triplane (affectionally called "Hellshades Wings") sending a hun down in flames. Hellshade
  8. REVIEW: Armchairgeneral.com

    Well done OBD. Another excellent review for BH&H. 91%. I'm glad it's still getting attention and the recognition it deserves, even if it's this far after launch. To me that actually speaks to the staying power of the sim. It's something that once it lands on your hard drive, doesn't come off. Is there really a bigger compliment any game or sim can have? Now if only PC Gamer and some of the other big names in PC gaming and flight sims will take notice and provide a proper review as well. I think part of the problem is that they think the WWI flight sim audience is "too small of a niche" to be worth the pages of a review. In reality, I think if more people saw it (BH&H) put in front of their face, they'd see something that excited them and it would grow the audience considerably in a short period time. At any rate, great review and a well deserved "at a boy" for OBD Software. Hellshade
  9. I'm with Rickitycrate, but I heard the rumor the merger was OFF was to use a combination of the Lego: Star Wars and Wolfenstien engines. Breaking new ground, OBD will be the first to market with flying WWI NAZI Lego Zombies. Please place your orders now as we expect this to sell-out fast! Hellshade
  10. You can always put some tuna in there and watch...ummm...well...nevermind. Hellshade
  11. Indeed. I can imagine the hun report now. "Suddenly, upon looking up into the sun, much to my suprise I saw we were under skillful attack by a giant flying omelette! He downed two of us before we could beat a hasty retreat sir. I may never be able to eat breakfast again..." Hellshade
  12. Oskar Seldmaier

    Sounds like my kind of pilot. I shall mourn his passing, as he was obviously a credit to his nation. Hellshade
  13. # sigh # If Only

    And that's about as close as your going to get to the girl too. But now I understand how Sopwith was able to sell so many Camels to the military despite it's awful (read: Fatal) flight characteristics. Hellshade
  14. Strange. "Battle for Proville" plays through just fine for me. Perhaps clear out your web browser cache? Sorry I haven't been pumping them out like usual. It's been real busy lately getting the kids ready for back to school time, full days at work and this weekend is mine and my wifes birthdays. 21st & 22nd respectively, so I probably won't get anything out this weekend either. I have a project that I am slowly working on though. Hopefully it will turn out well. Hellshade
  15. WWI explained as a bar fight.

    Good stuff. But we forgot the part where America pulls out the only gun in the bar and shoots Japan in the face, twice. Suddenly everybody wants to buy America a drink except the USSR, who quickly figures out how to make their own gun and threatens to point it at America. America pulls out a second gun and points both of them at USSR. USSR returns in kind. The remainder of the drama plays out while both America and USSR pull out bigger and bigger guns to point at one another until the USSR is no longer strong enough to support the weight of it's guns and collapses under the weight of it's weapons. Japan, meanwhile, survives it's wounds by using band-aids provided by the United States and decides to not only renouce the use of guns, but of fist fighting altogether. They then get filthy rich by building and selling cheap cars to America so they can get to the bar using less gas, which gives them more money to buy beer with. Hellshade
  16. The engine looks great, from what little you actually get to see. But even if there was no DRM attached to it, there's a big jump from a Flight Simulator to a Combat Flight Simulator. If it's just a flight sim, there is probably little or no damage model in place which would have to be built from scratch and somehow added in. Plus, the Devs would literally have to re-skin 4,000 planes as I'm sure they wouldn't be able to import them. Since P4 is already under deep development, figure P5 with this engine would show up somewhere around 2016. Even still, we can always dream, right? Hellshade
  17. Watch this space!

    I haven't seen a "flamer" yet and I've been shooting holes in thing fairly regularly. I used to be pretty good about catching the engines on fire too, though that seems to have slowed up quite a bit with the new DM 2, especially if using flying the single gun Allied scouts. Hellshade
  18. Watch this space!

    I'm looking forward to it, though I don't think i've noticed anything wrong with it at all. Check out Air Combat Video #23 in the Video sticky section to see how much more challenging I find it to take down aircraft. It seems like I am able to "drive off" more planes than shoot down, which is probably a lot more accurate. With the amount of time it takes to shoot down an aircraft, even a damaged and smoking one, I can't usually stay on it's tail to finish the job due to fears of an opportunistic EA lining up on my 6. It makes finally taking down a plane a lot more satisfying. Great work HPW! Hellshade
  19. Where's Uncleal?

