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Everything posted by Hellshade

  1. Sometimes if you can't shoot them down, you can always go to... Plan B (0:42) Full Screen 1080 HD (apologies to those who might be offended by strong language) Enjoy, Hellshade
  2. So..P4 is NOT an addon

    Technically that's not a wild dream for him. It's more of a wet dream. Hellshade
  3. Very nice screenies Olham! It looks like quite the fight. Hellshade
  4. Good idea. The winner is always the last one to die of old age during a turn! Hellshade
  5. Thinking about buying but...

    Welcome aboard! You won't be dissappointed! New guy buys the drinks and I'll have a Root Beer. Also, glad you enjoyed the videos. While you are waiting for OFF to show up, I just posted a new video on the video sticky thread that you might find useful. It's my first video about air to air combat tactics in Over Flanders Fields. Learn how to fly and fight like the crazy man in some of the videos you've watched. Check the Video sticky section for Hellshades Air to Air Tactics (9:15) - 1080 HD. Hellshade
  6. British_eh has written some beautiful and very useful "Survival in the Air" guides. If you haven't read them yet and you are serious about being the best pilot you can be in OFF:BH&H, I heartily recommend taking the time to browse his sticky thread and read through them. After chatting with him in private briefly I was inspired to create an Air to Air Tactics video. I certainly don't claim to be the "end all - be all" of air to air combat, however I have developed a few tactics and strategies that allow me to come out on top of most dogfights and I figured I'd just share them with you in a way that let's you actually see what I'm talking about. The toughest dogfights for me always used to be the ones where I was fighting against an aircraft that was more manueverable and faster turning than the one I was flying. If they can out turn me and I'm not in an energy fighter like a Spad, how do I bring my guns to bear on them? This Tactics video shows the solutions I came up with, as well as answers another great question "How do I raise my shooting accuracy to bring down the most planes with the fewest number of bullets?" All settings are on standard Dead is Dead settings, (less accurate guns, aircraft stress on, limited fuel & ammo, G-effects, Wind on, etc) but I did put up the Z key info and the virtual cockpit gauges so that while I was making manuevers, you could witness real time things like what % my throttle is at, my altitude, air speed and how many rounds I fired in a given burst as well as how many I had left. Since the purpose of this video is to share information on Tactics, please understand that "immersion" wasn't my top priority. In order to maximize the challenge and realism, I also am using Creaghorns Ammo Mod that gives only slight smoke trails for my bullets (no tracers) and virtually no smoke puffs or debris falling from a plane if I do hit it. This makes it considerably harder to know how to correct my aim if I miss or even if I am hitting or missing the target at all. Even with this kind of difficulty, I will show you how you can bring down enemy aircraft in just 2 or 3 short bursts. The video is large because it's long. Over 9 minutes long. It's just over 1GB, so it's best to give it time to completely download after pausing it before un-pausing it to begin playing. Also, it seems to me that youtube did not do as good a job of processing it at 1080 HD as it has other videos. I wonder if the size is a part of that issue or if it's still processing it. Time will tell. Finally, youtube cut off the final 2 seconds of the video for some reason, cutting me off just before the end of my sentance. My last words were "It's not about maximum speed. It's about maximum time the target is in front of your guns." Sorry for the cut-off. It is in there on the full video, but as I say, youtube cut it off. Not sure why. Hellshades Air to Air Combat Tactics (9:15) Full Screen - 1080 HD Fully Voiced As this is my first instructional type video about tactics (as opposed to all my previous work which was for entertainment value), I would appreciate any constructive feedback, positive or negative. I already know I should try to shave the size down a bit to as close to 5 minutes as possible. Other than that, let me know what you liked and what could be improved and if you thought it was useful at all. Enjoy, Hellshade
  7. The work is indeed excellent! I dare say it should be required reading for any serious P3er. People need good information on how to survive in the air and what it takes to really Master each type of plane. A few minutes spent reading each of these guides doubtless would save many in-game pilot lives and countless hours of frustration. Thanks for creating these guys. Keep up the great work please! btw, British_eh inspired my latest video with these SA guides. Look for a fairly large "Air to Air Tactics" video to be posted soon. Kudos to him for helping turn as many novice pilots into veterans as possible. Hellshade
  8. Thinking about buying but...

