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Everything posted by Hellshade

  1. Here's a quick note of probably support for the SSD solutions. I noticed that the TrackIR tearing is not nearly as apparent when flying and turning my head WITHOUT recording the video to my hard drive using FRAPS. As soon as I turn FRAPS video recording on, the tearing definately increases a bit. That would highly suggest to me that HD access time is at least in some way a part of the TrackIR edge of the screen tearing issue. Which is a bummer, because I really don't happen to have $200 for an 80GB SSD right now. Hellshade
  2. Would it possible to have an "OFF Player Made Videos" Sticky on the Forums? We have an excellent community and people here love to share their different experiences in "The Great War". We share written stories as well as screenshots of exciting duels. I really feel that being able to post user made videos is another excellent way to share our experiences with each other as well as have one more way to visibly demonstrate to anyone interested in OFF what an exciting and well crafted air war sim this really is. Obviously we wouldn't host the actual videos on this site. People just upload them to youtube and then just place the video link in the OFF Player Made Videos thread. Let's let the Devs know what we think. If enough people show an interest, perhaps they will be willing to do it. Here is a quick video I made last night. It's raw footage but it can now be viewed in 720 HD format so you can see the details more clearly. Be sure to click the 360P in the lower left corner of the video and then select 720 HD for the sharpest picture. Hellshade
  3. Awesome. That's why I'm hoping more people will post some videos of their experiences. I bet there are many different skills I could learn from watching others fly. Hellshade
  4. Well I don't wish to speak for anyone else but the 'overhyped' remark MAY have been directed at the computer sales industry as a whole, which tends to market every new gadget as the end all be all new tech toy that you must have. Sometimes they are right and sometimes they overstate the facts a bit. While I expect it, some folks - after having been burned for a few hundred dollars or more on something tend to get a little jaded about product hype. Maybe I'm wrong, I at least didn't take the Overhyped remark as a direct assault on your integrity or opinion. Just a statement about the industry as a whole. Of course I am not the person to answer that question definately, either. Having said that, this particular thread is about Image tearing at monitor edges when using TrackIR. I don't doubt that a shiny new SSD drive fixes stuttering on games. The question is does it help with image tearing at the far right and leftside of the screen when turning your head quickly from side to side using a TrackIR. It seems Morrison (I believe) is the only person who has both SSD and TrackIR. Nobody else does, including you and I. What I would love to see is a 30 second FRAPS video from him quickly turning his head side to side over green fields on a relatively clear blue sky. If those nefarious triangles don't show up, then we probably have a winner. The higher the resolution of the video and the higher the terrain settings, the better. I'm personally not out to prove or disprove any theory. I'm just trying to find out what works. If he could be bothered to post such a video it would really help alot, because I have no stuttering or tearing on my machine either except when turning left and right quickly with TrackIR. The difference then would be the SSD for the most part and likely settle the matter quickly, hopefully without any hard feelings. Hellshade
  5. Thoughts about P4

    Let's hope that's not a feature included in P4, ok? I'm going to vote 'no'. Hellshade
  6. Hellshade's Tripehound Teaser Pics

    Simply stunning Lou! Wow. You are incredibly talented my friend. It will be an absolute honor to fly in that kite. And of course I don't mind you sharing your work with everyone, but it definately screams "HELLSHADE!!!" quite nicely. I'll be the terror of the skies in that beautiful winged beast. Thank you very much for your efforts. I can't wait to fly it! Hellshade
  7. Unofficial OFF advertisement Video

    That is very true. I didn't think about the 226 aircraft limit until after I had posted it. Sorry for under-valuing what OFF BH&H can do by about 500%. Hopefully it gets the point across anyways. I actually prefer the "Player Reviews" video. If you haven't seen it yet, I hope you enjoy it. Over Flanders Fields Player Reviews (5:07) HD Hellshade
  8. Lou, I just downloaded the nHancer tweak utility. If you could let me know what settings you use, I'd appreciate it very much. Even the 1080 HD videos lose quality when they get compressed from the 3.9GB FRAPS size down to around 250MB, so I want to try and squeeze every ounce of quality I can out of them so it gives the most accurate impression of what OFF can look like as possible. Plus, if the nHancer can help remove or reduce the TrackIR jaggies at all, I'm willing to give it a try! Hellshade
  9. 850 Watt. I want to say it's made by BFG tech but I don't remember the brand to be honest. Hellshade
  10. Are you sure they are there? Because...I could be a P4 Beta Tester. I wouldn't mind at all. No need to even thank me. That's just the kind of guy I am. Hellshade
  11. I don't personally have any doubts about the SSD's ability to generate faster throughput. I'd buy one in a heartbeat if I could afford one. (lesson here - only get married if you are tired of having money and sex). I have a pretty high end system for running OFF. A GTX280 video card certainly has what it takes to pump out the framerates and fillrates. My i7 920 is OC'd to 3.8Ghz (I just bumped it up from 3.6 and it seems to handle it just fine). 6GB Corsair XMS is OC'd to 1443Mhz. I can't imagine any of that being the bottleneck to good fill rates in CFS3. In fact, as someone else mentioned above, I can play any newer games and have no issues with white/blue triangles at all on the edges of my screen. I think CFS3 is old enough that it's TrackIR support isn't really well implemented since it's only with the TrackIR that I get the jaggies. The SSD drives probably are able to make up for that difference by pulling in data that CFS3 wasn't really programmed to get at quickly. The short answer to all of this is....I'm screwed...and not in a good way. I've been playing with settings for 2 days now and nothing seems to really make any difference in terms of the TrackIR jaggies. I'll just have to live with until, maybe, Christmas. Thanks to everyone for their informative posts! Hellshade
  12. I figured out how to record the videos pretty smooth with 16xQ AA on. Everything looks really sharp. This is just a short QC I did to test how it looks. What do you think? 16xQ OFF Air Combat Footage (2:48) HD Hellshade
  13. Holy hell CJ, I'd love to fly that kite in a video or two. Just beautiful!!! Hellshade
  14. Hey Lou, are you running an Nvidia or ATI card? If it's Nvidia, could your 3D control panel settings with me and maybe your TrackIR settings as well? I'm running a GTX280 and TrackIR 4 Pro with clip, using TrackIR 5 software. I would really like to get this sorted out. Hellshade
  15. I am having EXACTLY this problem and I have a GTX280 1GB video card. It doesn't happen on gloomy days. Only when there is blue in the sky. Someone said they don't have this issue at all. Any chance they could share their Nvidia & TrackIR settings? Hellshade
  16. Unofficial OFF advertisement Video

