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Everything posted by CW3SF

  1. OT....New CFS3 mod released

    So many questions are running through my mind. How soon will we have a Korean War F86F VS Mig15 ? Will it come out on a disk some day ( and to heck with the cost )? I want a disk not a list of instructions that end in "but first"!!! Sure glad to see folks moving in the right direction. How is the relationship with the Microsoft developers of CFS3 going. I have thought in the past that the better that is the better the chances are to "morph" CFS3 into other flight sims of different eras. Just my 2bits worth.
  2. Life is good with HITR updated to 1.47 but now I am feeling that my old cheap logitech extreem 3D pro is just not up to what I need. So my kids are asking what Dad needs to fly the wild blue with and this is where your advice is needed. I have only space for a twist type stick on my desk top. The current stick is all I need in most ways , but it should be of higher quality. Cost is of no concern ( the kids are paying ). I fly mostly OFF but do also enjoy some of the other Flight sims. Never do FPS games. Thanks for your input. CW3SF
  3. It looks like the Saitek X52 is the leader of the pack so far. Like I said cost is not a huge issue. Just looking for a "smooth feeling "stick that is well made. Having never had a FF stick the Tendonitus comment caused me to think twice about a FF stick. At my age (74) I have issues with a sore wrist after about an hour of flying. Getting old is not for cowards.
  4. I would love one that has FF as I am having a hard time with Stalls with out warning, that you get in a real airplane. Any Ideas on a FF Stick?
  5. What I would like to see

    Would some one keep us up to date on the Korean airwar Sim. That was my first action way back in days long ago. would love to see the yellow stripe of the 4th Fighter group and the checker tails of the 51 fighter wing. I try to remember only the good stuff!!!!
  6. It is now 26 hours since I ordered HITR and I have the first two emails ( came in seconds) giving me a conformation number ( #10591023) & saying it was paid for and I would be getting a "LICENSING INFORMATION" soon ( is soon over 1 day ?) , so I am asking these quesions. 1. Is this normal procedure? 2. I was not given a chance to buy "download insurance" during the process ( Quest. 1 again). On a lighter note Happy Thanksgiving to all.
  7. I tried three times to forward the Two emails about the HITR download failure issue. I used the address you sent and it did not work. In your original email there is a ; after com and that didi not work either. Lets try again. Thanks for your help. CW3SF [edited polovski - removed email address to avoid spam spider bots]
  8. For Olham

