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Everything posted by Hellshade

  1. Overclocking on the PT6 motherboard is easy. In the bios change the following: AI Overclock Timer to Manual CPU Ratio Setting to Auto BCLK Frequencey to 190 DRAM Frequencey to DDR3 1523 Leave all voltage settings to Auto Saved it and it shut down for a moment then restarted itself at 3.82 Ghz. You do need a serious cooling fan though. I highly recommend the Zalman for like $78. Even under heavy cpu load is stays around 47 C which is well within limits. I definately noticed the difference jumping it up from 2.66 to 3.8Ghz. Let me know if you have any problems. I can PM you my number if you need assistance. /salute Hellshade
  2. Before I had Duo Core 2 @ 3.16 Ghz Nvidia 680i chipset motherboard 3GB DDR2 800 RAM 650 watt P/S Vista 32 bit 160GB SATA hard drive GTX280 1GB Video card (from EVGA) It ran good. Even very good. But now it's basically all flawless. The 4GB memory limit bothered me with Vista 32 bit and even though the Nvidia 680i MB is supposed to be easily able to overclock the Duo Core 2 cpus, I must have gotten a dud because every time I tried the system froze up, even when I used the auto tune software to do it. The i7 Core 920 was a breeze to OC. /salute Hellshade
  3. No problem. Once I get in the cockpit of that N-24, I'll put plenty of little german crosses right down the side of my plane. Ha ha. :) J/K /salute Hellshade
  4. Now why is that?

    I actually witnessed an EA I shot down do exactly the kind of physics defying manuevers you are talking about Winder. It only happened once. I circled it for nearly 3 minutes watching it spin uncontrollably horizontally and even gain altitude. I was pretty funny to watch. It was on fire and smoking heavily too, so it was easy to keep track of. It never crashed. I eventually just ended the flight. Anyways, sounds like a perfectly reasonably explanation for why you chose to handle it the way you did. /salute Hellshade
  5. It's the big "This way to the Bad Guys" sign for those pilots new to the war... /salute Hellshade
  6. Of possible interest to all of us WWI buffs: http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/europe/05/04...aves/index.html /salute Hellshade
  7. What is your Fighter Pilot personality?

    I'm the kind of hunter that sees the enemy, sends in the wingman and circles wide to try and find a lone EA a bit outside the furball to engage. When they (Enemy Aircraft) are working in pairs or are in general close proximity to one another, it's too easy to pick up someone on your six while you are target fixated, even for 10 seconds, on his friend. So I'd rather go home with 1 kill to submit than go down in flames with 2 or 3 kills that I won't live to toast to my wingmen about that evening. That said, once the battle has begun, sometimes your prey leads you right back into his friends. Chasing a wounded Alb back into a hornets nest of his very angry friends in hopes of finishing him off isn't wise, but does happen. There is one interesting thing I noticed that happens though. When I shoot enough holes into someone and I know they will eventually crash (burning engine, long slow descent trailing smoke, etc) I know in real life I would probably have mercy on them and not "finish them off", but in the flight sim I tend to put a few extra rounds into them to make sure they go down. Apparently I'm a bit more blood-thirsty as long as it's only "virtual" blood. In real life, I'd look over the side of my plane and see how far down they have to fall and, imagining the terror that must be in the EA pilots heart, leave him to save himself as best he can instead of absolutely sealing his fate. Then again, if I'd just watched one of my own real wingman go down in flames, I might feel differently and do exactly as I do in the flight sim. /salute Hellshade
  8. TrackIR5

