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Everything posted by Olham

  1. Hey, Nix - a flyer from France, who isn't in our "OFF Forum Pilots Maps" ??? Please send me a PM with your town, and I'll add you there!
  2. P-4

    3. Gotha bombers 4. new, much more detailed airfields 5. Forts at Verdun 6. New towns and cities 7. curved river meandering 8. more order in the even nicer landscapes/roads/trees 9. the Morane Saulnier 10. Aviatik two-seaters 11. much better cockpit interiours 12. overhauled aircraft models 13. revamped skins and new skins 14. that P4 will be a BIG step forward ...and now what else do you guys remember that I forgot?
  3. I mostly do it like LIMA - I fly my own patrol routes, when I lead. They must be believeable and not too far. OFF allows us to do that, because there are other flights around on their missions, not only aircraft spawned in the area the manager has given. My best sorties are those, when I have all the time, and fly after a map. I often don't meet enemies, or overlook them without the TAC and Labels - and fortunately, they seem to overlook me often, too. That way I have often sighted enemies only, when they came down on our flight, or when they were blinking in the sun, below us. That feels so thrillingly realistic!
  4. OT Bethesda...In Development

    "End of ze vorld? Vott is evrybody talkink about ze end of ze vorld?? Vee Dsherrmans only PLAY ze war now!?"
  5. OT Bethesda...In Development

    Ah, that was quite accurate, von Paulus - thank you!
  6. OT Bethesda...In Development

    Hey, this looks really good! When will it appear - does anyone know?
  7. OT....New CFS3 mod released

    Thanks for the link, Hauksbee - I needed to register and must wait for confirmation mail, but then I hope I can also download it.
  8. Sounds like the final days of our own Great Air War here will get quite entertaining for us then?
  9. Good one, shredder. Hauksbee, perhaps you regard the waiting as your No.1 Samurai Zen lesson - impatience kills the fighter.
  10. Since I never played any of the early, famous ones, I can only name the one I like most - without much comparing. FALLOUT was one I didn't like, simply because the graphics looked too "gamey"; most stuff looked like cardboard cutouts to me. (I was also quite disappointed by the look of "Skyrim" - all the hype, and then it looks no better than stuff we had 7 years ago?) The one that made a deep, "realistic" endtime impression on me was STALKER. I know, it had lots of bugs and needed much patching first. But it had a believeable atmosphere and interesting visual/graphic stuff, without getting lost in that. Just my humble opinion.
  11. LIMA, I guess the devs have inabled that stall sound, just because WW1 craft didn't have it. So you would need to know how to change the "scripts" of the sim, to reactivate the noise.
  12. Hauksbee, I guess it would be a useless waste of ressources and energy, to model the towns correct, down to the streets as they were. Especially, as no player knows about these details anyway. No, I'd think the model a town in a suitable size, and then add some buildings, which were known landmarks. In London, you would find the Tower Bridge, House of Parliament with Big Ben etc. etc. In Albert you would see this famous ruin of the cathedral. It would be top notch for me, if the statue would appear hanging on it's side from a certain war date on.
  13. yep, that's the one - it is built for P4.
  14. There is one famous cathedral modelled, with a statue, which hung from the destroyed tower later on in the war. I forgot which town - Bapaume? Ypres? And they have modelled that! London is really big in P4! See all the screenshots.
  15. How can you say such a nasty thing, Creaghorn? Of course I will take me the time to shoot down my friend Widowmaker! He has waited so long for this now...
  16. "Itt has nossink to do vizz luck, Herr Widowmaker - nossink! Butt you may need plenty off it! A burnink Snipe - zatt muszt look wunderbar!! Mmuahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa!!!!
  17. OT....New CFS3 mod released

    I always wanted to fly the Pacific theater again; sounds promising! How does that mod have to be installed, almccoyjr - does it like OFF take just a few files? Or does one have to install the complete CFS3 first?
  18. The vision seems to have been far better in the Snipe, than it was in the Camel - which is an extremely important point for a turn fighter. That alone may have made her far superiour.
  19. Hey, that was cute! And here the big one:
  20. I wonder, if anyone ever tried to model a flyable wing warper, which really warps it's wings?
  21. I don't think the devs have left the acoustic stall warning signals "on" in OFF - simply because WW1 aircraft didn't have them. Perhaps one of our modders here can find out, where to re-activate them. But you'd probably get a snarling WW2 type of noise.
  22. LIMA, although I have indeed switched off all aids, I left the stall warning on - simply because I cannot get the "belly feeling" as in RL. Since I know my Albatros in and out, I hardly ever see a yellow line. Perhaps that is okay for you?
  23. There is a yellow stall warning in the upper right corner, which turns red at stall. If your's doesn't appear, you should go to the "Overrides" in "GraphicsConfig" (in "Workshops"), and see, if "Simulation warnings" is disabled. Untick the box, and you should get it. A sound for stalls is rather funny - you would normally feel it in the stick, and in your belly.
  24. Ah, thanks for the history, von Baur!

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