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Everything posted by Olham

  1. Phew, that was a bit closer this time - you make me sweat for young Ritter Paul!
  2. Ah, now I got it - in that case it would be all Albatros on my screen indeed!
  3. Very good fighting between two so different types of fighters. I wonder how you like the heavier and quieter behaviour of the inline scout, after having been the agile rotary man for most of the time before, Lou? (One note on the German words: all subjects, and all objects like Kaffee, Brot, Marmelade and Luftstreitkräfte would have capital letters.) This made appetite for more, and also made me more afraid about Paul's life - this time, he had impacts on his craft - and the line between life and death is a thin one.
  4. Hasse Wind, we will have that feeling again, when P4 will get announced to appear "soon". Until then, I still have several Jasta yet to fly in - not to mention the Entente squads and Escadrilles!
  5. Ratatat: What do you think Olham? Sound like paradise? For me it would, Ratatat - but then there are all the other fans of different crates. Lou would want the Camel, Hasse Wind the D.F.W., etc. etc.
  6. TaillyHo: Oh, and make mine a Laphroaig - cheers! Isn't he a modest guy?
  7. "Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht" is for me the Christmas song. I have searched for 20 minutes now, and found lots of terribly "schmaltzy" and "candy-coated" versions. This one is still not perfect, but the best I could find - a recording from the late 50s or early 60s, when I was a child. Enjoy!
  8. Yes, good veteran pilots would sure have thought something like "See that daredevil - very good performance!" It may have often been hard to shoot down someone who fought so well. I saw an interview with the German pilot, who had shot down Antoine de Saint- Exupéry (The Little Prince). He had assumed all the time whom he had downed, since he had heard where and in which type of craft the writer had been flying on his last mission. But only some time ago, the wreckage was found and it was finally really clear. The German pilot liked literature and poetry; he loved "The Little Prince". He tried to say, that he would have never shot down the plane, if he had only known that was Saint-Exupéry in front of him - but his voice almost broke and failed him; and the camera team cut. Shot down in a second - on your mind for the rest of your life.
  9. So they still got you in the end? Well, they were veterans or aces, I'm sure, and just waited until you would be ready with your stunt show. Were those Bf 109 K types?
  10. Welcome "Over Flanders Fields", dokken1212 - when you're in for depth (or "immersion", a word we stress here quite often), then you have made the best decision. Make sure you familiarise yourself with the right ways to install and if you have the right CFS3 version; check all that here: http://www.overflandersfields.com/FAQ.htm If you send me a PM with your town and state, I'll add you to our "OFF Forum Pilots Maps". Oh, and I will have a virtual "Warsteiner" Pilsener - thanks!
  11. I don't know about faster load times - OFF is IMHO the sim with the fastest time to open it, and when you think about how much has to be loaded for each mission, it is pretty fast.
  12. Just came up between MikeDixon and me: binoculars! (I know we can already zoom in and out, but adding the shape of binoculars would seem cool).
  13. So you're a Vintage '54 too, old chap! Ahh, the material - they don't build that anymore!
  14. OFF Forum Pilots Maps

    Update 26 November; 2010; 14:50 h Berlin time (= GMT + 1) wiiired, Ohio, added. All the maps are in post 1 of this thread
  15. Arthur Gould Lee: No Parachute is available at AbeBooks. (Couldn't find a German translation.) http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?an=Arthur+Gould+Lee&sts=t&tn=No+Parachute&x=77&y=15
  16. Das Buch von Cecil Lewis - Sagittarius Rising - wurde ins Deutsche übersetzt und erschien 2008 im Eichborn-Verlag unter dem deutschen Titel: Cecil Lewis: Schütze im Steigflug ("Schütze / Sagittarius" bezieht sich auf sein Sternbild.) Hier ist das Link zu AMAZON: http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/3821845945/ref=s9_simh_gw_p14_d0_i1?pf_rd_m=A3JWKAKR8XB7XF&pf_rd_s=center-1&pf_rd_r=0SBW62EXMJSPK3WSHF11&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=463375193&pf_rd_i=301128
  17. Clouds and Flight Altitudes

    I remember one escort, when the DFW entered a cloud, and I followed. For only a minute or two, I was without any orientation, and desperately trying to find a hold for the eyes to keep the crate flying horizontal and straight forward. When the vision came back, I found myself so close under the tail end of one two-seater, that I could have stolen the tail skid! Those moments, when you're freezing cold, and still break out in sweat.
  18. Lou, have you ever thought of founding the "Minnesota L'Etoile du Nord Great War Air Combat University"? You would earn the salary of the head master, the professor, the librarian and the caretaker; and you could lecture all day over your favourite subjects. If you like it quieter, just make it a library for WW1 air combat - it is an impressive collection!
  19. Hat in the Ring

    Good UncleAl knew the answers - I wasn't sure myself. But be prepared to face much better opponents with HitR. The good is, you can choose the AI attitude from three: less aggressive, agressive, and "historical", which will be a blend from early on less aggressive to later more aggressive.
  20. Damn - you got me unmasked, Jarhead! Now I can only hope, that Mercedes will help me with a new identity in another Jasta. After all, they sell many more engines through my help!
  21. OT The First Snow of Winter

    Widowmaker: The Dogs went out in it today!.... they were running around like escaped Lunatics in it! Yeah, I remember my German sheep dog "Barry" - he used to look at the first snow as if he wanted to say: "Hey! Do you others see that?! Someone replaced our world with a white one, while we were sleeping! Do we like it? Do we like this - yes, we doooooo!!!!" And of he ran, trying to plough his nose through the snow in full gallop. It was so cute to watch. Widowmaker: ...thank goodness the Russians never invaded in Winter...they would have defeated us in a few days!...lol Baldric: "Oi didn't know that the Russians invaded us?! So they invaded us in summer then?? Oi must have been on holidays, when that happened..." Ratatat: You sure have wee, little cars over there. They look fun to play with! We also have big ones, but we only take them out, when we want to impress our neighbours! We know how valuable the smallest spot of a parking space is, old chap!
  22. Yes, I knew the pictures of it from the "Vintage Aviator" website, and also the video. But those album pics of Jamo_kiwi's photobucket site are new to me, and they show so many details - just great! Now say, everybody: is she a beauty? Thanks a lot, elephant! I must dive back into the pics!
  23. Don't get me wrong, Ratatat - I do like the stories besides the actual flying and fighting.
  24. RIP? What do you mean? Did he make a cheerful victory roll at too low altitude?
  25. Hihi - wait for the real flying training, elephant! And then your first fight! ... Enjoy the peace - it will get tough very soon!

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