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Everything posted by Hellshade

  1. Evidently some time ago the Team Fusion guys got access to the code for the much maligned IL2 Cliffs of Dover WWII flight sim and have been hard at it modding the hell out of it and fixing bugs. They plan to release the a free version (4.5) on Steam, available to anyone who has already purchased the main sim. A future (paid) V5.0 is in the works with additional features and an North African Campaign. I wasn't impressed with CLoD when it first released but this recent video sure looks like they have done some amazing work. I even like the way her flies and dogfights. :)
  2. Here is the official trailer for the 4.5 release - which when released on Steam will be called Cliffs of Dover - Blitz Edition. I have to say, it certainly does look immersive. As I already own CLoD, it's going to be hard not to download and install this update for free. And for the new flier - CLoD is only $9.99.
  3. OT: Exciting Rise of Flight news

    I have been looking at some of the IL2 Battle of Kuban videos and I have to say the scenery doesn't look sterile anymore like it did in RoF and the eye candy in general is certainly taken up several notches. But I can only seem to find MP videos. Doesn't seem like - for whatever reason - people are capturing video of the Career / Campaign mods. Hopefully that's not a sign of the quality of the AI.
  4. OT: Exciting Rise of Flight news

    Indeed. My only concern is if they haven't upgraded the AI since RoF. No matter how 64 bit, DX11ish the graphics and performance is, if it's the same old "Split S to the deck and then turn circles until shot down" AI routine, it will be boring as hell. Here's hoping it isn't just the graphics engine that's been upgraded.
  5. Hellshade's Greatest Hits!

    I get my own Greatest Hits thread?! Whoot!
  6. How many of us still fly WOFF?

    I still fly! I bounce around between various games and hobbies. Skyrim, a couple MMOs (WoW or Rift, though not nearly as much anymore), table top role playing with Dungeons & Dragons (5e) and yes, absolutely WOFF UE. There just isn't another WWI flight sim that comes close for single player campaigns, though Pat Wilson did much to improve RoF with his PWCG. I might not touch WOFF UE for a month sometimes, but then when I climb back into the cockpit, I'm often stuck there for an entire weekend and after hours on week days.
  7. How Do These Things Happen?

    I will make no claim to "know" the answer to this but as a somewhat tongue in cheek response, I will offer up this. Sometimes after a parent tells there 4 year old to stop running in the house 5 or 6 times, they just let the kid run, knowing when he or she slams into the wall and feels the pain, maybe then they will get it. Sadly for us humans, all too often we seem to "prefer" to learn from bad experiences rather than from good advice. ;)
  8. Rise Of Flight Screeshots

    Cool screenies. I always love RoFs damage model. It's very visceral!
  9. What aircraft is this?

    How goes Age of Sail, Olham?
  10. New Hellshade Videos...

    The holes in my wings came from diving too fast causing structural failure. DR1s clearly have dive limitations - not as bad as Alb DIIIs - but still there and I overplayed my hand in following him down. OvS released some new Alb DIII OAW skins (on the website) so I featured a couple in campaign dogfights. Just started an OAW campaign, picked a couple of skins and flew. I think well over 70? new ones to choose from. Back in my regular campaign I got into a furball with some Brisfits. and a furball with Camels over enemy territory
  11. New Hellshade Videos...

    The amount of time varies. All of these videos are from the past month. Tons more on my youtube channel.
  12. New Hellshade Videos...

    All of these are in campaign mode and I am in Jasta 11. Incredible sim, isn't it? Ok...I got these Tripehounds now. Camels on the other hand...not so much. LOL DH5s kick my ass too. Ahh...my first Fokker DR1! And the very next day they hand me back an Albatross, taking the DR1s off the front line. I presume there was a historical reason for that.
  13. New Hellshade Videos...

    Thanks Hauksbee, More great dogfights below. More Tripehound fights, but I do much better out of the DIII and in the DV
  14. New Hellshade Videos...

    It did save my life, but I landed dead stick behind enemy lines. Not before shooting down an enemy observation balloon though that was near the road I chose. I had enough speed built up to make a second pass at the balloon and that was enough to do her in. I bet the Tommys were not happy about that!
  15. New Hellshade Videos...

    Yes, the Tripehouds were brutal! Never saw this happen before...WOFF UE still surprises.
  16. New Hellshade Videos...

    Sometimes they just dont respond. Maybe a gun jam? frozen in fear?
  17. New Hellshade Videos...

    I'll just post em here, Starting from uploads I did a month ago. My Alb campaign I will post more later.
  18. 1. That is the Baron, yes. 2. He was struggling to climb against me. Unless he had energy built up from a dive, I seemed to be better at climbing. 3. I don't know who has the better max ceiling, JFM would probably be the expert there. 4. The Spad did tumble. He may have stalled out but once in awhile I think the FM may go a little 'wonky'. May have been that too.
  19. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    Something fun. OvS has spent the last year or so creating new high resolution skins for Early DIII and OAW DIIIs. They look fantastic. Not sure when they will get released but he sent them to the devs about a week or so ago. Hopefully soon. I think they make me fly better in a DIII. ;) High Resolution OAW Ace skin example and another
  20. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    A few new videos for your enjoyment. They are all from a campaign.
  21. Might as well share a few recent WOFF UE videos. Here, I get in a very bad spot and am saved in a most unexpected way. The Gods of War saw fit to favor me for whatever reason! DIII Engagement On my way back from the DIII engagement mission, I realize I am being tracked by a Spad! No choice but to engage and try to survive because I can't out run him,
  22. Albatros windscreen question...

    Hard to believe you have not been in an Alb since a long time! The Ultimate Edition is quite a treat, too. Anyway, the mod adds roll effect to the flight model during heavy turbulent weather conditions. During no and light conditions its not noticeable. Medium it shows a little and heavy it is more pronounced. You can see an example in this N17 video as we are circling up to altitude on a rough day, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sT9wJqNugs
  23. Albatros windscreen question...

    I don't know why it double posted it. Every time I copied and pasted the link, it double posted it. Very strange. Life is very good here by the Gulf of Mexico. I have gotten involved in a very fun Dungeons and Dragons table top campaign. We have lots of miniatures and a Dungeon Master with a wonderful sense of creativity. Even my girlfriend plays and enjoys it! I have also been using JJJs Roll Mod 2.0 which works for most early and 1917 aircraft. Have you tried it yet on a test pilot? It is truly a wonderful experience.
  24. Albatros windscreen question...

    What you need should all be right here sir. I believe the GUI is now included. http://www.pwcampaignmanager.com/pwcg/web/PWCGRoF.php http://www.pwcampaignmanager.com/pwcg/web/PWCGRoF.php

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