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Posts posted by Cliff7600

  1. 8 hours ago, Wilches said:

    The setting above seams to make it close not to open.

    ..so it works.
    Then try this :



    The ModelNodeName is only needed if you want to add some aero coefficients, as drag for example (just my guess).

    • Like 2
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  2. No such issues, I misspoke.
    I wanted to say that the F-86 cockpit doesn't have the double set of gauges for both engines, like the Javelin, the Meteor or the G-91Y cockpits.
    And it doesn't have a range counter.

    It's a quick fix, as the RPM gauge has a double set of needles, one small one large, so each engine has its own needle. And it doesn't make a difference in game.
    And I doubled the values on the fuel flow texture, 0 to 24 instead of 0 to 12.
    As for the range counter, I converted the side slip needle to a 0 - 60 NM indicator.

    The original F-86 fuel flow indicator setting should be :


    • Like 2
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  3. The spokesperson of the kingdom of Dhimar announced that a formal complaint has been filed against the empire of Paran for having armed military aircrafts flying under civilian registrations.


    The head of the training center "Falcon Flight", based near Horreya - Empire of Paran, answered it was a necessary measure to protect innocent civilian student pilots during their flights
    from (quote) the very dangerous and totally irresponsible trigger fanatics that were recruited in the armies of Dhimar, including their crazy pilots

    Chief of the parani public relations added that there was no concern about these aircrafts being equipped with a machine gun because it was "filled with lead".


    A parani MiG-15 photographed while flying over a Royal Dhimari Air Force base :

    • Like 8

  4. 3 hours ago, UllyB said:

    you want a real majority to support a winner

    I don't "want" anything (I had few minutes to write an answer during my lunch break, hence the lack of explanation).
    It's just that 27% of votes for the winner make 73% of the voters disappointed. This is due to the number of competitors.

    The idea behind the second round would be to make more people voting for the winner.
    If you make a vote with 3 contestants, it will increase the percentage of the winner (at least 33.333% if it's a tie, and the first round score would make the difference).
    So, yes an higher majority to support the winner. More people behind the elected one.
    I have nothing against the leading contestant.
    But at the end, winning with a "low" score can leave more disappointed people than happy people.

    Then, if the percentage is "low" after a second round, it should be the winner anyway, unless the rules of the vote don't allow it (and that's not the case).
    And if the winner of the second round was also the winner of the first round, it will enhance his status as winner for all participants as well.

    3 hours ago, UllyB said:

    I established a two week vote, hoping that we will gather , at least, a stable "core" of interested voters

    I fully agree with you on this point.

    And I noticed that you said that the winner will be the aircraft with the most votes.

  5. On 08/02/2023 at 5:28 PM, UllyB said:

    Actually I was wanting to propose exactly that, in the end, Sunday, to VOTE (you, all who made all the propositions) and let the majority decide

    The majority is 50% or more.
    Take 1000 or 10 people, 25% is not the majority. Unless it's a relative majority.

    The difference is to deal with 750 / 7.5 disappointed people, or with 500 / 5, or less, disappointed people.

    2 hours ago, UllyB said:

    why bother futhermore ?

    Then don't bother, it's your choice.

    2 hours ago, UllyB said:

    you can't change the rules

    I don't make the rules.
    It's just you retained a part of my suggestion of vote, and not the entire idea.

    2 hours ago, UllyB said:

    because the outcome doesn't look as you hoped for

    The aircrafts I have chosen wouldn't have been in a second round anyway.

  6. On 12/02/2023 at 10:24 AM, Cliff7600 said:

    So I would make a poll for each category of aircrafts.
    Not to decide which aircraft will be created, but to ask people their preference and then take a decision

    I'd like to underline that,
    because I really think that you should make a second round with only the highest scores.

    Otherwise the "most wanted" bird would have been chosen by a quarter of the voting community.

    • Like 1

  7. Modding in progress :

    I wasn't too happy with the handling at slow speed and sometimes the wingmen crashed.
    I just don't know what happened to this one

    So I decided to give more lift... but the landings on the aircraft carrier were not good anymore
    I got rear-ended by a wingman.

    I thought I should go further on the deck to wait for the wingmen, but the edge is not where it seems ^^ the left wheel is still there.

    On this one I recreated the issue just for the screenshot xD
    Wrong settings for a fake engine that I gave up later. Only the regular engines remain.

    I added some reverse and it worked as wanted with the player aircraft but not with the AI aircrafts who started to crash, so I deleted everything.
    The purpose of a fake engine at 0,0,0 of the model was to have a reverse sound, and it worked.
    But it looks like someone was smoking in the cargo bay next to a barrel of gasoline.

    It's going to take longer than I thought, but as long as the Royal Navy let me use their carrier (in the straits of Dhimar) it's ok.

    • Like 9
    • Haha 2

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