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Everything posted by Olham

  1. AA and enemy AI

    I often use this, when I'm out of ammo. You can fly to the next - army camp - spotter - airfield - railyard of your side, and their machine guns will fire at the enemy. They don't hit them very often, but Nupes or Sopwith break easily. SPADs or S.E.5a - that is more difficult. But sometimes they regard the firing ground position as their new enemy, and you can secretly fly away.
  2. Patience, mighty - the Rabu map is almost ready and will be posted for download soon. The large Western Front map will take me a while of work, cause it's very detailed, and I don't want to place the airfields too wrong. So I'm still searching for some info, at least on the well known ones. I have only found Roucourt, Toulis and Bailleul Asylum yet.
  3. Indeed - I would like to see a winter satelite picture. Maybe one could still see the trenchline through the different coloured earth?
  4. FYI: Two Seater Fans

    Yep - this was posted here only recently; but better twice than never.
  5. Pick a airplane

    Ant zey look great! Ant I coult escort zem, ant shoot Dick Richards down! Mmuahahahahahahahaaaaa!!!!!!
  6. Hihi! Thanks, Lou - always trying to improve your Christmas; but it may even come better! I have just made a test, made Rabu's map semi-transparent, placed it over your Western Front Map, brought both to the same size, and began to place the airfields there. Here is a sample:
  7. Pick a airplane

    Never, mightyscr, never boast with a living pilot! Oh, the card are falling into their place...
  8. Thanks, CJ! I just found, by the way, that in the Entente trench maps the German aircraft were red. (Here is an excerpt: OvS' airfield) I think one would always draw the enemy red, yourself rather blue?
  9. A BEAUTIFUL DAY FOR JASTA 21 In the finest July weather we flew east, from Bantheville to Spincourt, to defend our aerodrome there. We found two flights of Nieuport 24 near the airfield lower, and engaged them. The whole business took only minutes. Burning silver craft went down everywhere around me. I shot up two, but both victories got stolen by Ritter von Schleich's 1. Kette (Emil Thuy, Karl Thom and Rudolf Matthaei). But why bother - it was a fine quick fight on a beautiful day. (Well, not for the French)
  10. My god - how long are we flying P3 now? And only now I understood the right use of "Attack" command. (If this was posted before - excuse me, then I missed it). I seem to be becoming more and more professional, and less "claim-hungry" recently. So today I decided to let my five wingmen have the 4 Nieuport 24, and remain high, until I was really needed. I marked 1 Nieuport and pressed the "Attack" command twice. And off went two of my wingmen, after the target I had marked. Then I marked another, and pressed "Attack" again twice. And the next two wingmen went after that target. With me remained my personal wingman. I think, if I had pressed "Attack" once more, he would perhaps have also gone. Not sure. This way, two of the Nupes were busy, getting chased, while I shot down a third. The other was shreddered by Ritter von Schleich's 1. Kette quickly. The whole fight was very short, and I felt quite "professional".
  11. I wish you a very happy birthday with your friends and family, and maybe a good old wine. Thanks for all!
  12. Another trick: you add your little girl's years to yours and divide that by 2 - that way she'll keep you young for some time (which I think kids really do).
  13. OT Anyone know about FSX Skinning?

    Don't have FSX - sorry, Widowmaker - if you have found the skins, but don't know how to get really at them, you can send me one, and I'll see what I can find.
  14. 27th Aero

    Don't dive too steep/fast - the fabric on the top wing may rip off. I had that happening and crashed. If you must eliminate height, try a steep banked side slip instead. As for wingmen: you can always go to your pilot folder and add that name. You find it here: [your sim folder] > campaigns > CampaignData > pilots > PilotDossier# His pilot dossier number will be one higher than his number in his Log you see ingame. In the Pilot Dossier file, scroll down, 'till you see the name of his wingmen. Check ingame, who your wingman is, and then replace that name by the desired one. Make sure you write everything with the right signs, as it was. The wingmen we players get are fictional names, while the aces of squadrons are historical names.
  15. UncleAl: The fact that such MIMICERY was sufficent when flying jet airliners in Windows 95, or an ME-109 in Windows 98, in NO way makes it sufficent for your Albatross in OFF Hey! Then I must be a Super Ace! I get them all with my little rudder! Even Tripes!!! (In left turns).
  16. Pick a airplane

    Uuuuuuhhhhh - that's nasty! Only two?!?!? Well, as a fighter pilot, I would most fancy these: 1. Morane Saulnier early monoplane (to give the Eindecker an equal opponent) 2. Siemens Schuckert D.III But if I think of what we need most urgently, I would choose: 1. French two-seater (Caudron most likely) 2. large bomber (any nationality)
  17. Yes, okay, I wasn't talking clear. The Nupe can't go left round as well as right round, so I always get it in left turns. What I wanted to say is, that with my rudder angle, I CAN get into their (left) turns - and that should prove my rudder is enough. Or can you pedal-users also get them in their right turns?
  18. Still looking phantastic blown up! And ditto about the checkbook, Lou. The crates are so big now, the next step would be, that you get yourself a ladder and try to climb into them, appraiserfl.
  19. UncleAl: You Must ask yourself, is the 30 degrees of travel given by you 'twisty stick' acceptable to you Well, so far I never knew it could be different. I can only fly the Albatros versions like a veteran, and with them I can out-turn every Nieuport type in a left turn. (Never in a right one - there they will beat me any time, unless they are damaged) If I would get an even tighter turn with pedals, I guess I could outturn them both ways round - which wouldn't seem quite right, would it? Any expertise on this question, anyone?
  20. After just reading another thread about pedals, I thought: let's have a poll (don't we love polls!). If you ticked "Other" anywhere, please explain, what you use instead the listed things.
  21. Thanks, m8. What surprises me most is, that we have more pedal users than twist sticks.
  22. Now, that is an interesting point, UncleAl: do the stick types or pedals give different amounts of rudder? And does it only look different, or do you actually get more or less rudder in flight? Here is my rudder - fully right - would love to see pics of Albatros D.V from the same angle, with different gear.
  23. If you do so, Copyright Control would only allow an "Olham II". But I prefer him to remain the original RAF_Louvert. (by the way: did you ever tell us, what that "Louvert" comes from?)
  24. Okay, done so - but now check your answers on that one, everybody. It's all gone into "TrackIR 3 with Vector 6 dof)" after the change.

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