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Everything posted by Hellshade

  1. Hey All, The Missions are a blast. I have done a few 20 vs 20 missions and they are very intense! Here is a short clip of one of the furballs I was in earlier. Considering that I was running 1680 x 1050 with 44455 settings with recording it with FRAPS, it runs exceptionally smooth although there is some screen tearing now and then. Thanks for the great fun OBD! Your flight sim and superpatch rock! Hellshade
  2. 4 minute 40 plan fureball video

    I am learning. It is certainly an interesting kite to fly. I prefer the stability of the Sopwith Triplane, but the visibility and twin guns of the Fokker DR 1 are very nice as well. I'm off to work now but later I will post an epic 12 v 12 dogfight I had last night. It started fast and furious and I knocked 4 Camels out of the sky, but in the end I was damaged and surrounded by three Camels. They must have been damaged as well since they were not flying or turning fast either. It was a grim game of low altitude turning while trying not to crash. Almost a bar fight! Once I ran out of ammo I just landed her. It took so long that FRAPS had to record it in three separate videos. The beginning fights are absolutely thrilling and the last few minutes were a grim will just to live. Hellshade
  3. You are going to have a blast Arcolan. OFF never stops being fun or challenging. i7 920 Quad core cpu OC'd to 4Ghz Zalman CPU Cooling fan PT6 Motherboard 6GB DDR3 XMS RAM 1GB GTX280 video card 1TB 7200 RPM hard drive Vista 64 bit Logitech Extreme 3D Pro joystick CHD Pedals TrackIR 4 PRO w/clip I-INC 28" widescreen monitor Saitek Eclipse II keyboard Logitech mouse Even with 40 planes in the sky, running at 1680 x 1050 resolution (16xQ) with 44455 workshop settings in OFF I still get 60 frames per second rock solid with no stutters. Hellshade
  4. 4 minute 40 plan fureball video

    Not sure, but at least 1 Fokker Dr 1. Mine. LOL Hellshade
  5. Scenarios!

    These 20 vs 20 scenerios are just spectacular! I can't stop flying them because the action is so good! I get 60 FPS no matter where I am, including low to the ground. 44455 settings at 1680 x 1050 with 16xQ. Not sure if it was the total system reload, the new 190.62 drivers or the Superpatch, but whatever it is this sim handles the load flawlessly. There is zero stutter for me, even when recording the FRAPS videos I've been sharing. That is some mighty fine coding OBD. I just finished a 20 v 20 flying Dr 1s vs Camels. Just incredible white knuckle, turn fighting action from start to finish. Hellshade
  6. Hey Guys, Tried the mission again, this time flying for the huns in their beautiful DVII. Those Allied boys certainly know how to try and shake a hun off their tail, but for the most part I was Glue. Enjoy the footage of the first few minutes of the fight.
  7. Thanks guys, Those 20 vs 20 missions are just amazingly fun. I love zooming in and out of the clouds on a Huns tail now too! It used to be certain death, but now it just adds to the excitement! I was twisting and turning as best I could but the SE5a just isn't as nimble as the Sopwith Tripe, which is my favorite. I did end up getting shot down in that mission too. Somebody strafed me and then a second got right on my tail. Tried to land her but they kept peppering me all the way into the ground. Anyways, if you haven't tried the 20 v 20 missions yet, I highly recommend them. I'll post some more videos if I get any other good combat footage. Hellshade
  8. New NVidia Drivers 190.62

    So far so good. Still maintaining excellent frame rates 49 - 60. No white triangles, even when turning fast in TrackIR. Trees don't "shimmey" in the distance and best of all, my screen resolution seems to be holding steady finally. If you like what you've got, then no need to hurry to 190.62 but from what I can tell the first night, works good in Over Flanders Fields and Oblivion. Hellshade
  9. Heads up my friends!

