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Everything posted by Hellshade

  1. Redo of, THE BLUE MAX!

    I was just kidding. He's almost the exact opposite of the part, of course though a fantastic actor in my opinion to be sure. And yes, actually I was imgaining the dialogue with Samuel L. Jackson saying his lines with the same attitude and delivery he did in Pulp Fiction. Ha! That'd be a hoot. Hellshade
  2. Redo of, THE BLUE MAX!

    I think Samuel Jackson should play the lead roll. He could pull it off as a young, hotshot German pilot out to prove something. :) Tim Burton could direct it. Hellshade
  3. Destroying aces

    And equally important to remember is that shooting someone down didn't always result in killing the pilot. I believe the fellow in his red Fokker DR 1 was shot down at least once once, possibly twice, before being killed the final time. I'm sure that there are other aces who survived being shot down only to climb back into the cockpit again and seek revenge in the skies. Hellshade
  4. Sound Tweak II.

    Outstanding work Creaghorn!!! It's almost like a whole new war up there. The improved engine sound effects add a lot to the immersion of gameplay. I especially love the engine revs as some of the planes go down. Well done. I hope the Devs take a little listen and are willing to incorporate something like this into P4. Bravo my friend. Hellshade
  5. Sound Tweak II.

    Just found it. Thanks though. Can't wait to try them out. It's like a pseudo P4 Preview...kinda. :P Hellshade
  6. Sound Tweak II.

    Obviously, I am missing the obvious. I am extremely excited to try this mod, but when I go to the OFF Downloads section I only see the downloads for official OFF BHaH & HitR files. Where might these files be nestled away at? Hellshade
  7. Wow, Those are just beautiful. Well done sir. For an avid fan of the Albs, you do fine work for the other side sir. Hellshade
  8. Excellent editorial on the latest in DRM nightmares. http://www.cnn.com/2010/OPINION/03/11/deleon.video.games.drm/index.html Thanks OBD for not choosing this kind of DRM. You have made outstanding software design choices from begining to end with OFF and HitR. Hellshade
  9. How Synchronizing Gear Works

    Huh. It sounded to me like a basic explanation for how the female mind makes the decision "Which shoes do I wear today?" Hellshade
  10. Rise of Flight just sent me an e-mail saying that with their newest patch, you can play off-line. No more on-line DRM. Bravo. Hellshade
  11. Worst Forward Visibility

    For my money, the Spad XIII has the worst forward view. But the Sopwith Triplane has the best view all around, forward included. I love that crate. Can see everything, turn anywhere and kill anything. Hellshade
  12. Thank you OBD for not choosing this method of copy protection. http://pc.ign.com/articles/107/1075124p1.html Hellshade
  13. BIG mistake!

    wow. What are you going to get him for a 10 year anniverary present? A spinal column. :) Hellshade
  14. WW I memorial

    And apparently it only has the names of the Doughboys from DC instead of from all over America. He is right to point out it's past time to create something befitting the sacrifice of all the boys who fought and died. If they don't, WWI may soon share the moniker of a certain war in Korea. "The Forgotten War". Hellshade
  15. God Bless him. http://www.cnn.com/2010/POLITICS/01/31/world.war.one.vet.memorial/index.html?hpt=T2 Hellshade
  16. I'm not pointing fingers. I'm simply stating that saying Democrats are bad for something that might not do even though Republicans didn't get it done either is a double standard. What does any of the things you just said have to do with the fact that the Republicans didn't get the job done for building a monument either? It doesn't. They didn't get it done or there wouldn't be an argument to get it done now. Maybe the Democrats will fail too. Then this administration and every administration since 1918 can share in the blame of never getting it done. Until their time is done though, you can't blame them for failing before they get the chance. If they fail, they fail like every other one and deserve the blame. If they succeed, they deserve some credit for doing at least one thing right. Judging them on it before they have had a chance to vote is pointless. Hellshade And you picture speaks volumes about you.
  17. Respectfully, the purpose of the post was to show how the last remaining US veteran is trying to get a Memorial built for all the brave Americans who served in "The Great War" 100 years ago. It wasn't an attempt to make a political statement about things in the US today. But since you brought it up - the Republicans had control of the White House and both the House and the Senate for 6 years. Why are you criticizing the Democrats for what they might not get done when the Republicans definately did NOT make it happen when they were in control? What's the worst that could happen? The Democrats don't get it done just like the Republicans didn't? And even if they DO get it done, they will simply be told they are the usual "spending liberals". In my opinion, whenever you tell someone else they are damned if they do and damned if they don't, it's not them who is the problem. There are plenty of things the current US administration has done which is completely open to criticism for valid reasons. Criticizing them for things they haven't done yet serves no valid purpose what-so-ever. Just a thought. Hellshade
  18. Mass graves from WWI found in 2008. Interesting story... http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/europe/01/30/wwi.soldier.buried/index.html?hpt=Sbin Hellshade
  19. WW1 Recreation

