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Everything posted by Hellshade

  1. Unofficial OFF advertisement Video

    Yes, we definately need an OFF BHaH video on the TrackIR site, but I will certainly allow the Devs to choose what video they wish to represent their product. They are free to use any of mine but honestly there are quite a few good videos other people have made in the past as well. They should put something there though to be sure. Great idea! Hellshade
  2. Hey Guys, I've been asked repeatedly what hardware and software slider settings I am running my system at to make the videos. I'd like to put all that info in a signature so each time I post a video it's right there. How do I make a signature for the Forums? Hellshade
  3. Post Signature question

    I think the jaggies come from an Nvidia control panel setting. Also, I'm running it at 1680 x 1050 with anistropic filtering on and 40 planes in the sky. Might be running low on video memory but not sure. I'm glad you enjoy the videos. I'm working on another tonight. Hellshade
  4. Post Signature question

    Thank you very much! Hellshade
  5. Since it seems that this can be done without fear of losing the other Sticky's or threads, I'd like to ask the Forum Moderators if, given the votes and the reasons, they would consider making it happen. I'm in the process now of uploading a new video to youtube that I would very much like to see stay available for new folks visiting the forum to be able to view. I won't give it away, but let's just say it makes a good point about World War One flight sims. Maybe it will drum up a few more sales for OBD Software. It will be availaible in up to 1080P HD mode. Hellshade
  6. Thoughts about P4

    You know, I would agree with you on the map resolution needing to be upgraded except for one tiny detail. It helps serve to remind me just how far OBD Software has advanced this engine from what they had to start with. It really is nothing short of a man made miracle when you compare the map vs the rest of the game that they have changed. Even still, if they could find a way to increase the resolution it would be awesome. Hellshade
  7. Some time ago, Olham made a couple of skins for my favorite plane, the Sopwith Triplane. Truly beautiful work, especially considering his true love is the Albatross. :) Here's a video of 3 Alb DIIIs OAW engaging me a 10,000ft flying Olham's amazing silver & blue painted plane. Don't hate me Olham.... Hellshade PS All videos I do from this point forward will be available in 1080P & 720P as well as the normal non-HD resolutions.
  8. I was able to push the scenery and other sliders a little higher. 3 Minute dogfight over the Marne. Here is the same raw video but in 720P format. Much clearer and better details! I'll be making all the videos in the 720P format for now on to help show off how great OFF really looks. Make sure you click the 360P button on the lower right corner of the video and select 720 HD. It's impressive how beautiful this flight sim really is! Hellshade
  9. You can still view the new one at 720P also. Mighty close call on that one. Hellshade
  10. FRAPS for video capture. System specs: i7 920 Intel Quad Core OC'd to 3.6 Ghz 6GB RAM OC'd at 1,440Mhz 1GB GTX280 Video card 28" flat panel monitor Windows 7 x64 It plays smooth at 1680 x 1050 res even with 16xQ AA turned on and sliders all at 4 or better. I figured out how to record the videos in 1080P now. Check out my very short "If I only had a cigarette..." post on youtube. Thank you. If you like that one, check out the very short "If I Only Had A Cigarette.." video. It's recorded in 1080P. Hellshade
  11. If the forum moderator would, kindly remove this thread, please. The poll has been closed and the request is withdrawn. The problem isn't technical in nature. Thank you to all who posted your opinions and took time to vote. Hellshade
  12. All of which are definately outstanding reasons for purchasing this fine sim. It is also true however that a number of folks, myself included, couldn't wait for the Devs to post another video of the upcoming P3 and then watched it repeatedly to see how fun and exciting the gameplay was going to be. I think I watched Movie #11 several times. If we can store player made videos off site on youtube, why not have an easy to find thread with links to tons of different player made movies? Some of the work I've seen other players do has been just amazing. That could only be one more reason for people to buy the flight sim. Now, if as Uncleal says, we risk dropping the whole forum just by adding a new Sticky, I would definately not want to see that happen. If there are threads that aren't being used much, maybe we can do as Pol says and combined them with other seldom used Stickys. If it looks like they are all in use pretty regularly, then either we need to look for a different solution or drop the idea. Hellshade
  13. Thoughts about P4

    Actually I would like to see a change to the Easiest Claims forms - if it were possible. Is there any chance that if you have the claims forms set on easiest that it could autofill in the type of plane you shot down instead of the just saying "unknown aircraft"- confirmed. Instead, it would have a pre-made sentance with a few fill in the blanks that auto populate with the correct information such as : On ______( Date) at ______ (time) I, _________ (Player pilot name) shot down a _________ (Enemy Aircraft Type). If you shot down multiple planes it would literally just repeat that sentance putting in the correct variables for each plane. Or possibly even just have one sentance for each patrol that says "On ____ (date) while out on patrol I shot down the following aircraft:" and then list the planes below it. Just an idea. Hellshade
  14. With 81 pages of the Screenshots Sticky, it would not only appear that it gets used, but that it is the Sticky most often added to by those frequenting the forums. Obviously people like to post and look at still pics of the game. But also, while there haven't been any 'No' votes as of yet to the Poll, I would like to see more than just 6 or so 'Yes' votes before we make work for the Forum Moderators. A great many people are viewing the Poll but not stating a preference. If folks really would enjoy it, please vote yes. If you wouldn't view it or add to it, please vote no. Your opinion matters so please don't leave without voting. If we can't get a bunch more yes votes, I'd rather not put any extra work on anyone to change things, as much as I'd love to have a place to view other players handywork in the skies over France. Hellshade
  15. Thoughts about P4