    I would direct anyone who is considering OFF: Between Heaven & Hell and the Hat in the Ring expansion to the Video sticky thread near the top of the forums. Then you can get a small taste of what you are missing. Nobody can say how you should spend your money, however given the support the Devs have offered for P3 since it's release, they have an awful lot of credibility around here. If they say P4 is a long ways off in the future, I believe them. P3 was 4 years in the making - I believe - and it is not yet 2 years old now. Plus they didn't start on P4 until after the release of the HitR expansion. Given the amount of quality they poured into previous versions of OFF, I'd be highly suprised if it showed up any sooner than Christmas. A better guess would be Christmas of next year. These guys work on OFF in their spare time after work. It''s not an 8 to 5 job. They can't say when it will be done because it's a labor of love that requires careful crafting, not an assembly line project due out on the day the stockholders and investors demand. That's why it takes so long to release new versions. It's also why it's so damn good. Hellshade
  9. Excellent Video

    /agreed Hellshade
  10. Thoughts about P4

    Not sure that it's possible, but it would be awesome if in P4 you could select ammo type (Tracers, Smoke trailers or Incindiary) on the loadout of your aircraft before each mission starts. Hellshade
  11. Thoughts about P4

    If smoke trails were standard, then they should definately be in the flight sim. I'm not the historian that many on here are so I won't be the one to argue with the experts! I wonder if it was as pronouced and visible as it is in stock BH&H or more the smoke trailers that Creaghorn created with his mods where it was harder to see against certain backgrounds like white clouds. The only reason I ask is because now that I think about it, I'm not sure I've ever seen an actual WWI dogfight photograph that displayed smoke trails. I expect to see 10 such photographs posted in the next 24 hours, of course. Hellshade
  12. Thoughts about P4

    Have any of you tried Creaghorns latest ammo mod? I think it would be great to have the more realistic bullets in P4 as well. In most cases, I bet it will drop the kill rate down dramatically. I can also appreciate that a lot of people prefer the current ammo style with tracers and smoke trails to help guide their aim, so perhaps it would be possible to have that "DiD" settings button in the Workshop that puts all the settings automatically on "DiD" and changes the ammo type to something like Creaghorns mods. Obviously the Devs aren't going to comment, but hopefully it is something worth considering...if it could be done. Would anyone else like a DiD button in the Workshop? What is your opinion of his different ammo mods? I find his No Effects version, which has no smoke trails and no tracers, to be incredibly exciting and challenging. I fought a few duels between an N16 and an Alb DII with no effects and DiD settings (including less accurate gunnery) in place and it really changes how you approach the combat and when you will decide to fire. I find myself being quite stingy in dispensing ammo, making sure that every round I fire will likely count and not firing unless I am right on top of the fellow. Without the smoke puffs and debris falling off the plane to confirm hits, I don't want to risk firing unless I'm sure I will hit because I have no way of knowing how or even if I should be correcting my fire. It's awesome. Hellshade
  13. Realistic Tracers and Effects

    Just one audio track sir. Did you by chance accidently double launch it and have it playing twice with the second window hidden in the background somewhere? Hellshade
  14. Excellent Video

    Outstanding job. I am quite sure it took many, many hours to produce such a well crafted result. Well done sir. Hellshade
  15. Realistic Tracers and Effects

