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Everything posted by Olham

  1. Clouds destroying FPS

    Your rig was built for Dakota territories' weather conditions, I guess?
  2. OT: War or gaming fun?

    The people in Asia and Middle East have that too. They only may not have a name for it. But I saw many reports after that giant Tsunami in Thailand and Indonesia. I saw many reports from middle east battle zones. There were many people who very, very confused, irritated, depressed - out of order; not only for that day, it seemed. But the people with such disorders may be better embedded in social and family life there. Still, many of them may never recover. Optimism is a fragile dancer - most of us have a breaking point.
  3. Clouds destroying FPS

    One remark to Anti-Aliasing settings: some of you may still not know, that you should set these up in the control panel for your graphic card; not in "Workshops". For ATI cards, you right-click on the desktop to get the CatalystControlCenter, CCC. Here you should deselect the tick-boxes "Use application settings". Now you will get the Anti-Aliasing and Anisotropic Filtering from your CCC. These are usually far more advanced than the old CFS3 ones, so they look a lot better. Set AA to 8x or higher, and Anisotropic Filtering to 4x or higher - if your card can handle that.
  4. Refresh my memory...

    Well, that's why I showed the photograph - it's easy to express yourself incomplete. And yes - pedantic. Skinners and modellers are pedantic. Nitpickers. I must know what I'm talking about - I make skins myself.
  5. Clouds destroying FPS

    No, I don't know what it is exactly, but I think it is better to leave that untouched. Maybe it says something about the resolution of the cloud bitmaps - I guess you would only make it look less good, if you moved a slider there. Did you ever check and try my "Graphics Settings" (see: Sticky Threads) ? http://combatace.com/topic/60374-graphics-setup-an-easy-pictorial-guide/page__view__findpost__p__452080 Click on the stamp-size little picture; then click on the larger one again to receive the full size.
  6. Lou, it is for the flyers like you, that I never feel lonely, when I'm flying OFF - even though I'm not flying MP.
  7. OFF course it is! Every now and then, you have that very special day and situation - a very special encounter and fighting. And I guess you are like me there - it is real as can be in such moments. I do still remember fights I had more than a year ago - like when my 6 S.E.5a got jumped by 3 Albatros from Jasta 6 and at least 4 Pfalz D.III from Jasta 10. I lost 2 men in the first 10 seconds, got split from the others, and had to return alone after destroying one Albatros and one Pfalz. But boy, did they show me how to perform vertical tactics! I can still clearly see that opening in the huge surrounding clouds - like a giant kettle - into which I followed the Pfalz in a hairraising spiral dive... Yes, Lou - I know what you mean!
  8. Clouds destroying FPS

    PS: for "QuickCombat", you have a brilliant choice for weather and landscapes, when you fly QC from "Workshops". Down at the bottom there, you should find "CFS3 QC" or similar. If you use that, you only select your desired aircraft and skin in the first window. Then, when you go to the field, you will receive another red menue at the left. Open that and check, what you get for each line. Airfield (and thereby the area + landscape) can be chosen there as well as the weather type (and there are tons!). Also enemy aircraft, number and pilots quality etc. Very good for QC flyers!
  9. Clouds destroying FPS

    Don't know much about that, Ultimat - I see a lot of weather setting options in "Workshops". When you move your cursor over the tick-boxes, it will tell you what the setting does. Perhaps you need to experiment with those?
  10. Clouds destroying FPS

    I believe to have made the observation, that very thin veils / layers of mist can make it tricky for the graphic card. Not sure though.
  11. Clouds destroying FPS

    I don't know your system specs, Ulti, but I came to the conclusion, that it may take the system more performance to down-calculate qualities, than it would take performing them. What I mean is: try "Clouds" settings on 4 or even 5 - and see if it gets better. A fps-killer is rather "Scenery detail" (put that on 2), or "Ground object density" in "Workshops". I have good results with my not so modern graphic card (ATI HD 4870) with these settings: Aircraft: 5 Terrain detail: 3 Scenery detail: 2 Effects quality: 4 Clouds: 5 Give it a try.
  12. OT: War or gaming fun?

    My opinion to this is, that fighting, that war was always part of human evolution, and fighting is deeply rooted specifically in male genes. Men want to find out, if and how they would persist and survive a fight. To deny this is useless. That's why we have sport competitons. That's why we have computer sims and games. If we try to deny, that we have in us the ability of compassion and care, as well as aggression and rage - then we deny our real self. And I much prefer it, when we can take such genetic make-ups out in sports and computer games - instead of real battlefields. Maybe they are concerned about the way many young people vulgarise or even bestialise. That is not the result of playing comuter games. It is a result of the whole social ways of their raising and education. When parents (for whatever reasons) do not find enough time and energy for their kids, the outcome will be asocial. Playing computer games too many hours every day, is only a sordid detail of that - maybe the pathetic attempts to gain acceptation and credit - to be in a better world.
  13. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

    An empathetic, compassionate and respectful speech.
  14. Ernst Udet's LO!

    Damn, I see you fought down your hangover by starting with the last drink again?
  15. Ernst Udet's LO!

    Damn, what did they pour into your drink today, Shredward??? I know that the Siemens-Schuckert D.III showed engine problems after some flying hours, but that was due to a synthetic oil to replace the castor oil Germany didn't have enough of. Capitaine, that could have been an interesting aircraft skin indeed of Nungesser.
  16. Just took a long stroll through the FLICKR photos of WW1 aircraft. It is unbelieveable, how much you can see there! http://www.flickr.com/groups/wwiaircraft/pool/
  17. I guess the angle lets them appear shorter?
  18. Ernst Udet's LO!

    Yes, Udet used this shortage for Eleanore. She looks a bit shy, intelligent, sensitive - a woman with depth probably. The Siemens-Schuckert D.III and D.IV had an incredibly good climb and were therefor great interceptors. Despite engine-problems, they are regarded to be among the best fighters of WW 1.
  19. Interesting view angle on a Fokker Triplane - enjoy!
  20. skins

    Good luck, blackbaron!
  21. skins

    You need to convert the skin into BMP format. A free program for that is "DXTBmp". After working on it, you must save it as a .dds file again with that same program.
  22. Bristol M1c Monoplane

    Yes, I know...
  23. This is Manfred von Richthofen's note he had written for the case, that he would not return from a sortie. It is written in large letters, like quickly drawn. It is also very short. I wonder, if he wrote it, cause he felt "the shaves got closer and closer" - or simply as a pragmatic mind? Anyway - 42 days later he should fall. The note reads: Am 10. III. 18 Sollte ich nicht zurückkom- men, so soll Oblt. Reinhard (Jasta 6) die Führung des Geschwaders über- nehmen. Frhr. v. Richthofen Rittmeister In English: On 10. III. 18 (10 March 1918) If I should not return, then Oblt. (Oberleutnant) Reinhard (Jasta 6) shall take up the command of the Geschwader (wing). Frhr. (Freiherr) v. Richthofen Rittmeister
  24. Refresh my memory...

    No, Hauksbee, the Tatzenkreuz (Iron Cross) was only used till March 1918 - then the Balkenkreuz (straight cross) was introduced. Von Richthofen had flown various Fokker Dr.1, which were only partly red - the rest was Fokker-green. Only his very last Dreidecker - the one in which he found his end on 21 April 1918 - was completely painted red. It might have looked like this one, which hangs in Deutsches Museum:
  25. Yer right there, Flyby - one shouldn't always trust the first obvious thought - especially in historical research. And I read, that there were at least 2 sorts of b&w film, with different results.

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