    I'm sure most of us understand overworked and underappreciated Erik. No harm done it seems and that's a great thing. Thank you for the explanation. Welcome back Uncleal. Hellshade
  20. Combat is definately more time consuming and challenging with HPWs and Creaghorns various mods. Here's a Quick Combat mission between myself and some unfriendly huns. Less spectacular kills and more skin of your teeth flying. Air Combat Video #23 (7:34) 1080 HD Credits: Herr Prop_Wasche : Damage Model 2 Creaghorn : Ammo mod (smoke trailers only) and Sound Tweak II RAF_Louvert : Custom Paint on my Sopwith Triplane OFF TOPIC I know back on another thread we were all talking about the other types of games some of us play besides flight simulators. I had mentioned that Oblivion was a favorite one of mine because of all of the great mods. Well, here's a quick 2 minute video showing what some of the mods do to change how the game is played. If you are into Oblivion (or swords and sorcery type fantasy games in general), it's worth it to take a quick look at what's changed since 2006. BTW, I didn't create any of the mods show. Just showing other peoples work, but it is my Assassin character I'm playing in the videos. Enjoy, Hellshade's Oblivion (2:10) 1080 HD Hellshade
  21. Where's Uncleal?

    That might be tough to do sir. Generally on any forum where posts are deemed offensive or too inflamatory, they are removed since leaving them up tends to only continue to aggravate folks as they read them. As to Uncleal being helpful to members of this forum, that is without a doubt true. He and I had our own challenges from time to time, however they seem to have sorted themselves out of late. I hope it somehow all gets worked out. He's a good man at heart. Just ahs some strong feelings about certain things. Hellshade
  22. Questions form a FNG

    And of course, once you realize how great it is, be sure to buy the Hat in the Ring expansion. It truly is a wonderful expansion that adds more than just extra planes. Hellshade
  23. Very valid points sir. Perhaps fewer new aircraft in P4, more of them 2 seaters and all of them flyable, with purchasable plane packs or expansions available at a later date? Hellshade
  24. Questions form a FNG

    If you already have CFS3 then all you need to do is: 1. Order OFF BH&H (also known as "Phase 3"). 2. Once you get it installed, be sure to download the Superpatch 1.32 and the mini-patch 1.32g right here http://www.overflandersfields.com/DownloadsBH&H.htm and install them. If you have any questions, they will likely be answered in the FAQ, located at http://www.overflandersfields.com/FAQ.htm Best of luck friend and welcome to the community. Hellshade
  25. Well there definately seems to be a huge consensus on adding lots of AI only controlled 2 seaters (at first!) to fill the skies. I would throw my vote behind that idea as well but with one little note. I'm not sure it's fair ask them to push out P4 with a bunch of AI controlled planes, but then sort of "expect" that they will patch it later with all of the tremendous amount of work that it must take to make them flyable, all at no cost. Yes, they have been incredibly generous in the past with patches and support, but it's easy for us to wish and a hell of a lot of work for them to do. To be honest, if we are hoping for a large variety of 2 seaters, I would suggest possibly making them AI only initially and with the option later on of purchasing a "flyable 2 seater" upgrade add on-pack. Even then, I wonder how many people would actually purchase it. I think perhaps (pure speculation, no proof to back it up at all - so somebody should probably make a poll to find out) that the majority of OFF:BH&H sim pilots are most eager to hop into and fly a fighter. Perhaps if they were to get enough pre-orders for it, they would consider then creating such an add-on. Otherwise, if the demand for them to be flown isn't strong enough to make it worth the tremendous amount of time it would take to make them player flyable, they would just leave it at that. As a possible compromise, perhaps make just one or two new 2 seaters flyable and the rest AI only. And let us please not forget that most of us in the community are also already clamoring for more early war fighters to face against the EIII. If they were to take the time to build a number of early scouts as well as a bunch of different two seaters, they have to research all the squadron and Ace paint schemes (which by necessity means finding all of the aces that flew them), the squadron locations at various times throughout the war, etc, the flight and damage models for each different type of plane they add - then balance it all to work with the existing craft. If we hope to see P4 before the Mayan calander runs out, we may wish to think about scale. Of course, like everyone else, I want it all. I'm just trying to figure out how we can balance our desires with the amount of time and effort it will take for the Devs to create it and a price point that makes it worth their time. Hellshade

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