    I had the sam exact problem. Feels like your fighting in WWI with a violent case of the hic-ups. I went back to V4 also. Still, once they get the bugs worked out, the interface really looks great. /salute Hellshade
  9. Ever since I got OFF BHaH, there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day anymore. And of the 24 I get, some of those have to be spent working, sleeping, spending time with the family, etc. To make matters worse, every patch OBD releases just seems to make this problem get worse instead of better. I've noticed I've come down with a medical condition because of BHaH too. I call it "The just one more Quick Combat / Mission" syndrome. It's starts about 10pm every night when I should be going to bed and seems to last for hours. I'm pretty sure it's incurable, but with treatment I may be able to find a way to co-exist with my condition. Maybe I should look for other "survivors" of the condition and start a group therapy session. /salute Hellshade
  10. I tried it at 1920 x 1200 before and it would occassionally (not all the time) get stutter, usually over large forests or airfields with FPS locked at 30. I raised the GPU Core and Memory speeds and now nothing slows me down. I have the same E8500 3.16 Ghz CPU you do. So we probably have the same type of system RAM also (3GB of DDR2 800). Just something for folks to try before they invest big $$ in a new motherboard and CPU if they aren't already getting the performance they want out of the game. /salute Hellshade
  11. Has anyone else noticed that sometimes when you hammer away at an Enemy Aircraft particularly hard, you apparently hit the fuel tank because it suddenly explodes in the air? That's really cool, but it's a little jarring that after it explodes the plane itself doesn't usually catch on fire. It generally drops from the sky, yes. But shouldn't it catch on fire and go down burning? If it's supposed to be like that, does anyone know why? If it's just a glitch, hopefully it will get tossed onto the list for things the Devs plan to address in the future. And yes, I'm nit picking here but I've seen that happen several times so I wondered what was the story. For what it's worth I run with everything, including Effects, on 4 so I do see flaming aircraft from time to time. Just NEVER one that just exploded. /salute Hellshade
  12. I've seen that a few times myself. Quite odd. So to stop that from happening, if I see an explosion I keep on shooting as long as possible. Sometimes you just have to be sure you got em. /salute Hellshade
  13. Just for the heck of it, I put all of the sliders on 2 and you know what? BHaH still looks impressive! The planes still look great. Sure if you pause the action some of the details are a little more blurred, but while you are in the middle of white knuckle combat, they still look spectacular. The action runs smoother too. Nice work Devs. /salute Hellshade
  14. ohhh. Then it would seem that it is possible to set the explosions so they do damage to various parts of the aircraft. It's not so much that I "get off" on seeing parts exploding as it is that I think it just seems odd an aircraft "explodes" but then it falls to earth completely intact. I would think if you hit the fuel tank and it explodes, the plane would break apart in some fashion or at least catch fire to the canvas and wood frame and send it down burning. But yes, it would make for some pretty killer videos too, wouldn't it? /salute Hellshade
  15. Ok well that makes sense for why it would sometimes explode instead of just burning. But it still leads to the fairly jarring sight of an aircraft exploding and then falling to earth looking perfectly intact. I'm wondering if there is a way that when an aircraft explodes there is a way to show actual damage to the aircraft? Perhaps some wings could come off? I certainly have no idea how the Damage Model system works and since there are two official DMs (did I mention the Devs rock?) that certainly makes things trickier. But is there a way that explosions could generate a certain amount of damage to various parts of the plane, thus causing them to show rips, tears or even lose wings? I think it would add tremendously to the immersion if this were possible to incorporate. Polovski, I'll put the effects slider to 5 to see what that does. What do you think about the idea of explosions assigning a certain amount of damage to various parts of the plane? Is that feasible? /salute Hellshade
  16. OT talk about Immersion!

    Yes, Winder slipped the pandemic flu into patch 1.30c (the "c" is for coughing, congestion, etc) without mentioning it in the release notes. It's a suprise ment to bring the immersion level higher. Let's just hope that they don't decide to put in the stock market crash of the 1920s too. /salute Hellshade
  17. Test of time

