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Posts posted by Jamato46

  1. Just out of curisity, you are trying to map what action to what key?


    Any chance that key is also used by another utility? I know programs like trackir and fraps "lock" thier control keys (unless overriddn)


    Too many people are able to do this with no problems to assume its a software issue.


    Nothing fancy just normal things like zoom, landing gear to the joystick instead of the keyboard. After I save/configure, the

    box appears where I can put in the key or button and I enter the info but am locked up at that point. Contol Alt Delete lets

    me shut down the OFF Manager but I cannot change control settings in the controller section.


    I've had CFS3 running for about 3 weeks on both my computers and have had no problems with that game at all. I was able to

    do this on the last install but am unable to now.


    BTW if the key is used you can change it if you click ok.


    I've installed 3.1 and 3.1a to CFS3 and the 1.28 update for OFF.

  2. I wasn't having this problems before but I'm locking up after I save config as mine and try to change a control key. It will

    let me select a key but the OFF Manager locks up. I've installed and reinstalled twice already, changed joystick....


    It seems I'm not having any luck with this game, spent a great amount of time trying to get it to run but it seems

    to be one thing after another.


    I suppost I could just go into the xlm file and change it there. I don't have any of these problems with the CFS3 game running

    but as the title of this thread states, Am I missing something obvious?

  3. Would this be better in the OFF BHaH forum (unless you have got it sorted?)


    Still working on the problem atm.


    The question is about game controllers > MS FFB2 Sidewinder.


    I'm using it in a number of games: CFS3, IL2, Battleground Europe, OFF BHAE and would like to resolve some of the

    problems I'm having.


    I've posted in the OFF forums as well.



  4. Yes it works very well, but I have install SideWinder Game Controllsoftware 4.0 and give every button one piece and name it cfs 3




    I'm having a problem in both CFS3 and OFF BHAH where the force has to be reset when I get into the game. With

    CFS3 I can get out thru the Calibrate button and I only have to do it once I get into the game. In OFF BHAH it's not as reliable and I have to do it on every respawn.


    Do you have this problem?


    All three of my MS FFB2 Sidewinder joysticks are USB and the version is 4.3.281 created 6/28/2000, isn't this the version 4.0 you mention?



  5. I can't find the file the FAQ way but I think I found it. It's an XML file called devices.


    In bold is the part of the file it says to delete.



    <GameMode Name="Player">

    <Axis ID="X" Action="Set_Bank" Scale="64" Nullzone="36"/>

    <Axis ID="Y" Action="Set_Pitch" Scale="64" Nullzone="36"/>

    <Axis ID="Throttle" Action="AXIS_THROTTLE_SET" Scale="127" Nullzone="1"/>

    <Axis ID="Rudder" Action="Set_Yaw" />

    <Button ID="1" Action="Fire_Guns" />

    <Button ID="2" Action="FireCannonsOnly" />

    <Button ID="3" Action="ReleaseFireWeapon" />

    <Button ID="4" Action="SelectNextWeapon"/>

    <Button ID="5" Action="FLAPS_INCR" />

    <Button ID="6" Action="FLAPS_DECR" />

    <Button ID="7" Action="NextTarget"/>

    <Pov ID="1" Action="HeadPov" />

    <Button ID="8" Action="TogglePadlock"/>

  6. See the FAQ Jamato46


    probably.. "Q8. My rudder pedals seem to be reversed? -OR- How do I configure my CH Pro rudder pedals to run in OFF? -OR- I get odd changes in controls in flight, and I have rudder pedals and a twist joystick?"



    I haven't seen a FAQ section yet; can you please direct me.

  7. Hi,

    I'm trying to use a Microsoft FFB2 and CH pedals to play OFF and it's not working out. The twist rudder on the stick is

    active as well as the pedal rudder. Also when I come to the select screen the sticks gyros are working fine but as soon

    as soon as WWI is initialized and I am in the cockpit the stick looses its axis force. In other words it's as limp as a wet

    noodle. :rolleyes:


    My solution has been to hit eacape which will pause the game, bring up the controller panel and click on calibrate the

    joystick. As soon as I get to the Force Control all I have to do it click OK, which brings me back to the controller panel,

    click ok to exit the controller panel then close the selection panel and I'm back in the cockpit with a working joystick.


    This is a pain in the butt work-a-round and it doesn't always work. Often when I hit the calibrate button on the controller

    panel I get nothing but a locked up computer and the only way to get out is to hit the reset switch and then reboot.


    Anyone got any idea what I can do to solve this, short of using another joystick to play OFF?

  8. Hi,

    I'm trying to use a Microsoft FFB2 and CH pedals to play OFF and it's not working out. The twist rudder on the stick is

    active as well as the pedal rudder. Also when I come to the select screen the sticks gyros are working fine but as soon

    as soon as WWI is initialized and I am in the cockpit the stick looses its axis force. In other words it's as limp as a wet

    noodle. :rolleyes:


    My solution has been to hit eacape which will pause the game, bring up the controller panel and click on calibrate the

    joystick. As soon as I get to the Force Control all I have to do it click OK, which brings me back to the controller panel,

    click ok to exit the controller panel then close the selection panel and I'm back in the cockpit with a working joystick.


    This is a pain in the butt work-a-round and it doesn't always work. Often when I hit the calibrate button on the controller

    panel I get nothing but a locked up computer and the only way to get out is to hit the reset switch and then reboot.


    Anyone got any idea what I can do to solve this, short of using another joystick to play OFF?


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