    Incredible! Thank you for sharing it. :) Hellshade
  20. OT: District 9

    I'm sorry Olham, I bought District 9 on DVD because the previews looked so good and it turned out it was so cheesy I was actually upset I wasted my money. I expected a serious sci-fi movie from Peter Jackson. What I got was bad acting, stupid aliens and a plot so unbelievable (not in a good way) that I couldn't even watch the whole thing. I suggest you take one of your Albs up for a couple of hours of flight. You'll be much more satisfied rather than watching this movie. Hellshade
  21. Birth of A Legend

    I love the Spitfire. Should be a wonderful story. Poor hurricanes didn't get credit for all the work they did in the Battle of Brittain though. They far outnumbered the Spitfires in the sky, but the Spit just caught the publics imagination and everyone loved her (except maybe the Bosche). Here's a silly video of me in a Spitfire doing battle with the Bosche in the Wings of Prey game. The first one is of the view entirely in the cockpit as played with TrackIR. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=ZKlAZS8sGDs The second video is the same exact battle but from various camera angles in the replay mode. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d85mwpqKq3Q Fun game. No depth like OFF but nice eye candy and a trip to do battle in. Just wish they'd license the engine to OBD for P4. I'd pay $60 or more for that. Hellshade
  22. OT: Red Baron (the original)

    Sorry my friend, but 10 years time? That would be OFF 5 with a Superpatch. Of course by then there won't be any graphics. You'll just plug your cables into your head "matrix" style and it'll create the experiences in your head. Hellshade
  23. As always, amazing work gentleman. Hellshade
  24. Having only played through a few missions, I can't say anything about the depth or accuracy of the campaign. However in terms of creating the feeling that you are in WWII air combat, I can honestly say that Wings of Prey succeeds masterfully. The graphics are, of course, photo realistic and when combined with a TrackIR and the sound effects of the game, it makes for some fantastic white knuckle flying. While it doesn't appear to offer nearly the options that my beloved OFF does, this WWII sim does offer Arcade, Realistic and Simulation modes which will probably satisfy most users from beginner through advanced PC flight sim addicts. The combats are difficult and intense. WWII air combat is nothing like WWI. I dare say that it would be impossible to try and compare the air combat experience between OFF and WoP simply because it's apples to oranges. If you have the rig to run WoP and any desire at all to fly WWII air combat missions, I think you probably owe it to yourself to download the demo and at least give it a try. Arcade mode is pretty easy, but Simulation is a tough challenge that will probably demand your best skills. It's not just that the sim is beautiful to look at, it plays well too unlike another eye candy WWI game I tried a few months ago. I couldn't help but thinking if OFF had this game engine but all of the rich features and qualities that are in it right now, you'd have to pry the joystick from my cold dead hands. Hellshade
  25. I have it on good authority that they are moving on to other projects. Having completely covered WWI, they have passionately begun to work on a "Sim: Fern" where you get to be a small plant in a tropical rainforest battling for survival amidst the other underbrush. In a nod to their past work, occassionally a plane will fly over (but you won't be able to see it due to the jungle canopy). I myself am eagerly awaiting it's release. :) If that turns out to not be true, then I'm betting on P4. After all the Superpatch was supposed to be a sneak preview of what that will have to offer so I figure work must be under way. Hellshade

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