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Everything posted by Olham

  1. OT A ring of truth perhaps?

    I thought that's what they call "Europe" ?
  2. trackIR question

    Wonderful! Now the sky "Over Flanders Fields" is open for you. What aircraft are you going to fly, and in which squadron/Jasta /Escadrille?
  3. TrackIR 5 Review

    As one who has his computer in the FLORIDA Room, the only way to play OFF, was at night Ever heard of curtains? Or maybe the future is sooooo bright over there.....
  4. trackIR question

    Okay, Shaolin, maybe you have the same problem as I have: I start the TrackIR, but it does not react. Then I close it, and start it again - this time it will always work. It shows the red dots and the blue light. Try that - I don't know why - but it works for me.
  5. TrackIR 5 Review

    You may be preaching to the choir here, Erik - TrackIR is the next essential device after the Joystick, I say!
  6. Thanks you, Typhoon! I'll keep it in mind for when my KASPERSKI runs out. I'll see what tests I can find about it.
  7. Here is a picture, which seems to show a roof portal.
  8. The Red Baron...

    Yeah, UncleAl comes to mind, who walked outdoors with his TrackIR clip on the hat. He must be "Radar Man" or even a "communist telepathic spy" for the neighbours now. Mmuahahahahahaaaaa!!!! My first memories about what awoke my interest in WW1 combat, was the (rather bad) movie "Richthofen & Brown". Although it must have been awfully wrong historically, I didn't trace that as a boy, and got totally excited about the dog fights. (Blue Max I only saw later). We had one model kit shop in our town, where I found all those boxes with these wonderful paintings on the cover (that always looked so much better than your finished model would). One day, they arranged some more professionally built models in a glas cabinet. The two best looking ones were a Supermarine Spitfire Mk. IX and an S.E.5a. It took me long time to dare and ask, if I could buy those ready ones, and even longer, until they decided, that the models had been exposed long enough now. I still remember, that they wanted 7,- Deutsche Mark for each one (which was about 5,- Dollars those days) - a fortune to spend for a kid with very little pocket money. But I saved and bought them both. They were masterly painted, and the dark Brunswick green of the S.E.5a was always a special colour to me. Ah, the memories...
  9. I will try this your mission again, to learn about different behaviour/tactics I might use. It was hard without Labels and TAC, cause I couldn't mark specific targets for my wingmen; but hey! - so thrilling realistic! You have built a very good mission there, Lou - thanks again!
  10. OFF Forum Pilots Maps

    Update September 22, 2010; 00:02 h Berlin summertime (= GMT + 2) Shaolin, Germany, added. All the maps are in post 1 of this thread
  11. Anglo-Americans are strange...
  12. trackIR question

    PS: first check with the TrackIR menue, if the TrackIR does react on your movements. Also, if it shows four red spots in the TIR cam, which shows that it's active.
  13. trackIR question

    Hi, Shaolin! Did you press F4 ? That will switch you through the views; one of them will be your TrackIR view. Do NOT remove the cockpit (F3) - although; well, it may still work, but feels strange without an aircraft around you.
  14. The Red Baron...

    Hihihi! Watching it, I just thought: maybe that's how we look to our wives, girlfriends, dogs or cats.
  15. Have flown the Escort Mission today, and came back alive. My wingmen were not so lucky. (See "Reports from the Front") Lou, a very big "thank you" for putting it together. I may check the other missions in the "Downloads".
  16. Thanks for this explanation, BirdDog - I never knew, what these settings do. I'll give "edge detect" a try. Although I think, I was quite happy with "box", and Winder's landscapes looked always great with that.
  17. ????????????? ??????????? I see the Transporter, and I see the Nupe - where do you guys see all the other planes????
  18. Fifteen Years of Trying

    CaptSopwith: I know, I'm a bit strange. No, Capt, that's enthusiasm - the really best fuel we can run on IMHO. I remember vaguely, that a friend of mine, who is a computer buff, got sims like "Aces over Europe" only running on my system by "shoveling free" some extra memory in the "high mem sys". I think it was something like 600Kb. Then the sim would work, but now I'd soon get problems with my work programs. The guy who sold me the work computer set up, had to come round again to check, and he was upset, cause he saw I had let someone else fiddle about it. Those were the days, one Megabyte was a lot.
  19. A Barnburner

    Not sure, no. I suppose, "good" is better than "average", but I didn' really make observations to confirm this.
  20. A Barnburner

    Yep! When you enlist a new pilot and choose the squadron. there is a "morale line" underneath each squad name. When it says "good" or even better: "Elite" - you will have good comrades in the air.
  21. a question for the devs

    Burrrp! Oh my goodness, now I feel sick! What kind offff tblttls vrrrrrrr!!!.... .....
  22. Fifteen Years of Trying

    Not about flying, but a great sea battle, round-by-round game you can play vs computer or other humans: "The Grandest Fleet"
  23. a question for the devs

    Will it be flyable on a Desctop? Won't it get too hot? Perhaps you should take the PC with you?
  24. a question for the devs

    What will happen in 13 days - will you get a new rig? I remember you said you couldn't fly for some time?
  25. a question for the devs

    I need higher doses - Handley Page! Rrrrrrmmmmmbbllll!!!! Gotha! Gneeeeeee!!!!!! Steam!!!

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