    P4 wish list? I think wingman who could rock their planes to warn of something would be awesome for immersion, but I don't think I could even ask the Devs to do something like that. I have no idea if that could even be done. Of course, heavy bombers on both sides would absolutely rock. Maybe have another go at trying to prevent the game from kicking you out to the manager shell immediately upon being killed instead of letting you take the long ride down. - kills the immersion a little I'd still like some additions to the Quick Combat options where you could choose to have the enemy appear a Random altitude above or below you and Random Advantage or Disadvantage for positioning. (I know, QC isn't the point of the game - no worries) Planes to fill in some gaps, such as something on the Allied side to fly against the Fokker EIIIs that would be more evenly matched to them. That would make early year campaigns much more exciting. After that the list really just starts to get silly. Like a seperate game for escaping from behind enemy lines. And perhaps squadron drinking contests after someone becomes an ACE? ha ha. Seriously, the flight sim has so much going for it now that I have no idea how much more they can improve the damn thing short of just adding more planes. However, I have learn to always be pleasantly suprised from these guys. I have no reason to expect anything different this time. Hellshade
  16. Some fights look like their going to be easy and yet you still get suprised or make mistakes that leave your plane all tore up. But that's part of what makes this sim great. Enjoy. Hellshade
  17. OFF Dogfight video

    Creaghorn, When I made those videos, my A/C, Effects and Clouds were all set to 4. I've found I can bump them up to 5 with no loss. My sliders are now set to Aircraft 5 Terrain 4 Scenery 3 Effects 5 Cloud 5 Resolution 1680 x 1050 AA is turned off for the videos, but for normal play I have it on at least 8xQ. Runs smooth as glass. GTX280 Video card 1GB RAM 6GB System RAM OC'd to around 1400 Mhz (I forget the exact amount) i7 920 intel CPU OC'd to 3.6 Ghz
  18. Okay All, I'm going to start making some video dogfighting diaries. If the Devs like them, I'd really like a Sticky so all the air combat videos that people do can be kept in one place, just like the Screenshots are now. Please check out Hellshades Air Combat Video #1 and tell me what you think of the format, etc. Hellshade
  19. OFF Dogfight video

    http://forum.combatace.com/files/category/354-modding-tools-and-add-on-software/ You'll find it all in there bud. Hellshade
  20. OFF Dogfight video

    Yes. I'm using Sound Tweak II + patch and his Homebrew mod. Hellshade
  21. I downloaded and installed Creaghorns Sound Tweaks + Patch and his Homebrew. After a little tweaking of the HDR & Bloom files to add a little more brightness to daylight times, I must say the whole experience is better than ever. The sound effects add wonderfully to immersion and though it looks a little too dark in the video, during gameplay the graphics are spot on. One could almost believe it was a newer engine than CFS3. My thanks again to Creaghorn for his mods and to OBD for crafting this masterpiece. Here is a video of me in a Sopwith Tripe vs 4 Alb DIIIs. Some bloody close calls in there. Hellshade
  22. Thanks rabu, it takes practice to try and keep it smooth. I still need to get better at it but I'm trying. The sounds are from Creaghorns Homebrew download. I highly recommend it. I consider them mandatory now. The video is darker than the actual gameplay. Not sure why that is but during the actual play it looks fantastic IMO. It's a HDR / BLOOM config file Creaghorn provided. You can custom tweak it to your personal liking. I'll be putting up some more air combat videos soon. Hellshade
  23. Pol, Think some of those sound effects or something like it might make it into P4? I think they add a lot to the immersion factor. Hellshade
  24. Warp Question

    I'm sure it's probably been asked already and the answer is probably "no"...but is it possible to change it so that when warping (for us non-DiDers) you don't get knocked out of warp anytime any plane comes within 8 miles of the flight? Maybe have a 4 mile radius instead? Stuff 8 miles away is often too far to engage or be a threat unless we are flying right towards one another. If it can be done, any help would be appreciated. Hellshade
  25. Where is the N.28's gunsight?

    Personally, I hate gunsites or anything else that obstructs a clear view of my target. Be close enough to shake hands with the fellow and you'll probably be able to do significant damage when you squeeze the trigger. That is especially important when flying the single gun Allied scouts. I essentially have to be twice as accurate with my gunnery skills in order to do the same amount of damage one of those bloody Huns will do to me. That's why my favorite plane is the Sopwith Triplane. Although it only has a single gun, it has a very clear view combined with exceptional turning ability. If I can see you and I am agile enough to get on your 6, I can win. The Noops almost all have some blasted gear in the way that makes it hard to see forward. The Camel has a good forward field of view but you end up fighting most of the battle looking through two tiny slots, which is a major pain. Even the Spads top wing is slow low and thick over the engine that you have little room to see ahead. A restricted FoV is a virtual death sentance for me. If I have to aim at something far away, such as to plug a few holes into a Hun scout who is on the tail of one of my squadron mates, then I make very short bursts and adjust according to the tracer fire. If I could, I'd remove the gunsites from most of the aircraft. Hellshade

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