    I personally just rename the files (the ones that are to be replaced with the Mod files) where they are at in the OFF install directory with an "OBD" added to the end of the filename. That way they stay in roughly the same position on the file list, but I can see they are the original files that OBD used when I installed Over Flanders Fields. It makes it easy to just delete the mod files if you wish to uninstall the mod and then remove the "OBD" from the end of the original files by renaming them. Other people like to be extra safe and copy the files to a seperate directory. For anyone, especially the DiD enthusiasts, who wish to make shooting down planes considerably harder and thus have a kill rate more in line with the pilots of the real war, I heartily recommend this mod. It greatly reduces the chance that you will hit your target the father away from you they are. Obviously if you are right on top of your foe like I usually tend to fly, tracers and bullet trails are not as important, but you also highly increase your risk of dying because you ram into your target! A tough but realistic trade off indeed. Otherwise, if you wish to fire from a safe distance, your accuracy is going to drop tremendously and your kill progression will naturally reflect that as you will run out of ammo with a lot less, if anything, to show for your efforts. For anyone who has ever wished for the most realistic kill rates possible, Creaghorns Ammo Mod takes a huge step towards balancing out those numbers to be more in line with history. The install is very simple and you owe it to yourself to find out just how tough it can be. It's a challenge you don't want to miss! Thank you for providing this mod Creaghorn. Outstanding work sir! Hellshade
  16. Thoughts about P4

    Oh good idea! Of course if the other side is using them too, that could make for some very short pilot life spans. Hellshade
  17. Rest in Peace Gentleman, http://news.yahoo.co...3aXRyb29wc2ZvdQ-- Hellshade
  18. Question about Combat Reports

    Usually about 2 days after you die. Hellshade
  19. Do they happen to notice how often I'm flying a different plane because my last pilot was killed? I fly very aggressively so I get a lot of kills and I get killed a lot faster also. It makes for great videos and a damn short campaign lifespan. There are options in the workshop to make it as easy or as difficult as you like as you well know. With certain planes, I consider myself an excellent pilot and shot. With others I am all thumbs. There will always be fanboys of other flight sims who will find something to criticise about OFF:BH&H no matter what. They see it as a threat to their flight sim, as if people can't own both or something. Silly, really. I guess my best response would be that one person spewed out a long list of reasons of why I was full of crap about OFF being able to put 40 or more planes in the sky at one time. But when I posted a campaign video showing exactly that, along with the ability to have individually painted planes which he also claimed was BS, did he admit that the video was proof he was wrong and that he was the one full of crap? I doubt it very seriously. So even if I could provide proof that OFF:BH&H was a difficult flight sim to master, they wouldn't admit it anyways - would they? I'd basically call them out on that. When people start admitting when they are proven wrong it'll be worth arguing with them. Until then it's just a stupid game of them making stuff up that, since they don't own the sim or haven't updated it completely, they really don't know what they are talking about and will just make up negative things to say because they are fanboys of flight sim "X". It really is pretty much as simple as that, in my opinion. Hellshade
  20. Unofficial P4 Update

    Obessive Compulsive Disorder. It's where you keep doing something repeatedly - that's usually pointless - but you can't stop yourself from doing it. For instance, locking and unlocking the door 56 times every time you leave the house, or asking the Devs "When will P4 be released?" Apparently we can't stop ourselves from asking, even though we know the question is futile. Hellshade
  21. Stunning actual in cockpit footage of a WWI dogfight! Don't ask me where I got it from. (1:27) FULL SCREEN 1080 HD Enjoy Hellshade
  22. To capture the movie in game http://www.fraps.com/ most use Windows Movie Maker (XP) or Windows Live Movie Maker (Vista, 7) for editing. http://explore.live.com/windows-live-movie-maker I just recently bought AVS Video Editor so I could put out a higher graphic quality image. http://www.avs4you.com/AVS-Video-Editor.aspx?gclid=CI_Vhoqj8aICFRrXnAod7mGkjg Hellshade
  23. Yeah, I've got a bunch of little tricks and effects I want to try now that I have a decent editor. Hopefully I'll get some time this weekend. Hellshade
  24. Raw "Scramble" video (no editing) that proves Germany could have won the War!!! (If they just had non-jamming guns with unlimited ammo. ha) Full Screen 1080HD mode Hellshade
  25. A marvously simple but effective solution. Well done sir! Hellshade

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