    I have to agree as well. I play BHaH 95% of the time. Lord of the Rings Online 5%. The rest of my games are just gathering dust. I'd like to try Diablo III when it comes out, but I doubt it will hold my attention like OFF BHaH does. This WWI air combat flight sim is the most intense thing ever. It keeps me challenged and lets me have a blast no matter how I feel like playing it. And now that I have a huge new 28" monitor to play it on and am able to bump up the settings to 4-4-4-4-5-4 at 1680 x 1050 at 8xQ and fly at a smooth 31 FPS regardless of how much action or scenery is being rendered, it's blowing my mind all over again!! And yes, it has gotten better since it was released. 1.30c is an amazing patch. Best game I ever bought. Period. /salute Hellshade
  18. I just went to CompUSA and got a 28" Widescreen flatpanel monitor with 3 ms refresh rate, 1920 x 1200 res and 800:1 contrast (2400:1 using something called X-Contrast) for just $349! Feels like I'm sitting right in the cockpit now for sure! Just amazing. It wasn't that long ago I paid $299 for my 22" widescreen. It kinda dominates my desk, but man is gaming totally immersive now. I figure I'll need the bigger screen area as I get older so I can see the Enemy Aircraft to shoot them. It's my only hope. LOL Anyways, if you are looking for a bargin, I'd say this monitor is hard to beat. Mine has one dead pixel but it's it the far upper right hand corner of the screen so I really don't notice it at all. Too much else to look at. http://www.compusa.com/applications/Search...mp;Sku=H94-2801 /salute Hellshade
  19. That was the cure. Uninstalled the drivers. Used drive sweeper. Installed fresh drivers and now I am running at 4-4-4-4-5-4 with high ground density at 31 FPS and no stutter at all at 1680 x 1050! It looks simply amazing. I'll have to try it again at 1920 x 1200 and see if any stutter shows up then. Regardless, it looks just jaw droppingly beautiful and runs so smooth even with 10 aircraft on the screen and a ton of ground scenery. To me, smooth flight without the stutter is necessary to keep me immersed in the game. Gives me the real feeling of flight. Thanks Madmatt. Now OFF looks and plays better than I could have possibly imagined. /salute Hellshade
  20. A little bit. 1920 x 1200 native resolution. But if I put it back to 1680 x 1050 it still looks fantastic, even at 8xQ. What I have noticed though is suddenly I have the occassional screen studder back. max FPS is still set to 30. Can only get rid of it completely by turning scenery down to 1, although it is certainly more than playable at 2 and 3. Just installed the newest Nvidia drivers, motherboard drivers (Nvidia 680i SLI chipset) and updated the bios. Not sure what I have to do to get rid of it. Running a Dual Core 2 Duo @ 3.16Ghz, 3 GB RAM, 1 GB GTX280, Vista 32 bit. I wonder how much upgrading to Vista 64 bit and adding another 2 - 3 GB of RAM would help. /salute Hellshade
  21. Medals?

    I'm sure the medals could be improved...but until I have a pilot who actually earns more than 25 medals flying DiD style, I can't say it much matters to me. But since they have stated the will continue to improve P3, who knows? They may well put that on the list. My wish list leans more towards Gothas and HP 400s as well as Random Enemy Aircraft choice for QC so you never know what you'll fight next, or how many. But whatever they do, it will be well thought out, realistic and fun as hell. Just saw your post Paarma. You must have been putting it in as I was doing mine. To me, those look great. /salute Hellshade
  22. In light of the Devs decision to continue supporting OFF P3 (or beyond) I would like a name and address where I can send a donation to help support you guys. I don't want to buy another BHaH disk. I would prefer to send something that would be 100% going to support your efforts on improving the game through bug fixes, new features or content updates, instead of being divided up between you and the publisher. Your work is second to none and I appreciate it deeply. I'd like the ability to send donations to really show my support to you folks as personal finances permit. I'm not asking for any particular feature to be implemented, nor do I expect any specific time-line on updates. You just keeping doing things the way you have been doing them and I'll consider it money well spent. Thanks for the endless hours of enjoyment (both excitement and frustration!) in the skies over Europe from 1916 - 1918. BHaH is the closest thing there is to really being there and I know that wasn't quick or easy to create. /salute Hellshade
  23. I was serious.

    That sounds like a great idea to me. /salute Hellshade
  24. I have a QC pilot who is most definately not flying DiD, and so far he's racked up 4 or 5 DFC and a Victoria Cross. It doesn't look like there is room for any more medals to be awarded. Can he still get them or is 5 or 6 the max number you can get? Just curious. /salute Hellshade
  25. I have the Victoria Cross. My question is, after you get it, is it still possible to earn more medals of any kind? /salute Hellshade

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