    Well guys the Devs were kind enough to grant us our own Videos sticky and we already have a few posted, including a nice Zepplin attack by Lou in his signature Sopwith Camel and a couple of new ones from me. I'm looking forward to seeing more of what folks have out there. Hellshade
  17. Lou, your Zep over Paris video is awesome. I love the straffing runs! Way to bring em down. :) I really like the music in both of them as well. I need to work on incorporating some into my own. It definately adds alot to it. As far as what I'd like to see on a Sopwith Triplane custom paint job - I'd have to say I'd like something that goes along with the whole "Hellshade" / "devil" theme. Maybe a black or midnight blue plane with a big yellow circle on the sides and the profile view of a red devil complete with forked tail, horns and a pitch fork on top of the yellow circle? To be honest, your work is outstanding, so anything you might come up with would probably be far more creative than what I might imagine. If you are willing to put the work into it, I'd appreciate it very much and would always give credit to you. Hellshade
  18. I've started working on some in-campaign footage and stories. Here is my first go at it. The Tides of War (8:07) HD Hellshade
  19. Lou, That is a beautifully shot video and your paint scheme is nothing short of magnificent. I wish I had those kind of skills! I'd paint a black Sopwith triplane with red and yellow flames on the sides and wings. If you've got more videos please share them. Especially if they show off your custom painting skills. Rockin' work Lou. Hellshade
  20. Hey Rabu, I have been working on that video tearing problem all day and I've come to the conclusion that it's got nothing at all to do with over taxing my system or video card. I've tried setting TrackIR priority to High, lowering terrain and scenery detail, switching TrackIR smoothness setting from 100 down to 25. Those all helped a little or not at all. Then I flew on a totally cloudy day mission...no blue sky anywhere...and poof, no screen tearing! So to prove to myself it wasn't performance related, I set all sliders on 5 and even set Ground Object Density in the workshop to "High" for maximum trees, houses, etc. Re-flew the QC and selected Thunderheads for weather. As you can see by the video below, no screen tearing or jaggies at all. Something about the blue sky in OFF seems to cause the issue. Anyone have any ideas on how to correct this? I would definately like to get rid of them. Dogfight on a Cloud Day (3:24) HD Hellshade
  21. Here's a new one I just finished. If I may say so, it has some of the most intense combat footage I have shot yet. I was working hard the entire time in the cockpit. Fokker DR1s are awesome turn fighters but camerwork can be hard because they are so twitchy! I still need some more flight time in them, but I did better than I thought I would. I hope you enjoy some of the more spectacular kills. Over Flanders Fields - Player Reviews (5:07) HD All quotes were taken either directly from the www.overflandersfields.com site of word for word from the video review (at motorstv.com). Hellshade
  22. Unofficial OFF advertisement Video

    The new video sticky is LIVE!!! Thanks to the Devs and forum moderators for once again listening to the community and responding to our requests. You guys rock. Okay guys, "Post em if you got em!" Hellshade
  23. Many thanks to the Devs team and the Forum Moderators for providing this place for players to share their user made videos. Over Flanders Fields: Between Heaven and Hell - and the expansion - Hat in the Ring, present the finest, most historically accurate WWI flight sim available anywhere. Now, in addition to stories "from the Front" and screenshots, players will be able to post videos that they have made showing what their actual experiences in OFF BH&H and HitR are. The purpose of this sticky is to have fun and share with others the wide variety of experiences you can expect when flying Over Flanders Fields. If you are new to the Forums, please check out the videos and see for yourself why OFF has developed such a strong, passionate following among flight sim fans. We very much hope you'll join us - no matter which side of the war you choose! May I respectfully request that when we post videos, for convienence sake we use the following format: Video Name (video play time) and an "HD" if the video is available in high definition. Then post the link below. Be sure to select 1080 or 720 HD in the lower right hand corner of the video if it is an HD video. If you have a slower connection, please start the video, press pause and wait for the red bar to fill up, then press play again. The video will be cached and play without pauses dues to lack of bandwidth. To start, here are three videos from yours truly. World War One Flight Sims (5:15) HD Olhams Triplane (3:46) HD If Only I'd had a cigarette (30 seconds) HD I hope some of the other video makers will post their work too. There are some extremely talented "movie-makers" here in Over Flanders Fields and this is the perfect place to share your fantastic work. Hellshade
  24. Unofficial OFF advertisement Video

    I was pretty sure it was a long ways off...going by the NEWS update posted by the Devs on the main page: Still working away on Phase 4, release is a long way off so no need to ask "when" as we don't know yet. Some cracking 'wallpaper' screenshots are being taken as we go. We have improved areas that people said could not be improved on :)Also the OFF Manager has a lot of new features and looks great. Currently details are "under wraps." Hellshade

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