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Everything posted by FrankD

  1. Well, your "just for fun WIP" looks very good. I tried to repaint too but the result really looked too cheap, rubbish, like a plastic toy.
  2. It seems that there's maybe a small glitch in the M2000C-S4's ini files, as the ServiceStartYear and ServiceEndYear, are respectively 1988 and 2020 in the "M2000C_RDI-S4_USERLIST.INI" while they are respectively 1987 and 2007 in the "M2000C_RDI-S4_DATA.INI" file. Also, but I'm nitpicking here, the "ExhaustEmitterName" parameter for all versions is set to "DirtyExhaustEmitter" while, from SNECMA, Jane's and other respectable sources, the compression chamber is moke-free by design. However, I changed this parameter to "CleanExhaustEmitter" in my files and I haven't noticed any visible difference in game so either I did something wrong, which is highly probable, or this parameter ain't that important.
  3. Hello Spectre8750, another impressive and instructive work you done there, I'm glad to have it on my disk. However, I'm facing an issue with the CAMPAIGN1 "101220 War For Israel", as whenever I pick a nation under the "United States Navy" , I'm experiencing a CTD. The error message that my OS show me is related to the "campaignscreen.dll", as shown on the below screenshot. My OS is WinXP Pro SP3, my game is a combo pack plus the two expansions and patched to Dec-2010C. I followed the installation instructions to the letter and everything else seems to work fine. Would you know what is going wrong? By the way, I also noticed that in both Campaigns' folder, there are .INI files, ie. "FORMATION.INI", "MISSIONCONTROL.INI", "SQUADRONLIST.INI", "NATIONS.INI" and so forth. Are we supposed to move them to their usual folder or are they automatically "activated" when one choose the campaign? (If so, I learnt something great, again thanks to your amazing work). Best regards
  4. Hey Sonny, what's up? Thanks for sharing your experience, the templates in fact fits well. They are not as detailed than the default skin extracted right from the cat files but there are indications, so they are still a quite good guide. By the way, would that skin, that you posted a preview of in another thread, be already available to download? http://combatace.com/topic/59732-aaaarrggh-who-wants-to-reskin-the-netz/page__view__findpost__p__446601
  5. Thank you for the (sad) info Wrench. I've no knowledge to build a template by myself so I'll try to modify an existing skin without ruining it too much ;)
  6. Hello EricJ, thanks for your link, I didn't knew there were templates there. However, I forgot to mention it in my post, I'm searching for SF2's templates so these won't make it.
  7. Looking for an explanation of what kind of weapon guidance each value of GuidanceType (weapondata.ini) corresponds to. (There are i think 12 types?) Thanks :) It may require a crosschecking as it's based on a doc file named "STRIKE FIGHTERS – PROJECT 1: INFO" revised in 2003 and have been updated by comparing the WeaponData.ini against the WeaponEditor: GuidanceType=0 None (ie Dumb bombs/unguided rockets) GuidanceType=1 Wire Guided (ie TOW) GuidanceType=2 Radio Command Guided (ie AS-30) GuidanceType=3 Semi-Auto Command Guided (ie Javelin SAM) GuidanceType=4 Laser Guided (ie GBU-12)* GuidanceType=5 TV Homing (ie Walleye)* GuidanceType=6 Imaging Infrared Homing (ie AGM15 D/F/G, GBU-15)* GuidanceType=7 Inertial Homing (ie Exocet, Kormoran, Sea Eagle, ASMP, Apache) GuidanceType=8 GPS Homing (ie GBU-31/32)* GuidanceType=9 Anti Radiation (ie AGM-45/88, Martel, Kh-28) GuidanceType=10 Heat Seaking (ie Sidewinder) GuidanceType=11 Beam Riding (ie SA-2) GuidanceType=12 Semi-Active Radar Homing (ie Sparrow, SA-6) GuidanceType=13 Active Radar Homing (ie Amraam) Please note that bombs are, in the WeaponEditor, limited to GuidanceType denoted by an asterisk, while missiles can have any form of guidance. Edit: the old doc file is also quoted in the SPF1's KB, maybe that it could be updated. http://combatace.com...4422#entry44422 3. Weapon editor presents information like those screenshots (Terminal PoP-Up, etc) for 3d party weapons that i just throw the files in the weapons folder. I guess the weapondata.dat file is somewhere inside its cat file and includes only the stock weaponry? And where Weapon Editor gets this information from ? You are right, the WEAPONDATA.INI file, which can be extracted from the ObjectData001.cat file, only includes the stock weapons. The WeaponEditor seems to check the mod folder, since it does allow one to pick the "Saved Game Folder" to work on. 4. I found those Storm Shadow family missiles have EO (5) as guidance system. I am going to try when i have time, but just had to ask anyways, if i altered it to 3 (CGR - "Semi-Auto Command guided") or 7 (inertial homing) will it work ? Will it work in same distances? or will lose range? or will not guide at all ? etc - I also guess theres no such as GPS in SF2 yet, right? I assume that Inertial and GPS Guidance only works on "mission target", as in a Strike Mission as I'm not sure that a pilot can modify on the fly such parameters. I'm gonna quote Wikipedia on this one as it's formulated in a much more understandable manner that I could write myself: Radar was the most common form of SACLOS signals in early systems, because, in the anti-aircraft role the target is typically being hit by a radar signal anyway. However, a beam-riding missile flies directly at the target, which is often inefficient for a high-speed target like an aircraft. For this reason, most anti-aircraft missiles follow their own route to the target, and do not "ride" the beam. A more modern use of beam-riding uses a laser illuminator pointed by the operator. This illuminates the target, and the missile head has a detector for the frequency of light emitted by the laser and can therefore guide itself to the target. This is also referred to as semi-active laser homing, by analogy with semi-active radar homing. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SACLOS http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beam_riding What would be the suggested method of the ones available (EO/TV is one?) to model in SF2 a stand-off (long range) A/G precision fire and forget weapon? Either targeting ship or ground target. What would be the way to choose for a weapon ini file to ensure long range fire and forget accurate hit ? In NF4, the AM-39 Exocet is set with an Inertial Guidance with Target Memory checked, I assume that it would make it as, if I understand it correctly, it would mean that once a target is designated to the missile, it remember its position and is able to get there on its own. Btw, where do we set what kind of missions an aircraft can take? anti-ship, sead, etc in the aicraft's DATA.ini file, there's a block named "[MissionData]" in which you can set its PrimaryRoles and SecondaryRoles... BUT in the Campaign's DATA.INI, one can also set the MissionChance for a given squadron, actually setting the aicraft's operational role.
