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Everything posted by werewolf1

  1. TrackIR setup instructions

    Mark, I'm having a bit of trouble using my Tracker Ir 4 (i've just downloaded the lastest driver), i've read your awesome tutorial, but unfortunately I STILL am having difficulties with this. One of my biggest concerns is the size of the three dots ... (do they get any larger) mine seem to be small all the time. The other problem i'm having is one of my head movements from side to side allows me to look all the way around, but the other doesn't (is there a quick fix for this?) Also, do you know of a good tutorial for using Track IR pro...? Any help would be truly appreciated. thanks, Werewolf1
  2. TrackIR setup instructions

    [ Nice Presentation This will be one of the many helps that I print and put in a three ring ... ww1
  3. I don't know what happened but for some reason the formats I submitted on this one switched and I'm sorry for this mixup... ww1
  4. File Name: Neuport 11 Bebe File Submitter: werewolf1 File Submitted: 27 Apr 2009 File Updated: 28 Apr 2009 File Category: Aircraft Skins Click here to download this file
  5. Neuport 11 Bebe



  6. File Name: Fokker III Red Baron Squad 22 File Submitter: werewolf1 File Submitted: 25 Apr 2009 File Category: Aircraft Skins Aircraft skin contest submission Click here to download this file
  7. Version


    Aircraft skin contest submission
  8. pd's mission pac

    I'm Having the same problem except it say's that the missions cannot be loaded... ww1
  9. Error in mission making

    Nice work on the single missions, but would like to know what happened to the train, the zepplen mission and the sub pens? Again nice work and keep them comming. Some of us guys just like to fly off line and this adds a great deal of fun... Thanks again ww1
  10. Now I'm starting to 'get it'

    Open PS and click open to OBD folder, then go to airplanes amd then pick the plane you want to use and then and then open folder for textures. You will have a default and maybe some others but pick yhe default for now ang select it. PS will now have it on the workspace after you pick 32 bits to show... hope this helps, it worked for me. ww
  11. loading avatar

    Try using 240 pixels by 240 pixels and it should work.... ww
  12. Nice post Widowmaker, i've got that NVIDIA app, but now how in the heck do you get an image on the plane. I've got a logo that i've inserted in photoshop on one of the texture layers... but when I save it as the default_t dds layer in my texture folder, it never seems to show up on the plane! Please help!!! thanks, ww1
  13. Dawn-Patrol.jpg

  14. I rhink you miss-construed what I was trying to say. I would like to see offline missions like attacking a amo dump or trying a mission that involves a zepplin attack like the ones in P1 or P2. These were fun and quite rewarding as single missions go. Even the scrambles were intrestingand I'msure that maybe a adon of individual missions would be welcomed not only by me but also others ...
  15. Been looking for just that help and would like to thank you ahead of time for such a selfless act,.. P.S. Forget my CRUDE remark

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