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Everything posted by FrankD

  1. Some details about serials and org: http://www.acig.org/...ticle_169.shtml The Mirage 5 COAM's radar is an Elta EL/M-2001B, HHQ being correct, while the COA, COD and COR had no radar as per this Colombian page (crosschecked with Jane's publications) : http://www.fuerzasmi...aza_mirage.html COAM Pit: From my books (amongst them "Minidocavia #19" by Hervé Beaumont), the COA were ready to be equipped with an Aïda II radar and a Doppler ground radar but were actually not. The fuel system and capacity is probably identical to what I posted on TW's forums about the Mirage 5D.
  2. Awesome! I assume that a comfortable SeekerRange would prevent such issue but it looks like I haven't done my homework, I should have tested it more. Thanks for this truly enlightening clarification Fubar512.
  3. How so Fubar? I can't find any truly good reason to have set a such delay. I'm just curious though since it's an easy fix.
  4. I don't have a clue about the exporter used but the models have been reworked and the main LOD is dated from January 2011.
  5. It's great to have an unified pack of such quality, no need to be bothered with dozen parts of existing mods anymore, thank you very much Stary!
  6. The nations I mentioned actually have flown CAS, not all mentioned by EricJ, nor Poland neither Canada, did as far as I know. Germany performed RECON missions, as Italy. Now, if you want an exhaustive list that include all nations that have soldiers there, the list is longer than mentioned by anyone. (Nations that had at least 150 personnel out there anytime in the 2007-2011 timeframe, alphabetically sorted ) [LimitedNationList] FriendlyNation001=Albania FriendlyNation002=Australia FriendlyNation003=Belgium FriendlyNation004=Bulgaria FriendlyNation005=Canada FriendlyNation006=Croatia FriendlyNation007=Czechoslovakia FriendlyNation008=Denmark FriendlyNation009=Estonia FriendlyNation010=Finland FriendlyNation011=France FriendlyNation012=FrenchNavy FriendlyNation013=Georgia FriendlyNation014=Greece FriendlyNation015=Hungary FriendlyNation016=Italy FriendlyNation017=Latvia FriendlyNation018=Lithuania FriendlyNation019=Macedonia FriendlyNation020=Netherlands FriendlyNation021=NewZealand FriendlyNation022=Norway FriendlyNation023=Poland FriendlyNation024=Portugal FriendlyNation025=RAF FriendlyNation026=Romania FriendlyNation027=RoyalNavy FriendlyNation028=SKorea FriendlyNation029=Slovakia FriendlyNation030=Spain FriendlyNation031=Sweden FriendlyNation032=Turkey FriendlyNation033=USAF FriendlyNation034=USMC FriendlyNation035=USN FriendlyNation036=WGermany Afghanistan may be set as Friendly nation, or as Neutral if you add the ANA (Afghan National Army) as Friendly, especially if you add the Taliban as Enemy.
  7. No trees on Twenthe's runway nor mass of road signs here my dear neighbour. I've got no trees at all (all options maxed out) and I haven't been able to find road signs, be it on map or in the files, though. My system is WinXP Pro 32 bits SP3, HD4850 (Dx9) and my gamse is a combo + both expansion packs.
  8. When Sim City make up with a Combat Sim... Very nice work Wrench
  9. Belgium, Denmark, France, Netherlands and Norway are, or were, providing air delivery service in Afghanistan, all, but France, with F-16AM, France with Mirage 2000, F-1CR and Rafale. Eventually, Afghan National Army Air corp may be added if you consider Mi-35 being a worthwhile support platform in the game.
  10. hello modders, In SPF1's KB, one can find jewels, amongst them some suggested "Flare and Chaff Realism Edits". http://combatace.com/topic/20579-flare-and-chaff-realism-edits/page__p__88971__hl__radarcrosssection__fromsearch__1?do=findComment&comment=88971 But there's something that bog me. But wouldn't it also limit the effective distance at which the countermeasure is seen by the countermeasured sensor? (it's now set to 12000 by default)
  11. Well, that's what I did of course but I'm still wondering why it was set that way by default, and kept as it in the mods, even if ndicki's explanation is sound. Isn't the reloading time set in the launcher's data with the "MissileLaunchTime" parameter?
  12. Here you go: http://combatace.com/files/file/4714-woe-air-defense-mod-v01zip/
  13. CAP over the Tripolitania, izdelie 9.12B
  14. You are welcome EricJ, but as posted above (and quoted below), I'm having issues with it. Not sure if I messed up with the ini or the bmp.
  15. Thanks Wrench. That's what I supposed initially but I haven't been able to find that version in my files.
  16. In the same file: I assume, Wrench, that it should be "Hawk", as, for example, in the IR_TYPES.INI file? By the way, any clue about the Water map issue? Is there somewhere one must define red for water?
  17. Gorgeous pics Gustav, as always, especially the first.
  18. Nice one Spinners, RAF style check board is interesting to see on a BAF AC. 27 Sqn's colours are blue and white though, not blue and black.
  19. Thanks X Ray, gonna give it a try. Edit: Could you please point me the DX9 effects? The only I'm able to find are for DX10.
  20. Nice pics X Ray. Is the light effect directly ingame or you added it with an external tool?
  21. Hello mosherec, in your modfolder, open the "Options.ini" file. Find the "[singleMission]" bloc and change the StartYear and EndYear parameters to, for example: StartYear=1950 EndYear=2050 Save and have fun.
  22. Hello modders, from your experience, when action, be it a mission or a campaign, takes place in a limited portion of a terrain, to improve performance, particularly cutting down the loading time, does it worth to delete unused, not even seen, target areas and ground objects? Thanks for your attention.

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