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About pvince

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  1. Eagle114th, Try first by adding 'ShowAnyWeapon=TRUE' there in avionics.ini: [HUD_LCOS] SymbolType=LCOS ShowAnyWeapon=TRUE that should be enough to fix the pb of the sight being visible for rockets (and bombs, if any). Additional note: the gunsight image call in the avionics.ini NAV mode is probably redundant: [HUDModeNav] Symbol[01]=HUD_GUNSIGHT Symbol[0]= .../... [HUD_GUNSIGHT] SymbolType=IMAGE ImageFilename=cockpit\A-1CM_SIGHT.TGA //ImagePosition=0,0.0555 ImageSize=0.0675 You already have it from the call in the cockpit.ini ("GunsightName=A-1CM_SIGHT.tga"). You probably have the 2 sights superimposed in NAV mode. To be checked, I have not tested.
  2. You can change the colors for the .tga files that are called in the cockpit.ini. For what is defined and called in the avionics.ini, it is monochrome and defined by "HUDColor=0.0,1.0,0.0,0.7", only the alpha value is used from the tga called in the avionics.ini.
  3. It is not the same, F1EM VI is the Morocco one, RMAF.
  4. Ok, got it now, 'taca'n are 2 sub-NodeNames of 'VertTail' and 'Nose', that are also NodeNames. I skipped too fast the initial part. Thanks !
  5. So Hide1 section is correct but Hide2 and Hide3 have the wrong "ModelNodeName=" in the example above. Thanks for the confirmation !
  6. For my education, what should be in the "ModelNodeName=" entry ? Same as the line before in "ParentComponentName=" entry or the one after "DestroyedNodeName=" ? Usually, in other mods, it is the one after, which makes sense because the one after is also a node name, whereas before it is a component name. Here above I see the 2 options.
  7. Maybe I misunderstand the question but, the bomb bay opening with "O" also refers to a LOD animation, BombBayAnimationID= entry.
  8. Congratulations Coupi

    Congratulations Coupi !
  9. The pilot issue here can also be that the pilot model called in the data.ini [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=...name... does not exist in the "Pilots" folder, and replaced by a default pilot automatically by SF2, but position then does not fit.
  10. I have double-checked: with released files, it is ok. The problem seems to be due to another CLB4 rack used than the one released.
  11. Actually not, not needed, just for info. What is needed is to avoid two sections "SystemType=WEAPON_STATION" with the same "StationID" number.
  12. I take the point. With what we have released, you should not have this result, so my first immediate feedback is that you have a conflict with former files that are not compatible with the 4.0 release. Try that first please, re-download if needed, and make sure to overwrite all files (after backup if you want to keep the previous versions for reference) and check again.
  13. Merry Christmas!!!

    Thanks and Merry Christmas to all of you CA friends !
  14. "ReverseModelOrientation=TRUE" added should make it And depending on the expected result you may prefer the speed control with "DeploymentMethod=AUTOMATIC_MACH". This is what we use on the F1.
  15. It is the "steering cue" (SymbolType=STEERING_CUE) in A/G mode. Some kind of emulation of the target position within SF2 limitations, better than nothing

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