  8. Hello Wolf_3, I'm on XP too but have an ATI card, AA on 8, AF on 16. It happens to me on most aircrafts converted from SF1. Sometimes, a few times in fact, lowering the cockpit resolution in the graphic settings helps but for most I simply decided to stick to stock and high grade third party aircrafts made specially for SF2. However, if you find a solution, I'll be interested too.
  9. Thanks for the explanations Spectre8750, this is good to keep in mind.
  10. Hello Spectre8750, becoming more and more interested by modding, I'm checking the actual modders' releases and I must say that your compilation and tuning work is impressive. Could you please tell me what is the benefit of having a dedicated ModuleDataFile rather than having the files in their respective Mod subfolders?
  11. The Quicker Take Offs speed up things but, as EricJ said, doesn't make your flight take off in formation. Back in 2006, it seems that TMF got something but I'm not sure that it really led somewhere. http://combatace.com/topic/12804-formation-takeoffs-wov/page__p__55900__hl__quicker+take+offs__fromsearch__1?do=findComment&comment=55900
  12. Hello, could anyone point me the newer versions please? Also, would it work on SF2 terrain if adapted to the new file structure?
  13. This thread should be hijacked and be force landed in the Knowledge base!
  14. Поздравляю lindr2! What an explosive work you did there, things can now be bombed with style and fidelity! ;)
  15. Thank you Fubar, that will helps a lot. As a further help, for the math/physics impaired people like me, I've found this page: Force Equation Formulas Calculator - Force Mass Acceleration Happy be the day wherein thou can make up for a lack of basic scientific education with a moderate skill to use Google !
  16. Thanks for the head up Dave, I clearly overlooked this ability from the start. Would you know what the "Seeker Uncage" ability to mean in gameplay terms?
  17. Hello GunnySonics, by default, on Vista/7, your mod folder is at "C:\Users\<username>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\", while on XP it's at "C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My documents\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\". That's where your "Campaigns" folder should be located. If it doesn't exist, as you guessed, simply create one. have fun
  18. Hello JAT, referring to your worksheet (ranges remind me Harpoon 4's figures for a small sized target), which I thank you for sharing as I love tables, shouldn't it be 60 as the S4 is an "RDI" 2000C? By the way, I'm not sure that any commercial sim can pretend to realistically render ECM, so as far as the whole system is coherent and not biased, it's good enough by far. ;) PS: if you want more Harpoon's figures, I've got the whole annexes on a shelf.
  19. Hello Squid, As far as I know, it's only with the Mirage 2000-5 Mk2 that the radar get two new modes that allow an Exocet to be fired. Export versions may also get that ability. I probably have not searched correctly in the KB and thus didn't found it there but here is a post in the German speaking section of the forum that gives the details: http://combatace.com/topic/60748-frage-zu-weaponstations-und-den-weapons-an-sich/page__view__findpost__p__455809
  20. Squid, here is the list of the weapons that come with Mirage pack: 1200, 1700 and 2000 things are the fuel tanks, 68mm, 100mm, F4, MRF1-4 are rocket pods. As you can see, you are getting most of the stores supplied with the Mirage pack, probably that the BGL ("Bombe Guidée Laser" for Laser Guided Bomb) would be available for a Strike mission. The other weapons shown on Dave's screenshots are from a 3rd party weapon pack, so don't be bothered being short. (She don't care she said ;)). About MICA IR, it's faster and a bit more powerful than a than a Sidewinder. Its ranges are from 0.13 to 43 nm. PS: radar range is changed by pressing page down, while radar mode is changed by pressing page up here. These are the default settings as far as I know. Dave, by the way, there is a possible small glitch about the JammerStrength value of the Sabre Jammer, as its set to 75 for the S4, while its set to 60 for the S5 and to 65 for the 2000-5F, S1 and S3 being both at 55. I don't pretend to have an intimate knowledge of the M2000's ECM suite, nor I want to argue about "realism" in a game, but I haven't found anything that indicate a such "powerfulness" specific to the S4. So, is it by design?
  21. Thanks for your hard work ChampionsVA56, your MPG is awfully great to fly in. It's great to shoot things down and blow things up , even more when these things are well crafted. The artwork is great looking btw. PS: May i simply suggest to keep your files named in a cohesive way, for example "Mescalero Package PART 3.zip" for that new one? It would ease installation process for greenhorns and avoid situation like "Where the hell did I put the Mescalero Drone Pack 1 ??!!" during a reinstallation in months or years. ;)
  22. Hello Kevin, in the same file, shouldn't "EnemyNation001=Lybia" be spelt "EnemyNation001=Libya"? Great attention to details, it's closer to a FSX scenery than a battlefield one is flying above at 500 knots ;)

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