    I have to agree with you 100%. I realize a great deal of time and effort must have gone into the change-over, but the look and feel is definately at least 2 steps backwards in my opinion. I hope they don't leave it like this. It's literally not enjoyable to read the forums this way. Hellshade
  10. Obviously we all have a common interest in WWI flight sims. Just curious though what other non-flight sim type games folks enjoyed playing and why? For me it's Oblivion - because I like swords and sorcery stuff and Oblivion has incredible graphics and is extremely user moddable! I also love Call of Duty 4, Call of Duty World at War and Rainbow Six Vegas 2 for first person shooters (although I rarely play since I got OFF BHaH) The CoD series is awesome for the story and the photo realistic graphics. Vegas 2 is great for being a totally unforgiving, thinking man's shooter. I used to be a huge on-line MMO fan, playing WoW, EQ, EQ2, Guild Wars, Lord of the Rings Online and Age of Conan, but MMOs take up too much time and I lost all the time when I got married. What do you guys play besides flight sims? (Don't anyone say "Zork!") Hellshade
  11. P3 Settings Ratings...

    Whatever you decide to do or not do in P3 is fine by me. You certainly have earned a rest from P3. I'm just suggesting you can save yourself some compaints on P4 by not putting it in there. It seems to be a magnet for some folks who disagree what accurately represents what the level of realism is. Hellshade
  12. P3 Settings Ratings...

    How about a compromise? Add a button next to the realism % that toggles Realism % display? Now we're talking nuts. Hellshade
  13. Ok, you need to change the company name from OBD to "OCD", Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, because obviously you can help stop yourself from constantly improving the flight sim! Great patch, now head out into the living room and re-introduce yourselves to your wives and children. This has been a public service announcement. Thank you. Hellshade
  14. P3 Settings Ratings...

    I voted yes, not because I care but because it seems like a magnet for complaints. The % Realism number is irrelevant anyways, because even if you choose all of the "Hardest" option settings in the workshop, you can still turn on TAC, Labels and the combat pointer which shows me the direction of my closest selected enemy aircraft that I have targeted. Even with every setting on the hardest, using those options defeats the % Realism accuracy tremendously, so why bother having it there at all? All it does is seem to cause issues with people who can't seem to get past it. Honestly most people seem to DiD or PND anyways. Leave it or keep it doesn't matter to me personally because I don't care. I just think it seems to cause you folks at OBD some unnecessary flak. Hellshade
  15. OFF V 1.32D Flak / Archi Poll

    Indeed, I too ignore the realism number and just set things to what is fun for me. Not to hi-jack the thread, but please consider removing the realism % for P4. I think it would save some heartache for those who just can't seem to get over it. Hellshade
  16. OFF V 1.32D Flak / Archi Poll

    British, AA started out as very ineffective at the beginning of the war and made advances to become more and more dangerous as time progressed, as I am sure you have read. No one single setting is going to be able to emulate that. For me personally, I might set the AA to Easy during 1916, Normal in 1917 and perhaps change to Hard towards the end of 1918. That's the beauty of havong three settings rather than the Dev setting the AA rate of fire and accuracy in hard code and you just have to live (or not) with it. Hellshade
  17. OFF V 1.32D Flak / Archi Poll

    That's most gracious of you to ask. Yes, there are enough settings for flak and everything else. Now please, take a break before you and Winder have a total meltdown. If anyone has any complaints at this point, I would think they need to point out the WWI flight sim that has more options than OFF does. In fact, point out the WWI that even has 1/2 the options OFF does. Otherwise they can just get over themselves. Hellshade
  18. Fortiesboys 1.2 QC DM now available

    Nice Quick Combat carnage FB! Very enjoyable indeed. Well done. Thank you. Hellshade
  19. HP & FB, Great work on the variety DM pack! I've been flying with it this evening and haven't had a single problem. I'm enjoying the variety of damage effects immesurably. Thanks for the extra fun. I heartily recommend everyone try it. Hellshade
  20. Pol, Winder & Crew of OBD (unsung Heros included) 1.32d is a beautiful work of art. When I started looking for a WWI flight sim again about a year ago, I had no idea that anything this large and amazing could be in the works and certainly not from a small independant developer. I have never regretted buying Between Heaven and Hell and with each successive patch, the gameplay options, content, graphics and scope have only ever improved. As it stands now, Phase 3 is worlds beyond what I ever expected. The fact that you listened to people comments and complaints (even the less than constructive ones) and responded to them in short order is a testament to your dedication to putting the best WWI flight sim possible into your customers hands. Free of charge, you've fixed issues, added content, improved the interface, smoothed out the performance and gave us all more options to custom tailor our experience to our personal likes and skill levels. Simply amazing. I eagerly await your forthcoming plane add-on pack with credit card at the ready. With so many features and so much content available in P3, my only question is what the hell is left for you to put into P4?!? Well, I'm sure you'll suprise us. You guys have earned a reputation of under promising and over delivering many times over. Thanks for everything. Now take a break. I've got enough stuff to experience to keep me occupied for years. Hellshade
  21. AI Aircraft comment/question