    I will try again using [edited polovski - removed email address to avoid spam spider bots] CW3SF
  9. Both of the emails that came about the same time stated that I would get an email with LICENCE INFORMATION!!! So far nothing!! You have my $10 and I have a Conformation # but no download information from and email. So what do we do now??
  10. I have been playing alot these last few months and have seen some bad AI air combat flying techniques. During every fight some fool goes into a steep climb and hangs there while I blast him. On a few missions I see an ace and hope for a good fight -- never happens. The AI has to be upgraded in P4 to keep my interest. Has there been any info. from the delveloper on improving AI? My 2 bits worth.
  11. I quess being away for a while has it's issues. First off I did not know about HITR. After looking at the "home site of OFF" and reading the "Philidelphia lawyer" script about the pleasures and evils of HITR I my at some time go for it. My new rig ( which a few of you advised me about this last March ) is doing great ( about 40 to 60 FPS ) in low level combat at full VGA settings, but being Win 7 64bit it my have some issues with HITR, hense my reluctance to go for right now. If P4 is to be sold as a disk ( like BTH&H was ) and include HITR then for sure I will wait. This old warrior is no computer Guru or even close to the understanding of these sometime "truly evil machines" that some of you folks have. But of course I do remember my first lesson in a BT-13 and where the say ing "balls to the wall" came from.
  12. I just gave this a try. Shot down five Spad V!! and noted the "geo" location and time. Filling out the form was a total guess as to just how to do it. I mentioned that my flight members ( by name) saw the action then listed the geophysical location of each followed by the listing of the time of each kill. A proper form would help -- I am sure some desk jocky could whip one up. God how I hated paperwork in all of my past jobs!!!!
  13. Where do you find " AI Skill" levels ?? I looked in the work shop and could not find any thing like that.
  14. I am running OFF with BH&H and my settings are max VGA card, and onlg Carb auto adjust. Look forward to P4. Thanks for you great and helpfull comments. Sure wish that other sites were as helpfull and cheerfull as you folks.
  15. All is going well with my getting back into the game, still a great flight sim. I am wondering if any one else is getting these "non critical warnings" about skins or aces or other stuff, all displayed in a small white box that needs to be checked to play the game. Often there lots of them. Is this some think new? Is some quirk that we need to be concernsd about. Thanks, CW3SF
  16. I tried to play after some 7 mos. off and got the reinstall OFF BH&H. Soooo, do I uninstall my OFF Bh&H ( the one disk ) and then reinstall it? Or, just over reinstall it? Or some other process? CF3 works just fine. Thank you in advance ( I see P4 is still over the horizon ). What was I doing for the past few months you ask. Doing all of the fun outdoor stuff with my son and grandson in Steamboat Springs CO. Ended it all a few weeks ago by filling up with Elk during black powder season, and then returned to AZ for the winter. Retirement is such a joy. CW3SF
  17. I guess this falls under housekeeping , both yours and mine. My skills at keeping all about me on a level keel and under control ( at my age of 74 ) is lacking and is not about to improve. Yours, on the other hand, is bright with the vigor of youth and the insight of several computer GURUS. To the point. Often when I leave to play and do other things for some time and then return I find my self an "outcast" ( not automaticaly signed in ). Of course I have missplaced my "magic words" so I have to go through the goatrope of getting one via the long email process. The last one I got was longer than all of the # of total people who ever lived on earth. How can I keep my automatic sign in after I have been away--- waiting for P4 I might add. Do you need money for this? Still flying and having fun. Thanks, CW3SF
  18. I installed CFS3 and OFF BHH in Feb of this year and played for about two weeks before moving on to other things. Just now I tried to "fire up" OFF BHH and I get this very small notation that states that I must reinstall OFF. I tried several times to make it work. Once I tried to just play CFS3 and the same "Note" came up. I now wonder if I just need to uninstall CFS3 and reinstall it. Is this wierd, or just one of those things that must be delt with. I am sure there are very specific instructions to uninstalling and reinstalling. Where are they? Of note, this is all happening on my new computer which several of you helped me choose all of the needed "goodies" to make a great machine. Thanks for your input, CW3SF
  19. Thanks, I guess Nvida updated so as you and Polovski ( over at Sim HQ) said just reset with in both games--- Easy. I did the whole bit at CFS3, even took a spin in the P47. With in OFF BHH I set all sliders at Max 5"s at 1900X1200 @32color and 4 Antil. ,and took of to a new experience with the IR5 working great. Thanks again. CW3SF
  20. Not since I sat in the cockpit of a BT-13, long, long ago, have I seen what a real cockpit experience looks like. Not the same of course, but better than the hat switch. Trying to work on fuel and oil smells, vibration, ( it was the" Vultee Vibrator" ) and G's -- but it is a true joy compaired to flying with the Track IR. I sill have to work on the settings, but so far so good. One quick question-- Did the real SE5 sound like a " dying washing machine" ? CW3SF
  21. Most of the time I get about 30% average over 10 missions. Go for the close shot , short burst of not more than 2 seconds, use your throttle to slow down behind the injured plane. Cross control to slow down even more. But WATCH YOUR SIX. CW3SF
  22. After fighting the battle with securom and loosing the fight to install IL 2 1946 I do not trust the "uninstall" program from them. That buch of crooks would most likley leave some "stuff" on my drive. I would love some advice as to how to get rid of all of it. Thanks Guys CW3SF
  23. Well I expunged Securom from my system. Went through each and every file to search for all of it's bread crumbs and destroyed the lot. It was too cool and windy here in AZ to hike or golf so that's my work for today. Thanks guys --- you folks here are dependable and accurate. Some time some where this bunch has to get togather for grand feast. Should that ever happen I,ll buy the first KEG!! CW3SF
  24. On of the folks at another web site offered the suggestion to up date SECUROM for a solution to another issue on installing another game ( LI 2 1946 ). Have any of you used SECUROM, and have an opinion about it. Many thanks. CW3SF
  25. No shearing sheds in my youth, but tending about 1000 chickens during WW2 I learned both frustration and pain. I tried last night to down it-- must be very large-- with my 1.5 Meg download speed ( about 800 kb in truth ) it ran for over an hour before bed time , so I shut it down. I'l try again this morning and just let it go until it's done. Now my next project is to find clear instructions on how to install TrackIR 5. The Bas%$#$% gave not even a hint of a printed manual and the on line one is of not much help. You would think one would get more for $150 these days. So it's off to cyber land for help with making TrackIR 5 work. Thanks for your comments fellows. CW3SF

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