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Everything posted by Olham

  1. Haha, good point, Hauksbee - I just imagined that with six (block)heads...
  2. I understand what you mean, Widow. No, wait - I don't...
  3. Haha - understandable! I guess one plus for such a crammed cockpit might be, that the pilot's head could not get slammed anywhere far by positive Gs? He could just lean the head against the canopy.
  4. If nothing helps, you should write your problem in the "official" OFF forum, so the devs see it. Here is the address: http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/forums/89/1/Over_Flanders_Fields.html The second thread from the top: Technical Issues Good luck, Igor!
  5. Well, in the case of "football" I had been wondering about the wrong-seeming name (as explained by Cleese). But now you told us, that it once used to be played ONLY BY FOOT, which is the first time I heard that - and THEN the name makes sense in a way (although maybe they should have changed the name WITH the rules). Yeah, that's ONE thing we can't make the Americans responsible for. Mmuahahahaaa!!!
  6. Congrats to this fine find, Lou. Again one such extraordinary item has found you. You must have realised by now, they THEY find YOU, right? I wish you, that more of them find their - affordable - ways to your/their caring home, Sir.
  7. I read about similar reports here before, but never had the problem myself. So I hope for you, that some of those guys see your message and help you. Good luck, Igor! When your problems are solved, I'd like to get a message from you with your town and country - I'll add you to our OFF Forum Pilots Map then.
  8. Thx for the recom, Lou - and you know: we want to see PHOTOS of the tunic! Congrats on your find - I guess it's an original uniform?
  9. Thank you for the title - that way I could find several copies at ABEBOOKS. http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?an=Harold+Evans+Hartney&sts=t&tn=Up+and+at+%27em
  10. Geeze, they had a tough sortie that day. But seems they remained very cool. Yeah, I still have to explore about the Canadians. The Australians too. Robert, maybe you could list your top five books by Australian WW1 flyers?
  11. I'm Category 3: "...running it under Windows 7 (32bit). Talented? Not about computers. But yeah, describe how far you get and what happens - that should help detecting the problem. Tried it with AV program switched off? In the past, some of those programs caused problems, if I remember that correct.
  12. Yesterday I read this from Albert Einstein - many of you may know it, but it was new to me, and I like it: "The universe and the human stupidity are both infinite. Though - I'm not yet totally sure about the universe there."
  13. Good one

    Hey, I got that! No one ever bothered to explain it to me that simple! Florian, that's a good one too - but not really funny IMHO. It has a strong ring of truth, though.
  14. Going out on a limb...

    Huh! Christmas! Santa Claus! Gifts and presents! Still believe in that child stuff? Real amateurs you are! I have let printed 20.000 copies of my wish list and sent them to the North Pole - THAT'S how to boost chances! Mwahahahahahaaa!!!
  15. Ditto here - the benefits of getting older! Mmuahahahahaaa!!!
  16. Just found these photos at the San Diego Air & Space Museum archives on FLICKR - over 1.900 photos, always worth to stroll through. This was a real tough paintjob - who wants to try it and copy that? http://www.flickr.com/photos/sdasmarchives
  17. Lou, my advice: do the reading and spend time with the family. I have given up on even lesser tasks, like the red-white "Barberpole Albatros" - I just don't have the patience that would be necessary to make all the ends meet.
  18. Tony, I guess you will be up and bouncing again before that happens. And I am sure you'll triple enjoy it then!
  19. Tony, don't let the diagnose make you head-shy. I read that the chances of recovery are good nowadays. And I wish you the best for your surgery, and after.
  20. Guys, for books, this is a good address: http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?an=taylor&sts=t&tn=Sopwith+Scout+7309
  21. I'm wondering if people develop extremely funny ideas, when they live on an island for a very long time? ... ...but I like John Cleese's explanation of football (Americans better watch something else - Mmuahahaaa!!!):
  22. Naw, it's me usual face! Mmuahahahahaaa!!!
  23. Ah, I see - but I think you should be a tad more generous there. After all it is about aviation during the Great War, and that's more on topic than maybe most of the recent threads (and recent means a year or so...).

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