    It has been noted. The challenge is that breaking off and running away opens them (enemy AI) up to more fire that they are not really attempting to evade. Thus they end up getting shot down even faster. Some do indeed lumber off struggling for altitude as black smoke trails behind them. Generally speaking, all that does is delay their death a little until after you have taken care of their friends, presuming you can do so. The exception, as far as I can tell, are two seaters who generally push on ahead towards their taregts or home, just as they did in the war, regardless of how many of their friends drop out of the sky. War is hell, but there is still a job to do and killing the other guys is the AIs job. Hellshade
  22. Indeed Olham, it is a War simulation. Folks need to bear in mind that even if you do everything "right" and you are the "perfect" pilot, there are still things that can kill you. Friendly pilots can ram your craft accidentally, either attempting to avoid enemy A/C fire or manuevering to get a shot at one, not to mention take off accidents. Enemy aircraft can ram you if they get target fixated on you and fly in too fast to pull out in time, or if you just suddenly happen to change course radically in an attempt to avoid someone else or latch onto a new target of opportunity. Flak IS deadly and it can and probably will kill you if you fly straight and level such as if you use warp or auto pilot. Groundfire near the front is not something to toy with either. Richtofens own rule was to stay well away and above it. If you chase a target down close to the deck over the front lines, expect everyone to open fire on you and someone to hit you, quite possibly bad enough to kill you. Enemy A/C are often all around in a tight furball, as are your own squadron mates. Shots fired to hit someone else, fired by either side, can just as easily tear through your canvas. And all of that assumes that you are perfect at out manuevering the fellow you are currently dueling with, even if his plane out classes your own and you are out numbered which happened quite often. So here it is: EXPECT TO DIE unless you have it set in the workshop that pilots never die. If folks weren't getting their pilots killed regularly, the same people who complain about it being too hard would be complaining that its all too easy and a joke. Over Flanders Fields Between Heaven and Hell is not an easy war flight sim to survive for long in. If you don't like to create new pilots, feel free to change the workshop options so that you don't have too. The PND (Pilot Never Dies) standard is a wonderful, enjoyable way to experience a ton of the content offered in this amazingly immersive sim. None of us here are perfect pilots, so if you don't want to die, check the box and enjoy the sim. OBD has given us more options to custom tailor our experience than any other flight sim that I personally know of. Version 1.32d is a fully featured air combat sim, complete with a 100 ways to die. Dying isn't a sign that the sim is broken or cheating. It's proof that life in the skies of WWI was short. OFF BHaH models that beautifully. Hellshade
  23. Ok, I must have missed the patch that makes THAT happen. Or is it just a keyboard command I wasn't aware of? Hellshade
  24. They all look serious about their business to me. I would especially hate to have been in a slower 2 seater trying to fly steady and bomb while they went about their business. Seriously, I can't imagine the fear, seeing your friends get blown to bits and then of course watching them fall burning from 10,000 or more feet if they survived the initial hit, knowing you could be next at any instant. And if you survived today, you had to go back and do it again tomorrow and again until your luck finally ran out. Hellshade
  25. Sneaky Marksman is the way to go. Too much fun assassinating people with arrows to the head and neck! I use a race called Nightelves (downloadable mod from www.tesnexus.com) for my main character. I don't play nearly as often since I got Over Flanders Fields, but every once in awhile I get a few hours of creeping through dungeons and killing stuff in. I wish my wife was into video games more. Well, maybe not. I can't really afford to build another rig like mine. Ha. Hellshade

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