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Everything posted by Olham

  1. OFF is NOT in their list??? Ignorants!
  2. OFF is not getting to me!

    During my leave, I visited a very old fishermen's village in Eastfriesland, and one small cottage, ducked behind the dyke, carried the iron numbers 1897. So it was built more or less, when MvR was born. Then it isn't that long ago, it seems. (If this wasn't helping - get yourself professional help)
  3. What could that be, Sandbagger? I made a full install - does anyone else know this problem? I only have 48 skins altogether for the S.E.5a and the S.E.5a Viper.
  4. WW1 Trucks - Great Photos here: http://www.armchairgeneral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=82060
  5. Guys, Oblt. Harms alias Olham is taking a leave of 12 days; I'll travel to Ostfriesland tomorrow, 11 August, at 11 h. I hope that some good people here will try to fill up possible gaps in the postings?
  6. Thank you all! I miss you already; that will be much like a withdrawal treatment - no forum, no OFF... I guess, so much peace is more than I can bear? See you again soon, guys - going offline now. Cheers!
  7. Damn good drawings there, Flyby. Thanks for sharing.
  8. Thank you all! I gave it up, Rickity, but I used to drink "Warsteiner Pilsener". Nowadays only virtual ones.
  9. Ah, Europe is small (compared to Africa) - the same prince wanted to send me money too. Who says Africa was poor?
  10. Enjoy the rare flying time, Lederhosen! Congrats to the "little new Lederhose" ! "For Herr Lou - who iss der Präsident of der Barmy OFFers Club - we make ssertain allowanzes. But not zatt you rely on ziss, Herr Louvert - evertzink wizzin it'z limitz!"
  11. Thank you all, guys - keep your crates aloft and in one piece, 'till I return! Hasse Wind, if one of us would win the lottery, he could invite the other for an America journey. I guess we might get on well together, cause I'd also like to see historical places there, and old towns like Charlotte; the Smithsonian Institute alone would take at least three days. So much to see there. I'd like to travel on an old highway from east to west. So, let's fill in a lottery ticket! Dream-tax.
  12. Correct! Found the skin - but not as an "ace skin" ??? I have only ca. 9 S.E.5 ace skins. This one - B'619 - is a normal squad skin. Is that correct?
  13. A tricky one this

    I am running OFF on my Intel i5 QuadCore (2500k) with just 3,3 GHz, and it performs fine, with 58 - 62 frps. I have 3,5 useable GB memory, and an ATI HD4870 (1 GB), which is overclocked to 775 MHz (from possible 790 MHZ). Make sure, that your AV + Firewall are set to "Gaming Mode" - so they don't update or control other programs, while you are in "full-screen-mode" (game/sim).
  14. For Europeans, Minnesota or Dakota sound great. With that Indian ring to their names, and Skandianvian settlers, that sounds like some interesting mix. I guess you must like far and wide countryside with not much manbuilt in it. But then there's "Warehouse 13"...
  15. A tricky one this

    Terrain is great on "3" already, and "Scenery Detail" can even be on "2" - see my screenshots.
  16. "Yesss! Der Dsherrmann Luftstreitkräfte are doink all zey can to keep you entertained - even in zeir downfall! Mmuahahahahahahahaaaaaaa!!!!!!"
  17. ...always a pleasure to visit "Jasta 11" website. Enjoy! http://www.jasta11.co.uk/ This series of pics is said to be an attack of a Siemens-Schuckert on a SPAD two-seater. It seems to have been photographed from the next SPAD's observer. As red appears black in B/W photography, and this Siemens-Schuckert appears all black, I wonder if it might be Ernst Udet in his all-red Siemens-Schuckert D.III ?
  18. Yeah, Creaghorn, and I hope they will make the Camel more "beasty" for P4; especially for RAF_Louvert. He is definitely barmy enough to appreciate such masochistic pleasures.
  19. PS: Your "rookie" idea is growing on me, Creaghorn. I have had all that "winning the war singlehandedly" long enough, and it was pleasure for the time being; but it would be interesting to start an early rookie carreer in a Halberstadt, and see how long I can last. I hope very much, that an improved AI in P4 will make it even more challenging, and even less easy.
  20. Well, I was an (amateur) drummer - a drum kit is operated with both hands and both feet, all doing different things. So I hope, that won't be too much a problem. It's only the forgetting about the twisting of the stick, that may be difficult. That is pretty barmy indeed, and so I understand it very well. But remember, the German pilots were usually very well trained in big Fliegerschulen (like Müncheberg, southwest of Berlin; or Döberitz, west of Berlin); so they would know how to land their kites, I guess. See the pics here, if you are interested in Fliegerschulen: http://www.jasta11.co.uk/page28.htm http://www.mc-mk.de/MC/Doeberitz/index.html .
  21. ...and the Castor Oil sprayer in front of a fan? You never give up, eyh? I got so used to flying the craft with the twist stick, that I have thought of this: I'll carry on flying OFF like this for now, until P4 comes. Then I will start it like a completely new sim, and learn the use of rudder pedals. UncleAl said, that the twist stick only reproduced part of the whole possible rudder movements. That would mean, I would be even more agile then? Oh dear - then all turn fighter pilots should better dress up warm.
  22. Staged or not, it may be as close as we can get - with the real planes, and still during or short after the war.
  23. This is highly immoral indeed - it will insecure the police even more, and I'm afraid they will react more violently then, which will worsen the whole situation. The so called "elites" of our countries often only handle things, as if they were mere merchants and traders in spirit.
  24. A report - a description to illustrate the word "immersion", using the best example for it: OFF. I've been up there with you, Lou, for the minutes of the reading, like in a dream.

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